Have you ever had a reoccurring thought or deep unexplainable sense about something that would never go away no matter how old you got? Could it be that God is calling you to something bigger than yourself? Kathy is an ordinary, everyday, gal who was focused on raising her three sons, having fun with friends and working as an Register Nurse. Right up until life turned upside down and she began to really listen to God’s call, the over whelming sense of being called into something bigger than herself. Something so big, not only did it excite her but scared her. She knew it could never be done without God’s supernatural orchestrating. This is a story of how God uses ordinary messed up individuals to accomplish His supernatural extraordinary plans! A journey that takes her from conservative west Michigan to the Rift Valley of Kenya, Africa.
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Life has a way of teaching you things that no amount of schooling or achieved degrees could ever teach. Kathy sets out on a journey of discovery into the faithful power of God. Obedience once stirred up images of prison bars and shackles for Kathy, but she discovers that true freedom comes from nothing other than obedience.