Fotografia, Filme, Vídeo, TV ApoioCatalogCiência EspiritualArte / ArquiteturaGeral, DicionáriosHistória da ArteBelas ArtesArquiteturaDesign de Interiores, DesignTeatro, baléFotografia, Filme, Vídeo, TVAntiguidadesOutro26.360 Ebooks nesta categoria Geoffrey MacNab: Screen Epiphanies ”What I remember was that it was the first time a piece of fiction had had such a devastating emotional effect on me. A lot of children remember seeing cartoons, Pinocchio or Bambi or something that … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.68 Lisa Pritchard: Setting Up a Successful Photography Business This revised second edition of the best-selling handbook provides practical, actionable insights on how to establish a successful photography business in the current climate. Written from the perspec … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.48 Michael W. Thomas: Popular Ethiopian Cinema This book shines much-needed light on the history, structures and films of the Amharic film industry in Ethiopia. Focusing on the rise of the industry from 2002, until today, and embedded in archival … EPUB Adobe DRM €104.11 Eugene Vale: Vale”s Technique of Screen and Television Writing Vale”s Technique of Screen and Television Writing is an updated and expanded edition of a valuable guide to writing for film and television. Mr. Vale takes the aspiring writer through every phase of … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.46 Pamela Stephenson: The Varnished Untruth Along with my own personal story, I am going to write down a few things that may amuse you (or even take you down some other emotional path) and I”ll let you in on a few so-far-unrevealed aspects of … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.71 Steven Soderbergh: sex, lies and videotape Like Michael Powell”s Peeping Tom , Steven Soderbergh”s sex, lies and videotape presents us with a protagonist who can only connect with others through the lens of a camera. Graham is an enigmatic … EPUB Adobe DRM €8.54 Jessica Ka Yee Chan: Chinese Revolutionary Cinema Engaging with fiction films devoted to heroic tales from the decade and a half between 1949 and 1966, this book reconceives state propaganda as aesthetic experiments that not only radically transform … EPUB Adobe DRM €92.75 Will Studdert: The Jazz War During World War II, jazz embodied everything that was appealing about a democratic society as envisioned by the Western Allied powers. Labelled `degenerate” by Hitler”s cultural apparatus, jazz wa … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.28 Ahmed Ghazal: Egyptian Cinema and the 2011 Revolution Egypt”s film industry is the largest in the Middle East, with an output that spreads across the region and the world. In the run-up to and throughout the 2011 Revolution, a complex relationship form … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.66 Maggie Brown: Channel 4 This book covers a dramatic decade in the fortunes of Britain”s quirkiest broadcaster. It opens in 2009, with the realisation that Channel 4”s biggest money spinner, Big Brother, had become a toxic … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.56 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×