T. H. White wurde am 29. Mai 1906 in Bombay, in Indien geboren, wo sein Vater Mitglied des Indian Civil Service war. Zur Schule ging er aber in Großbritannien, in Chaltenham (Gloucestershire) und 1928 machte er seinen Abschluß am Queen's College in Cambridge. 1930 bis 1936 arbeitete er als Englischlehrer an einer staatlichen Schule und in seiner Freizeit beschäftigte er sich mit dem Leben im Mittelalter, darunter mit den Legenden, die sich um König Arthur ranken.
1936 beschloß T. H. White, sich ganz der Schriftstellerei zu widmen, nachdem er mit seinem Buch England have my bones erste literarische Erfolge erzielt hatte. Er zog sich auf die Kanalinsel Alderney zurück, wo er bis zu seinem Tod lebte. Von ihm wird gesagt, er sei von Natur aus ein Einzelgänger gewesen, der öfter für längere Zeit auf menschliche Gesellschaft verzichte. Dann verbrachte er seine Zeit mit Schreiben, Angeln und Jagen.
Am bekanntesten wurde T. H. White mit Der König auf Camelot, seiner brillanten Version des Romans Morte d'Arthur aus dem 15. Jahrhundert von Sir Thomas Malory. Aber T. H. White schrieb auch Gedichte, Abenteuer- und Detektivgeschichten und Bücher über das Jagen und andere Sportarten.
Am 17. Januar 1964 starb T. H. White im Alter von 57 Jahren an Bord eines Schiffes in Piräus (Griechenland), auf dem Rückweg nach England von einer Lesereise in den USA. Die Eindrücke dieser Reise hatte er in dem Buch America At Last verarbeitet, das posthum veröffentlicht wurde.
29 Ebooks por T. H. White
T. H. White: Master
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. IT was a blist …
T. H. White: The Master
A science-fiction adventure novel from the author of The Once and Future King, The Master involves two children, Judy and Nicky, and their dog Jokey, who are stranded on an extremely small, uninhabit …
T. H. White: The Once & Future King
T. H. White’s masterful retelling of the saga of King Arthur is a fantasy classic as legendary as Excalibur and Camelot, and a poignant story of adventure, romance and magic that has enchanted reader …
T.H. White: Der König auf Camelot
T. H. Whites »Der König auf Camelot« ist die umfassendste und eigenständigste Nachschöpfung der unsterblichen Artuslegende. Sie nannten ihn »die Warze«, und wie eine lästige Warze wurde der kleine Ar …
T. H. White: The Goshawk
The Goshawk is a non-fiction memoir by T. H. White, the author of The Once and Future King, chronicalling multiple attempts, with various degrees of success, to acquire and train a Goshawk …
T. H. White: Sword in the Stone
The extraordinary story of a boy called Wart – ignored by everyone except his tutor, Merlyn – who goes on to become King Arthur.When Merlyn the magician comes to tutor Sir Ector’s sons Kay and the Wa …
T. H. White: Once and Future King
The extraordinary story of a boy called Wart – ignored by everyone except his tutor, Merlin – who goes on to become King Arthur.T.H. White’s masterful retelling of the Arthurian legend is an abiding …
Diana Wynne Jones & Norton Juster: 3-book Fantasy Collection
Three magical fantasy books are brought together in an exclusive ebook bind-up: ‘The Sword in the Stone’, ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’ and ‘Charmed Life’.The Sword in the Stone When the wizard Merlyn come …
T. H. White: Goshawk
The Goshawk is a non-fiction memoir by T. H. White, the author of The Once and Future King, chronicalling multiple attempts, with various degrees of success, to acquire and train a Goshawk, a large b …
T. H. White: Once & Future King
The definitive modern take on the timeless tale of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round table. The legends of King Arthur date back to medieval Europe, and have become some of the dominant myths …
T. H. White: Elephant and the Kangaroo
"THERE’S AN ANGEL IN THE CHIMNEY!"Mrs. O’Callaghan had come up with some pretty farfetched notions, but when she came running to Mr. White with this announcement, he was convinced she’d los …
T H White: Mistress Masham’s Repose
Ten-year-old orphan Maria lives in her ancestors’ crumbling mansion, with warm-hearted Cook and the eccentric Professor as her only friends. Exploring the grounds one day, Maria discovers a wild, hal …
Costain Thomas B. Costain: Moneyman
A vivid and dramatic story of a great conspiracy and a great love, set in 15th century France. King Charles VII, Agnes Sorel, his mistress, and Jaques Coeur, the king’s moneyman, and history’s first …
T. H. White: El azor
Un bello clásico de la literatura que reflexiona sobre el vínculo entre ser humano y animal. ¿Cuál es la relación entre hombre y bestia? Publicado por primera vez en 1951, El azor describe con desn …
T.H. White: Book of Merlyn
The long-lost conclusion to The Once and Future King, in which King Arthur faces his final battle against his son.This magical account of King Arthur’s last night on earth, rediscovered in a collecti …
T.H. White: The Age of Scandal
The Age of Scandal focuses on the period in late 18th-century England following the Age of Reason—a period characterized by dilettantism, material comfort & eccentricity. Based on writings by Horace …
T.H. White: Darkness at Pemberley
Mystery novel, partly set at Cambridge University, where White himself had recently studied, but also at Pemberley, in Derbyshire. If you are an admirer of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, you migh …
T.H. White: The Elephant and the Kangaroo
‘The Announcement by the Archangel Michael of the coming of a second flood brings into play all the theories, and their practice, of scientifically minded English Mr. White, as he sets about building …
T.H. White: England Have My Bones
Written in the form of a diary, this book narrates events from 3rd March 1934 to the 3rd March 1935. The author fishes, hunts, shoots ducks, learns to fly a small aeroplane, and keeps a snake as a pe …
T.H. White: Farewell Victoria
This book follows the life of Mundy, from boyhood, to a young groom, to a soldier at the Battle of Isandlwana, and finally to a horse-drawn hackney driver adrift in an age of cars. A meditation on th …
T.H. White: The Godstone and the Blackymor
This is a delightfully rambling narrative of White’s adventures in western Ireland. We follow White as he hunts and fishes in a vast untenanted estate and learn with fascination the delicate art of f …
T.H. White: The Goshawk
T. H. White found himself rifling through old handbooks of falconry. A particular sentence—“the bird reverted to a feral state”—seized his imagination, and, White later wrote, “A longing came to my m …
T.H. White: The Master
t involves two children, Judy and Nicky, and their dog Jokey, who are stranded on Rockall, an extremely small, uninhabited, remote rocky islet in the North Atlantic Ocean. They find that it is hollow …
T.H. White: Mistress Masham’s Repose
Maria is ten years old, and lives in a gigantic house, or rather palace, in rural England, which is gradually collapsing: its name is Malplaquet. She is an orphan, and has a guardian, Mr. Hater, and …
T.H. White: They Winter Abroad
T. H. White’s novel of a glittering resort hotel, where every room is the setting for a private drama. Das E-Book They Winter Abroad wird angeboten von Alien Ebooks und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen …
T. H. White: The Once and Future King
‘The Once and Future King’ by T.H. White is a timeless retelling of the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, weaving together elements of fantasy, adventure, and profound moral l …