The history of Britain and Ireland is incomprehensible without an understanding of the Christian faith that has shaped it. Introduced when the nations of these islands were still in their infancy, Christianity has provided the framework for their development from the beginning.
Gerald Bray’s comprehensive overview demonstrates the remarkable creativity and resilience of Christianity in Britain and Ireland. Through the ages, it has adapted to the challenges of presenting the gospel of Christ to different generations in a variety of circumstances. As a result, it is at once a recognizable offshoot of the universal church and a world of its own. It has also profoundly affected the notable spread of Christianity worldwide in recent times.
Although historians have done much to explain the details of how the church has evolved separately in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, a synthesis of the whole has rarely been attempted. Yet the story of one nation cannot be understood properly without involving the others; so, Gerald Bray sets individual narratives in an overarching framework.
Accessible to a general readership, The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland draws on current scholarship to serve as a reference work for students of both history and theology.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. In the Beginning (to AD 597)
2. Between Ireland and Rome (597-871)
3. One Church in Four Nations (871-1154)
4. The High Middle Ages (1154-1307)
5. The Crisis of Christendom (1307-1384)
6. New Wine in Old Wineskins (1384-1485)
7. Tudor Church Reform (1485-1571)
8. The Calm before the Storm (1571-1625)
9. Sowing the Wind (1625-1653)
10. Reaping the Whirlwind (1653 -1717)
11. An Age of Faith (1717-1832)
12. Faith in Crisis (1832-1860)
13. The Victorian Mirage (1860 -1914)
14. The Decline and Fall of ‘Christian Britain’ (1914-1980)
15. The Rivers of Babylon (since 1980)
Sobre o autor
Research Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, and Director of Research for the Latimer Trust. Author or editor of numerous books, including The Doctrine of God, Yours is the Kingdom, Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present, God Has Spoken, God Is Love, Augustine on the Christian Life and The Church. He is a contributor to Shapers of Christian Orthodoxy and The Trustworthiness of God.