Though some claim otherwise, the theory of evolution is exactly that–a theory. Many of its assumptions will never be proven. Evolution You Say? Absolutely No Way! takes the reader on a humorous journey to clarify and discover the truth. You’ll enjoy predictions of future mutations, analysis of the past, six possible reasons why dinosaurs are extinct, limericks, flying spiders, nesting elephants, and answers to difficult questions.
Is it possible for any species to determine what its optimum level of existence is and then strive to reach it? No! Could evolution coordinate every required mutation to show up exactly where it is needed precisely when it was needed? No! Physical changes would have been rare and random, nothing more than accidental coincidences leading to death.
Have you ever considered which organ developed first? The heart or the lungs? Could one exist without the other? Can a creature with a partially formed stomach stay alive while waiting for the next necessary mutation to magically appear and strengthen the acid? How did rabbits move about before they grew limbs? What would animals ask for if they could talk during metamorphosis? How was food swallowed before there was a tongue? After its creation, a plant or animal can modify itself slightly over time through natural selection, but evolving something from nothing is impossible. A mindless piece of fibrous tissue can’t will itself to improve!