In this 1919 volume, the final installment in a pioneering trilogy that began with
The Village Labourer (1911) and continued in
The Town Labourer (1917), the authors focus on the obsolescence of skilled labor in the face of technological change during the Industrial Revolution. As in the previous two works, the Hammonds view their subject through a lens of class exploitation.
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John Lawrence Le Breton Hammond (1872-1949) was a British journalist and historian who wrote on politics and social history. His best-known works include The Rise of Modern Industry (1925; with Barbara Hammond), Britain and the Modern World Order (1932; with Arnold J. Toynbee); and Gladstone and the Irish Nation (1934).
Barbara Hammond (1873-1961), the wife of J. L. Hammond, was an early feminist who co-wrote many of her husband’s books on working-class history, including The Village Labourer (1911), The Town Labourer (1917), The Skilled Labourer (1919), and The Bleak Age (1934).