A new understanding of cognitive development from the perspective
of neuroscience
This book provides a state-of-the-art understanding of the neural
bases of cognitive development. Although the field of developmental
cognitive neuroscience is still in its infancy, the authors
effectively demonstrate that our understanding of cognitive
development is and will be vastly improved as the mechanisms
underlying development are elucidated.
The authors begin by establishing the value of considering
neuroscience in order to understand child development and then
provide an overview of brain development. They include a critical
discussion of experience-dependent changes in the brain. The
authors explore whether the mechanisms underlying developmental
plasticity differ from those underlying adult plasticity, and more
fundamentally, what distinguishes plasticity from
Having armed the reader with key neuroscience basics, the book
begins its examination of the neural bases of cognitive development
by examining the methods employed by professionals in developmental
cognitive neuroscience. Following a brief historical overview, the
authors discuss behavioral, anatomic, metabolic, and
electrophysiological methods. Finally, the book explores specific
content areas, focusing on those areas where there is a significant
body of knowledge on the neural underpinnings of cognitive
development, including:
* Declarative and non-declarative memory and learning
* Spatial cognition
* Object recognition
* Social cognition
* Speech and language development
* Attention development
For cognitive and developmental psychologists, as well as students
in developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive
development, the authors’ view of behavioral development from the
perspective of neuroscience sheds new light on the mechanisms that
underlie how the brain functions and how a child learns and
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction: Why should developmental psychologists be
interested in the brain?
1. Brain Development and Neural Plasticity.
2. Neural Plasticity.
3. Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience.
4. The Development of Speech and Language.
5. The Development of Declarative (or Explicit) Memory.
6. The Development of Nondeclarative (or Implicit) Memory.
7. The Development of Spatial Cognition.
8. The Development of Object Recognition.
9. The Development of Social Cognition.
10. The Development of Higher Cognition (Executive)
11. The Development of Attention.
12. The Future of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
Sobre o autor
CHARLES A. NELSON III, Ph D, is Professor of Pediatrics at
Harvard Medical School, holds the Richard David Scott Chair in
Pediatric Developmental Medicine Research at Children’s Hospital
Boston, and is the Director of Research in the Developmental
Medicine Center, Children’s Hospital Boston. His research is
concerned with developmental cognitive neuroscience broadly
defined, with specific interests in the effects of early experience
on brain-behavior development, in memory development, and in the
development of face processing.
MICHELLE de HAAN, Ph D, is Senior Lecturer at the
Institute of Child Health, Birkbeck College, University of London.
Dr. de Haan’s main area of research is the neural basis of visual
recognition and long-term memory. She is the Associate Editor of
Developmental Science.
KATHLEEN M. THOMAS, Ph D, is Assistant Professor at the
Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota. Dr. Thomas
applies neurophysiological techniques, such as MRI, to address the
interaction among multiple neural systems involved in learning.