‘This heartfelt tribute to the great Harriet Tubman, by outstanding African American and Hispanic leaders with whom I have worked side by side for years and whose selfless dedication I have come to admire, is a timely reminder that to God every human is precious.’
–William David Spencer, co-editor of Christian Egalitarian Leadership
‘Harriet Tubman was a powerful, bold, Black woman who risked her life at a time when it was believed by some that Black people didn’t have souls. We have come far since then but still not far enough.’
–Jozy Pollock, author of Backstage Pass to Heaven
‘A timely tribute to Harriet Tubman in these tumultuous days to promote justice by her Christian sisters and brothers.’
–Aida Besancon Spencer, co-editor of Christian Egalitarian Leadership
‘An Artistic Tribute to Harriet Tubman puts history in divine perspective as we see a woman guided by her God emboldened to change the course of history. The abolitionist movement is seen through God’s plan and Harriet a chosen vessel divinely sent to destroy the evils of slavery by the power of the Holy Spirit. As God directed Harriet, so too, in this hour, God is leading his children to establish righteousness and truth in the land!’
–Gemma Wenger, television and radio host
‘What gave Harriet Tubman courage to go back, multiple times, to liberate enslaved Black people after having escaped her bondage? What compelled her to risk her freedom and life to rescue others from slavery, time and time again? Faith in God! This work captures in artistry our ‘Black Moses, ‘ who inspired by faith in God and Christ overcame fear to set her people free. An Artistic Tribute to Harriet Tubman reminds us that faith inspires the extraordinary in ordinary people. An inspiring must-read!’
–Darin Poullard, Senior Pastor, Fort Washington Baptist Church, Fort Washington, Maryland
Despre autor
Wilma Faye Mathis holds a master’s degree and a doctorate in urban ministry, and an MDiv. Rev. Mathis has served the church as Christian education director and conducts a ministry to moms and other women (Mom2Mom). She serves as an Athanasian teaching scholar in William David Spencer’s theology survey course at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Boston Campus (CUME). She is a contributing author to An Artistic Tribute to Harriet Tubman; The Commission: Finding A Better Way; Black Girl Cry; and When Women Speak. She is an active conference speaker and preacher.