This collection of essays explores the legacy of the Reformation with regard to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Following the five-hundredth anniversary of Luther’s posting of his ninety-five theses, these essays consider this legacy with particular reference to the work of Martin Luther and John Calvin, as well as broader Reformation themes as they are related to pneumatology and the life of the church today. The contribution of this collection is to tease out and reflect on pneumatology historically but also to relate these findings to contemporary discussions, especially among scholars of pentecostal and charismatic Christianity. Together these essays invite readers to appreciate the contribution that the Protestant Reformation makes to life in the Holy Spirit today, as well as offering critical and constructive reflection on this theme. It is a timely and significant contribution to the discussions of the person and work of the Holy Spirit and the church.
Sobre o autor
Mark A. Jumper is Associate Professor, and Director of Chaplaincy and Military Affairs, at the Regent University School of Divinity in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A third-generation Presbyterian minister, he is ordained by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, which he has served as endorser for chaplains, and as moderator of two presbyteries.