Catalyzed by Sylvia Wynter’s questioning of modern/colonial descriptions of the human person, the essays in Beyond the Doctrine of Man interrogate the problem of these definitions of the human person and take up the struggle to decolonize and unsettle such descriptions.
Contributors: Rufus Burnett Jr., M. Shawn Copeland, Yomaira C. Figueroa, Patrice Haynes, Xhercis Méndez, Andrew Prevot, Mayra Rivera, Linn Marie Tonstad, Alexander G. Weheliye
Tabela de Conteúdo
Introduction : The Projects of Unsettling Man
Joseph Drexler-Dreis and Kristien Justaert | 1
Part I: Sylvia Wynter and the Project of Unsettling Man
1. Where Life Itself Lives
Mayra Rivera | 19
2. Unsettling Blues: A Decolonial Reading of the Blues Episteme
Rufus Burnett Jr. | 36
3. Not Your Papa’s Wynter: Women of Color Contributions toward Decolonial Futures
Xhercis Méndez and Yomaira C. Figueroa | 60
Part II: Religious Cosmologies and the Project of Unsettling Man
4. Enfleshing Love: A Decolonial Theological Reading of Beloved
M. Shawn Copeland | 91
5. Nat Turner’s Orientation beyond the Doctrine of Man
Joseph Drexler-Dreis | 113
6. Mystical Bodies of Christ: Human, Crucified, and Beloved
Andrew Prevot | 134
7. African Humanism: Between the Cosmic and the Terrestrial
Patrice Haynes | 161
Part III: Biopolitics and the Project of Unsettling Man
8. Bodies That Speak
Linn Marie Tonstad | 193
9. Life beyond the Doctrine of Man: Out of This World with Michel Henry and Radical Queer Theory
Kristien Justaert | 217
10. Black Life/Schwarz-Sein: Inhabitations of the Flesh
Alexander G. Weheliye | 237
Acknowledgments | 263
Bibliography | 265
List of Contributors | 289
Index | 293
Sobre o autor
Kristien Justaert was postdoctoral researcher of systematic theology at Leuven University, Belgium. She is currently the director of an environmental nonprofit organization.