By Fulton J. Sheen
The Priest Is Not His Own is far more than a book for priests or for those considering the priesthood as a vocation. In these penetrating, deeply pondered discussions of the priesthood, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen has produced a work of lasting value, a book that will perhaps change many hundreds of lives, and certainly a book that will also interest readers who have no direct concern with the priesthood as a calling.
Inspiration for this volume came while Bishop Sheen was writing his famed Life of Christ, and it was out of those ‘dark days, ‘ as he describes them, that the thoughts of priesthood, illumined by the vision of Christ the Savior, were first formulated.
Just as the earlier work was based on the thesis that Christ offered no other sacrifice but Himself, so in this new book, Bishop Sheen envisages the priest as a man sacrificing himself in the prolongation of Christ’s Incarnation.
Bishop Sheen writes of how all priests whether pagan or in the Old Testament offered victims distinct from themselves, such as lambs. But in Christ and the Christian conception, priest and victim are united inseparably.
Drawing on his profound knowledge of Scripture, Bishop Sheen is able to describe the exact and true significance of the individual priest, and in vibrant detail, his constant, unending sacrifice as victim.
In considering the priest’s many obligations and roles, and his ever more gratifying fulfilment of them, Bishop Sheen has created a series of unsurpassed meditations. It is a very concrete guide to the many ways in which each priest can enrich his own spiritual life, as well as the lives of all those around him.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen brings the life of the Priesthood of Christ into terms of sacrifice, suffering, and vindication. This book is amazing in that while it speaks primarily to the ministerial Priesthood, the lessons learned can be translated easily to the priesthood of the faithful through Baptism. The depth of this teaching of what a priest ‘is, ‘ and not what a priest ‘does, ‘ is amazing. Sheen’s ability to speak of deep subjects directly, yet with poetic beauty, is mesmerizing.
The Priest Is Not His Own is the work of a great and beloved inspirational leader – a world-famous priest himself writing eloquently and insistently to his colleagues and to those who would join him in a calling he understands and has most brilliantly realized.
Tabela de Conteúdo
Chapter 1: More Than a Priest
Chapter 2: The Priest is Like Jacob’s Ladder
Chapter 3: Spiritual Generation
Chapter 4: The Holiness of the Priest
Chapter 5: The Holy Spirit and the Priest
Chapter 6: The Spirit and Conversion
Chapter 7: The Spirit of Poverty
Chapter 8: The Spirit and Preaching and Praying
Chapter 9: The Spirit and Counselling
Chapter 10: The Priest as Simon and Peter
Chapter 11: The Return to Divine Favor
Chapter 12: Melchizedek and Bread
Chapter 13: Judas and the First Crack in His Priesthood
Chapter 14: Why Make a Holy Hour?
Chapter 15: How to Make the Holy Hour
Chapter 16: The Eucharist and the Body of the Priest
Chapter 17: The Priest and His Mother