Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Illustrations
J. Phillip Thompson
Benjamin P. Bowser and Chelli Devadutt
Part I. Structural Underpinnings of Inequality
1. Economy: Inequality in New York City: The Intersection of Race and Class
James A. Parrott
2. Housing: The Paradox of Inclusion and Segregation in the Nation’s Melting Pot
Ingrid Gould Ellen, Jessica Yager, and Maxwell Austensen
3. Education: New York City School Segregation Then and Now: Plus Ça Change
Norman Fruchter and Christina Mokhtar
Education Addendum
Improving School Culture to Reduce Educational Disparities for Black and Latino Young Men
Adriana Villavicencio, Shifra Goldenberg, and Sarah Klevan
4. Government: Do Mayors Matter? Race, Justice, and the Men in City Hall, 1965–2017
Jarrett Murphy
Part II. The Race Mountains
Introduction to Part 2
Hector R. Cordero-Guzmán
5. African Americans and Racialized Inequality in New York City
Benjamin P. Bowser
6. Latino Americans: The Evolving Latino Population in New York City
Hector R. Cordero-Guzmán
7. West Indian Americans: Select Socioeconomic Characteristics of West Indian Immigration in New York City
Calvin Holder and Aubrey W. Bonnett
8. Asian Americans: Immigration, Diversity, and Disparity
Howard Shih
9. Ethnic Conflict: How Much Exists in New York City?
Benjamin P. Bowser, John Flateau, Hector R. Cordero-Guzmán, Howard Shih, Calvin Holder, and Aubrey W. Bonnett
Part III. Practice and Policy
Introduction to Part 3
Hector R. Cordero-Guzmán
10. Policing: Stop and Frisk: Continuity of Racial Control and Reconstructed Blackness
Natalie P. Byfield
Policing Addendum: Race-Based Discrimination in Expert Witness Testimony
George W. Woods and Stephen Greenspan
11. Public Health: Public Policy, HIV/AIDS, and the Destruction of Community in New York City
Robert Fullilove
Public Health Addendum: Inequalities in Health and Access to Health Services in New York City: Change and Continuity
Michael K. Gusmano and Victor G. Rodwin
12. Human Development Index: The Five New Yorks: Understanding Inequality by Place and Race in New York City
Kristen Lewis and Sarah Burd-Sharps
13. Public Housing: New York City’s Third City
Victor Bach
14. Political Participation: Black New Yorkers: Fifty Years of Closing the Political Inequality Gap, 1965–2016
John Flateau
15. Social Capital, Gentrification, and Inequality in New York City
James Rodriguez, Robert L. Hawkins, and Andrew Wilkes
Conclusion and Recommendations
Benjamin P. Bowser and Chelli Devadutt