Thousands of children raising themselves in the city dump of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. From eastern to western borders, 1, 500 miles of bare, dry, dusty land. Thirty miles of running per day. Seventy-five days. And one yes. Those are the numbers that don’t add up in the realm of possible, but that’s where dangerous begins–saying yes to the impossible.
In this harrowing tale, former ski bum now local pastor in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Brian Hunter recounts his adventure running across the country of Mongolia with his wife and two small kids in tow. As the story unfolds, powerful truths that can guide you on a similar road to becoming dangerous are outlined. From the initial decision to commit to doing something doctors told him was physically impossible, to the ultimate faith test to walk away from a steady income to support his family, to the traveling logistics that almost kept him from even getting into the country, to the treacherous trek in constantly changing climate on an unmarked road, to losing and miraculously finding his support crew multiple times, to facing the thousands of children living amongst the trash and filth of one of the world’s coldest cities, Brian can say with authority: It’s not about how you start the race; it’s all about how you finish.
You, too, can become dangerous when you commit to doing life STRONG TO THE FINISH.
To learn more or contact Brian, visit or
Tabela de Conteúdo
Chapter 1 Running on Empty
Chapter 2 Long-Distance Call
Chapter 3 The Beginning of Me
Chapter 4 Plans for the Future
Chapter 5 Putting Our Yes on the Table
Chapter 6 Agreement Through Tears
Chapter 7 Opportunity and Opposition
Chapter 8 Preparation Brings Peace
Chapter 9 A Land Forgotten by Time
Chapter 10 The Road Less Traveled
Chapter 11 The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
Chapter 12 Change or Die
Chapter 13 Shivering, Starving, and Lost
Chapter 14 Worry’s Not Worth It
Chapter 15 Chilling at the Goat Motel
Chapter 16 Mandatory Fun
Chapter 17 The Best and Worst Meal of My Life
Chapter 18 The Lost Children of Mongolia
Chapter 19 Hopping Into a Trash Compactor
Chapter 20 The Final Miles
Chapter 21 Live Dangerously
Sobre o autor
For over eighteen years, Brian and his wife, Lissa, have been ministering to families in the local church and to ski bums in the backcountry of the Rockies. In 2013, Brian founded Strong to the Finish, a nonprofit organization devoted to inspiring people to reaching their fullest potential in life. He is also a graduate from Oral Roberts University. Brian is the founding and lead pastor of Tribe, a growing church community nestled in scenic Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
When Brian’s not cheering his daughter Selah on in soccer, camping in the desert with his son Kai, or doing ministry side-by-side with his wife, Lissa; he can be found scampering up and skiing down the Tetons. For more information, visit and