This is your essential guide to standards and ethics in the psychological therapies. The book introduces you to key ethical values and principles and discusses how to practice in accordance with these. An accompanying online resource website provides you with over 30 videos showing commonly arising ethical dilemmas, further reading including book chapters and journal articles, and links to ethical codes and frameworks in the UK and internationally.
Part I The Background
1. Introduction
2. What Is Counselling?
3. Sources of Counselling Ethics
4. Framework for Counselling Ethics and Standards
Part II Responsibility to the Client
5. Safety, Negligence and Insurance
6. Respect for Client Autonomy
7. Suicide and Refusing to Accept Life-saving Treatment
8. Counsellor Competence
9. Avoiding the Exploitation of Clients
10. Confidentiality
11. Counselling Online
12. Working with Social Diversity
Part III The Counsellor and Others
13. Counsellors and the Responsibility to Others
14. Counselling Supervision
15. Record-keeping
16. Evaluation of Impact: Practice-based Evidence and Evidence-based Practice
Part IV The Whole Picture
17. Ethical Problem Solving
18. Implications for Practice
Despre autor
Tim Bond is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Bristol and Visiting Professor to the University of Malta. He has a longstanding commitment to researching and writing about professional ethics for the talking therapies and promoting mental well-being. He is currently a consultant to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy on professional ethics and standards, a member of the Ethics Committee for the British Psychological Society and the Executive Council of the International Association for Counselling. He is a registered member of BACP and provides counselling supervision and training workshops.