Fotografie, film, video, TV AjutorCatalogȘtiințe umaneArtă / ArhitecturăGeneral, enciclopediiIstoria arteiArte PlasticeArhitecturăArhitectură de interior, designTeatru, baletFotografie, film, video, TVantichitățiDiverse26.360 Ebooks din această categorie Paul Coates: Cinema and Colour Cinema and Colour: The Saturated Image is a major new critical study of the use of colour in cinema. Using the dialectic of colour and monochrome as a starting point, Paul Coates explores the symboli … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.96 Tom Milne: Mamoulian The great Armenian-American director Rouben Mamoulian (1897-1987) remains a favourite among film-makers, his films combining great technical originality with a uniquely poetic visual style.  … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.82 Pam Cook: Nicole Kidman Pam Cook”s study of the star persona of Nicole Kidman traces Kidman”s career trajectory through an examination of her (sometimes controversial) film choices and places her in the context of a globa … EPUB Adobe DRM €26.49 Matthew Strohl: Why It”s OK to Love Bad Movies Most people are too busy to keep up with all the good movies they’d like to see, so why should anyone spend their precious time watching the bad ones? In Why It’s OK to Love Bad Movies, philosopher a … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.59 Catherine O’Brien: Martin Scorsese”s Divine Comedy This book is open access and available on It is funded by Knowledge Unlatched. Catherine O”Brien draws on the structure of Dante Alighieri”s Divine Comedy to explore … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.85 Sarah K. Balstrup: Spiritual Sensations The secular, pluralist culture of the West encourages a subjective approach to spiritual truth where stimulating emotional experiences, such as those provided by film, can contribute to personal conc … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.73 Peter Cherry: Muslim Masculinities in Literature and Film A climate of Islamophobia allows anxieties about Muslim men living in and migrating to Britain to endure. British Muslims men are often profiled in highly negative terms or regarded with suspicion ow … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.58 Richard Salkeld: Reading Photographs Reading Photographs is a clear and inspiring introduction to theories of representation and visual analysis and how they can be applied to photography. Introducing the development of photography and … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.43 Dilan Tuysuz: International Perspectives on Rethinking Evil in Film and Television Aestheticization of evil is a frequently used formula in cinema and television. However, the representation of evil as an aesthetic object pushes it out of morality. Moral judgments can be pushed asi … EPUB Adobe DRM €276.40 Ernesto R. Acevedo-Munoz: Pedro Almodovar The book provides a detailed introduction to the essential themes, style, and aesthetics of Pedro Almodovar”s films, put in the context of Spain”s profound cultural transitions since 1980. With pre … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.56 Pagina următoare >>> 0 0 Casa 0,00 × × × Schimbați limba utilizatorului × ArabicGermanăEnglezăSpaniolăFrancezaHindusă IndonezianăItalianaMalaezianOlandezăPolonezăPortughezăRomânescRusăSuedezăTailandezTurcUcraineanVietnamezăChinezInternational Modal ×