As the title suggests, this book is simply about faith, which is always a NOW kind of belief or knowing, or it is not genuine faith at all. Faith must not be confused with hope. Hope is relegated to the future; it is a desire for favorable future outcome. Faith is not about the future, but the present. Faith is either NOW or it is never! Faith cannot be worked or effected in the future, but only right NOW. Faith must be appropriated and applied at the present moment when it is being exercised. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes through reading or listening to the Word of Christ.
The Rhema-Word of Christ produces real, active, and effectual faith in the hearts of the hearers. That is one of the mysterious properties of the Word of God–it produces faith. How it does this is, to some degree, a mystery. It just does! NOW FAITH IS tells you how to obtain and release effective faith–faith that works–in your life!
Each of the 18 chapters discusses the various types and levels of faith delineated in the Bible, how to increase faith in your life, as well as matters directly affecting faith: Saving Faith, Weak/Feeble Faith, Effective Faith, Strong Faith, Mountain-Moving Faith, Wonder-Working Faith, Great Faith, Faith for Healing and Deliverance, The Faithless, Obtaining and Activating Faith, The Testing of Our Faith, Hindrances To Genuine Faith, Walking by Faith, Faith Without Works, Contending for the Faith, and Falling Away from the Faith.
The author shares in this book what he has personally learned about faith and putting it to work to produce miracles, signs and wonders over nearly five decades of Dunamis-power-filled ministry wherein he’s personally witnessed hundreds of supernatural miracles and deliverances God has performed through him, and to overcome many tests and trials in his own personal life, including a ‘death sentence’ of cancer in which his oncologist told him the first day they met, ‘Mr. Lambert, I give you four months to live!’ Two and a half years have passed since that grim prognosis and his current oncologists tell him the cancer is stabilized and the very large tumor (more than 13 inches wide) has shrunk more than ninety-percent and continuing to shrink daily. He attributes this miraculous process of recovery to three things: God’s unfailing love, faith that works, and the prayers of many family and friends who have diligently prayed for him with faith believing!
The book’s author, Dr. Steven Lambert, has been ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an ordained minister since 1976, serving as a pastor, prophet, teacher, Board Certified Doctoral Diplomate Christian counselor, deliverance minister, podcaster and radio broadcaster, narrator, and holds several theological degrees. He is the author of an ever-increasing number of books, published articles, other teaching materials, and is the publisher of Spirit Life Magazine (Spirit Life More information about him and links to his various outreach media is available on his main ministry website at:
Tabela de Conteúdo
Preface 1
Introduction 5
1 Saving Faith 9
2 Weak/Feeble Faith15
3 Effective Faith27
4 Strong Faith39
5 Mountain-Moving Faith57
6 Wonder-Working Faith73
7 Great Fait93
8 Faith for Healing and Deliverance103
9 The Faithless115
10 Obtaining And Activating Faith125
11 Building Yourself Up On Your Faith147
12 The Testing Of Our Faith171
13 Hindrances To Genuine Faith.199
14 Walking By Faith247
15 Faith Without Works.265
16 Contending For The Faith281
17 Falling Away From The Faith305
18 The Shield of Faith327
Other Books By Author411
About the Author422
Sobre o autor
Dr. Steven Lambert, has been ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an ordained minister since 1976, serving as a pastor, prophet, teacher, Board Certified Doctoral Diplomate Christian counselor, deliverance minister, podcaster and radio broadcaster, narrator, and holds several theological degrees. He is the author of an ever-increasing number of books, published articles, other teaching materials. More information about him and links to his various outreach media is available on his main ministry website at: