Hear the heart of an anointed vessel as she takes you on her journey using the scriptures and time alone with God as her survival and motivation. Following her journey will inspire you to be steadfast and determined to take the ordered steps God has designated for your life. This scripture journal satisfies the hunger we all have for more of God. It energizes your spirit man and is a great way to begin your day……Congratulations and Blessed Wishes National Evangelist Jacquelyn Davis. Readers this journal is an investment you want to take advantage of.
Dr. Barbara Mc Coo Lewis
General Supervisor International Department of Women; Church of God in Christ
Jacquelyn Davis doesn’t just talk or teach about prayer. She is a seasoned intercessor who inspires all to prioritize and practice the presence of God. Read this devotional and learn!
Deborah Smith Pegues, TV Host/
bestselling author; 30 Days To Taming Your Tongue
Do you desire a deeper relationship with God? Is your heart craving his presence? Does your mind constantly think “What can I do to draw closer to God?” If your answer is yes, then take the journey with this transforming twenty-one days of devotional study and prayer. You will find guidance through the word of God and prayers of activation for each day that will ignite your faith and propel you into a deeper relationship with God. We invite you to journey with us!
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Jacquelyn Davis wholeheartedly believes in the power of prayer. She believes that battles are won in life as we boldly go before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of our need. (Hebrews 4:16, KJV) When we spend time with God and make Him our priority, everything that we need, everything that we desire, everything He’s promised us according to His Will and Word will be given to us in this present world and in the life to come! (Matthew 6:33, John 10:10) You are invited to take the journey with us for 21 days, to search out what God’s word is saying to us and seek His face through persistent and consistent devotion and prayer. While some will be ignited, others will be reignited during this intentional time to daily seek and search for the only true and living God, to draw closer to Him through prayer, to desire Him above anything and everything else, until our confession is resolute and declares, “I Just Want God!” I challenge you for the rest of your life to, “Take the Journey.”