‘Re-union of soul and Spirit, after so long living in the Great Divorce from God, is the theme for this life-time. . . . To find the real resolution from suffering is the work we are here to do.
The key to gaining spiritual freedom . . . is the ability to learn from our experience. This ability to learn from experience is basic to all growth. So many people repeat the same errors and expect different results: this is insanity. The soul who wishes to really grow must be a keen observer of cause and effect, for this is the universal law of creation.
How can we remain in a shadow existence when that is not who we are? Realize that there is much more to us. Let us demand our birthright, proclaim our freedom, and manifest all that we are in truth. This is the task for which we have come and it waits for us to step into the Divine Image and Likeness of who and what we truly are.’
- Yogacharya David
Yogacharya David, as a modern Western yogi, found his way through materialism and the five-sense bound nature that seems to have captured humankind to discover a new understanding of truth-the sacred, ancient, yogic science of truth. Join Yogacharya David as he shares his journey and seeks the infinite soul-force-mankind’s unique spiritual heritage-and finds the path that is seeded in the sovereign heart of each individual. As Yogacharya David shares his marvellous and perilous pilgrimage of sacred discovery with us, we too can embody more conscious soul-force, birthing a new re-union of soul and Spirit.
Tabela de Conteúdo
You All Are the Light of God3
Faith Obliterates Fear4
The Master’s Birthday8
Be an Expression of What God Wants12
Listening and Learning15
Attachment Is Being Shackled to an Idea18
Clarity of Will21
Southward Ho: Finding the Elixir of Joy!24
Hitting Curveballs Out of the Park27
Glints of Light: Mother Hamilton’s Mahasamadhi29
God’s Promise33
Borrego Springs, California36
The Wind Blows Where It Wishes38
Master’s Delight41
One God: One Power45
The Silken Road47
My Birthday Wish50
Ash Wednesday54
Sweet Surrender57
Honoring Master Paramhansa Yogananda60
Wordless Prayer63
Southwest Adventures66
Runes Messages70
A Sanctuary of Peace74
Space and Spirit78
All of These Things and More82
Fling Away Darkness87
God Calling91
Weaving This World Into Oneness97
Everywhere Equally Present100
Easter’s Fulfillment106
Meeting Roy Eugene Davis110
Surrender Is Serenity115
A Healing Balm119
Choosing Your Road122
To Be on God’s Side126
Reflections From a Battlefield131
Guiding Lights135
I Bow to the Divine Mother140
Keys In Your Hands145
Unbounded Love149
Honors Gained152
A Meditation on Sri Yukteswarji156
The Great Promise160
Wisdom Quotient164
The National Cathedral169
Pilgrimage and My Brother Mark172
Summer Solstice181
Gettysburg: An Experience185
Mother Seton191
The Amish Way of Life198
Into the Chamber of the Infinite Eternal204
Declare Freedom208
Behold the Light: Guru Purnima Day213
Confirmed Maine-iacs219
Our Visit With the Holy Family224
Only You230
Babaji Remembrance Day233
Medicine Hat: A Timeless Story239
Twisp, Forest Fires, W., and Come to Me!247
Transitions: All Is Well251
Marriage: The Great Fulfillment255
Marriage With God259
In the Grip of God262
Real Happiness Is Seeking You265
Loon Lake and Lahiri Baba268
Promise of a New Day270
Unshakable Foundation275
God: Personal and Impersonal278
Lahiri Mahasaya: Perfect Joy Ever After282
Happy Birthday, Lahiri Babaji285
Health Check287
Behold: The Divine Goal290
My Second Spiritual Mother294
Removing Mountains of Worry298
Speaking Truth300
A True Sexual Revolution304
The Rose Blooms From the Blood Upon the Cross310
The Greatest Treasure Imaginable312
Be a Life-long Learner315
Swami Satchidananda: A Titan for Peace319
Do It Now323
Am I My Brother and My Sister’s Keeper?326
Thanksgiving: Gratitude in Action328
Building Your Temple333
We Are All Renters - Not Buyers!337
Right Relationship With Power340
Right Relationship with God and Tithing343
O Holy Night346
Surrender Gives Birth to the Christ348
A Wonderful Time of the Year351
After Christmas Glow354
Spaciousness: You Are a Citizen of the Stars358
A New Year Alignment361
Image Attribution371
About the Author377
Also by Yogacharya David379
Sobre o autor
Ruth M. Lamb, BA, MSN, Ph D., health care professional, author, and editor began her career as a critical care nurse. Following this, she became a corporate Director of Nursing and then moved from conventional Western medicine to study other healing modalities. She completed programs addressing the mind-body epigenetic connection and the electromagnetic-light body bioelectric mechanisms of health and healing. She then joined an academic institution where she was hired to develop and teach integrative healing programs, taught in Canada and led internships to India. Adult participants in the foundational three-year program completed clinical practice hours and internships in numerous conventional medicine settings under academic-hospital arrangements. Shorter retreat-based strategic resilience programs were developed specifically for First Nations groups and for First Responders.In addition to writing numerous curriculums, Standards of Practice documents, and articles, Ruth has written two books: The Sadhana of Healing: A Subtle Energy Approach to Addiction Treatment and Human Becoming: A Guide to Soul-Centered Living. Ruth is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has made many trips to India to study the Vedic system of living and healing. She continues to study the integral, multidimensional relationship that leads to vibrant health and a well-lived life. She is currently editing the life work of Yogacharya David Hickenbottom, a Western yogi of the Kriya Yoga tradition, at the invitation of David’s wife, Carla. Yogacharya David left a legacy of accessible teachings, he reminds us that our sacred connection bridges physical to energy-body, mental, intuitive/transpersonal and spiritual, all in one unique human being. . Ruth sees Yogacharya David’s legacy writings to be capable of nurturing us back to our true origin in spirit; they can assist us to re-remember our unique purpose-the purpose that brought us to this realm of physical matter.