The Calling of Joy is a calling to find the part of us that is more than what we do, how much we have, and what we think. It is a calling to our inner river, our passion, our well of being, our truth. Joy does not come by accident or coincidence. It does not come from hard work or simply good luck. Joy is remembering, trusting, being, rediscovering our inner resources. Joy is creativity, tears, and laughter. Joy is our guide through life’s many choices. We can feel joy in our body. Joy is slowing down from the fearful energy of the daily world to life’s beauty, innocence, the ocean of peace in this moment. It is joy that heals the separation from our mind and heart. And it is joy that heals the separation from our heart and our soul. Each of us is called to listen and honor our hearts, to nourish ourselves deeply and unfold our true self into the world. Joy found in the midst of great difficulty is joy found forever. We have choices everyday, to wrestle with the current plot of our lives or find the possible joy. There are many golden silent moments each day which can be real food for a busy mind and hurting heart. Are we open to the moments of pure life that feed us no matter how easy or difficult, light or challenging our lives maybe?
Despre autor
Bruce Davis, Ph.D., professional therapist, retreat leader is director next to Napa Valley in California.
People from many countries attend these retreats for the simple peace, nature, and silence. Bruce’s retreats have been recognized in Travel/leisure Magazine as one of the top ten retreats in the world. These retreats have also been recommended in the Huffington Post and Martha Steward’s Whole Living Magazine.