Introduction. Joy Barlow MBE, University of Glasgow, UK. Part One The History of Drug and Alcohol Policy. 1. How We Got to Where We Are Now. Charlie Lloyd, University of York, UK. Part Two Alcohol and Tobacco. 2. Is Alcohol Different? Alcohol – Attitudes, Beliefs and Practice. Jack Law, Alcohol Focus Scotland, UK. The Importance of Partnerships in Alcohol Policy and Regulation. Gerard Vaughan and Megan Larken, both of the Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand, New Zealand. 3. Fresh Air? Second-Hand Smoke. Sally Haw, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy, UK. Second Chance Learning: A Community-Development Approach to Smoking Cessation. Margaret Black, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK, Anne Bryce, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK and Linda Mc Kie, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK. Part Three Treatment and Recovery, and the Wider Impacts of Substance Misuse. 4. Treatment and Recovery. Anything New Under the Sun? Brian A. Kidd, University of Dundee, UK. Does Drug Treatment in Scotland Work? Neil Mc Keganey, University of Glasgow, UK. 5. The Role of Employment in Recovery from Problem Drug Use. Joanne Neale, Oxford Brookes University, UK and Peter A. Kemp, University of Oxford, UK. Employment Projects – Examples in Practice. Bernadette Monaghan, Apex Scotland, UK. 6. Children Affected by Parental Drug and Alcohol Misuse. Hidden Harm – Working with Serious Parental Drug Misuse. Donald Forrester, University of Bedfordshire, UK. The Role of Training in Changing the Lives of Children Affected by Parental Substance Misuse. Joyce Nicholson, STRADA, UK. 7. We Are Family. The Role of Families. Vivienne Evans OBE, Adfam, UK. Making Family a Part of the Treatment. Maurizio Coletti, Itaca Europe, Italy. 8. Drugs and Crime. Toby Seddon, University of Manchester, UK. Part Four Prevention. 9. Redefining Drug Prevention. Harry Sumnall and Lisa Jones, both of Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 10. Children, Young People and Prevention. Richard Ives, educari, UK. 11. The Impact of Social Exclusion and Poverty on Education and Prevention. Diverse Communities – Diverse Needs: Delivering Information on Drugs and Drug Services to Members of Black and Minority Ethnic Communities. Jane Fountain, University of Central Lancashire, UK. Wider Prevention – Poverty and Social Exclusion. James Egan, East Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership, UK. Part Five Integrated Services and Workforce Development. 12. Integrated Services. Neil Hunter, Glasgow Addiction Services, UK. 13. Messages for the Workforce. Joy Barlow MBE. The Editor. The Contributors. Subject Index. Author Index.