While state governments determine the ‘Who?’ ‘How many?’ and ‘Under what conditions?’ of immigration, God has determined the ‘Why?’ He orchestrates the times and locations of the nations ‘that they might seek Him’ (Acts 17:24-27). The sovereign God of the universe has redemptive purpose in the movements of the people. In many instances, the formerly ‘unreached’ are moving ‘within reach.’
In God’s plan, Christ-followers are instruments of compassion and ambassadors of hope. They are invited to respond. That They Might Seek Him: Introduction to Migration Ministry is written with this responsibility in mind. Targeting both students and practitioners, it informs, inspires, and equips.
-Learn what the Bible says about migration . . . then and now.
-Respond to factors at play in immigration policy development.
-Embrace the challenges of message contextualization and migrant integration.
-Identify tools for fruitful engagement.
-Develop a strategy for fruitful ministry.
Sobre o autor
Anthony F. Casey is associate professor of Intercultural Studies at William Carey University. He has worked with immigrants in the United States and overseas for fifteen years, and has conducted ethnographic research on four continents. He is author of Church Planting among Immigrants in U.S. Urban Centers: The Where, Why, and How of Diaspora Missiology in Action (2016).