Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Evidence and Practice is the first book to explore in detail the Supervisory Relationship, which research has consistently found to be the most critical component of any supervisory process. Helen Beinart and Sue Clohessy – two experts in the field – draw on world-wide studies that cover all major therapeutic approaches to the Supervisory Relationship, and include detailed coverage of cultural competence and issues of effective multicultural supervision. The result is a comprehensive resource that offers cutting-edge, internationally relevant information in order to inform study, training, continuing professional development and practice.
About the Authors vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
Part I Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Evidence 1
1 Introduction 3
2 Overview of Models of Supervision and the Supervisory Relationship 13
3 Influences on the Supervisory Relationship 31
4 Outcomes and Measurement 43
5 Ethical and Culturally Sensitive Practice 57
Part II Effective Supervisory Relationships: Best Practice 71
6 Good Beginnings 73
7 Giving and Receiving Feedback 91
8 Preventing and Managing Difficulties in the Supervisory Relationship 109
9 Reflective Practice 123
10 The Supervisory Relationship in Other Supervision Formats 143
11 Summary and Conclusions 157
Endnote 167
Appendix 1 The Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ) 171
Appendix 2 The Short Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire (S‐SRQ) 177
Appendix 3 The Supervisory Relationship Measure (SRM) 179
References 185
Index 205
Despre autor
HELEN BEINART is the former Director (Clinical and Professional) of the Oxford Institute of Clinical Psychology Training, Oxford University, UK. Previously, she was Head of Child and Adolescent Health Clinical Psychology Services in Aylesbury and Kingston.
SUE CLOHESSY is Clinical Tutor, Course Director of the PGCert in Supervision of Applied Psychological Practice, and lead for Supervisor Training at the Institute of Clinical Psychology Training, Oxford University, UK.