The European Union is constantly changing, both in the number of countries it embraces and in policy areas where it plays a major role. The new millennium has witnessed two major changes in the EU’s scope. On 1 May 2004, it enlarged to include ten new member states; and the new European Constitution defines providing citizens with an ‘area of freedom, security and justice’ as one of its primary aims. This book is unique in analyzing the interplay of the two spheres.
Tabela de Conteúdo
List of Tables Notes on the Contributors List of Abbreviations Introduction Perceptions of Internal Security Issues in the New Member States; K.Henderson Organized Crime in the New EU States of East Central Europe; M.Nozina Extending the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: The Crucial Case of Poland; I.Piórko & M.Sie Dhian Ho The Implications of Schengen Visa Policy for the Visegrad States: The Case of Slovakia; A.Duleba Justice and Home Affairs and the EU’s New Neighbours: Governance Beyond Membership?; S.Lavenex A New ‘Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ for the Enlarged EU? The Results of the European Convention; J.Monar EU Institutional Reform and New Member States in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; V.Bilcík Conclusion: The Politics of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Enlarging EU; H.Grabbe Bibliography Index
Sobre o autor
VLADIMIR BILCÍK Analyst, Research Centre of the Slovak Policy Association, Slovakia ALEXANDER DULEBA Director, Research Centre of the Slovak Policy Association, Slovakia HEATHER GRABBE Deputy Director, Centre for European Reform, London, UK SANDRA LAVENEX Assistant Professor of European Studies and International Relations, University of Bern, Switzerland JÖRG MONAR Professor in Contemporary European Studies, University of Sussex, UK MIROSLAV NOZINA Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Prague, Czech Republic IWONA PIÓRKO Lecturer in Justice and Home Affairs, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland MONIKA SIE DHIAN HO Senior Researcher, Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, The Netherlands