This book delves into the intricate landscape of citizenship practices in Central and Eastern Europe, an area often overlooked in research.
Through an interdisciplinary lens, the contributors explore how education and political participation shape these practices in a region marked by historical and social complexities. The book offers fresh insights into how citizenship is perceived and practiced, highlighting the role of civic education in fostering political engagement.
By addressing both the challenges and opportunities of citizenship in this dynamic region, this volume contributes to broader debates on democracy and civic participation across Europe and beyond.
Tabela de Conteúdo
1. Introduction – Nina Kolleck and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski
2. Theorizing Citizenship Practices in Europe – Nina Kolleck
3. Polarizing the Curriculum: Culture Wars about Citizenship and Civic Education – Andrea Szukala
4. European Parliament Elections in East Central Europe: Participation, Eurosceptic Voting and Perceptions of Young People – Astrid Lorenz, Lisa H. Anders and Hendrik Träger
5. Long-distance Citizenship in East Central and Eastern Europe – Dietmar Müller
6. Citizen Engagement Mediated by Digital Technologies during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Civic Unrest in Belarus: Emerging Citizen Agency for Democratic Rights – Vasil Navumau, Mariana Gustafsson and Olga Matveieva
7. Civic digital participation for rural development. Lessons from a German Survey of LEADER Regions – Veronika Stein and Christian Pentzold
8. Being or Becoming Political? Performative Citizenship in Central and Eastern – Europe Bojan Baća and Jelena Vasiljević
9. Participation Disempowered: Polish Participatory Budgeting and a Missed Chance for Citizen Empowerment – Joanna Podgórska-Rykała and Janusz Grygieńć
10. Attitudes of German Youth Regarding the War in Ukraine – Lea Fobel, Johannes Schuster and Nina Kolleck
11. Concepts of Citizenship in the European Union and Council of Europe Approaches to Citizenship Education and their Influence in Central and Eastern Europe – Claire Moulin-Doos
12. Citizenship Education in CEE: Perspectives and Desiderata of Transnationally Networked NGOs – Lasse Hansen and Nina Kolleck
13. The Politics of Civic Education in the Post-Yugoslav Region – Tamara Trošt and Milica Nikolić
14. Charting Paths Forward for Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe – Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski and Nina Kolleck
Sobre o autor
Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski is Professor of Political Theory and Democracy Research at the University of Leipzig, with a focus on citizenship and citizenship education in Central and Eastern Europe.