Following the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Global Financial Crisis, China’s foreign policy shifted to become more assertive, effecting a systematic deterioration in the US–China relationship. In 2017, the US’ China policy shifted from that of 'engagement’ to 'strategic competition’ under Trump — a policy which has remained under the Biden administration.
Indo-Pacific Security: US–China Rivalry and Regional States’ Responses explores how states in the Indo-Pacific region have had to adjust to the reality and implications of this growing great power rivalry. In the process, this book fills a gap in the area studies, international relations, and security studies literature. It provides a compelling account of the trajectory of US–China relations while illuminating the varied responses of regional states: from Australia, India and Japan, to South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Pacific Island states.
- About the Editors
- List of Contributors
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction (Nicholas Khoo, Germana Nicklin, and Alexander C Tan)
- The Trump Administration and the Unravelling of the United States’ China Engagement Policy (Nicholas Khoo)
- How Japan is Managing US–China Competition (Bhubhindar Singh)
- Negotiating the Challenges of Asymmetry: South Korea and US–China Rivalry (John W Tai and Kanghee Park)
- Thailand’s Alignment Policy in US–China Competition: From Cold War to Present (Nutthathirataa Withitwinyuchon)
- Taiwan’s Strategic Choices in the Era of a Rising China (T Y Wang and Alexander C Tan)
- Reliable, Reticent, or Reluctant? India and US–China Rivalry (Neel Vanvari)
- Southeast Asia and US–China Competition: Realities, Responses, and Regional Futures (Prashanth Parameswaran)
- Spatialities of Power in the Antarctic Ross Sea Region: New Zealand, the United States, and China (Germana Nicklin)
- Maritime Insecurity and the Changing Regional Order: Australia as an 'Indo-Pacific Power’ (Rebecca Strating)
- Conclusions: Lessons Learned (Alexander C Tan, Nicholas Khoo, and Germana Nicklin)
- Index
Readership: Scholars and students of international relations and international politics of the Indo-Pacific. Policymakers in/involved in the same area.
Key Features:
- This book focuses on how regional states are responding to the intensification of the US–China strategic competition
- Perspectives presented are from experts and authors who are from the region and provide an inside view of regional states’ responses