Winner of Medical Journalists’ Association Specialist
Readership Award 2010
Recovery is widely endorsed as a guiding principle of mental
health policy. Recovery brings new rules for services, e.g. user
involvement and person-centred care, as well as new tools for
clinical collaborations, e.g. shared decision making and
psychiatric advance directives. These developments are complemented
by new proposals regarding more ethically consistent
anti-discrimination and involuntary treatment legislation, as well
as participatory approaches to evidence-based medicine and
Recovery is more than a bottom up movement turned into top down
mental health policy in English-speaking countries. Recovery
integrates concepts that have evolved internationally over a long
time. It brings together major stakeholders and different
professional groups in mental health, who share the aspiration to
overcome current conceptual reductionism and prognostic negativism
in psychiatry.
Recovery is the consequence of the achievements of the user
movement. Most conceptual considerations and decisions have evolved
from collaborations between people with and without a lived
experience of mental health problems and the psychiatric service
system. Many of the most influential publications have been
written by users and ex-users of services and work-groups that have
brought together individuals with and without personal experiences
as psychiatric patients.
In a fresh and comprehensive look, this book covers definitions,
concepts and developments as well as consequences for scientific
and clinical responsibilities. Information on relevant history,
state of the art and transformational efforts in mental health care
is complemented by exemplary stories of people who created through
their lives and work an evidence base and direction for
This book was originally published in German. The
translation has been fully revised, references have been amended to
include the English-language literature and new material has been
added to reflect recent developments. It features a Foreword by
Helen Glover who relates how there is more to recovery than the
absence or presence of symptoms and how health care professionals
should embrace the growing evidence that people can reclaim their
lives and often thrive beyond the experience of a mental
Comments on German edition:
‘It is fully packed with useful information for practitioners,
is written in jargon free language and has a good reading
Theodor Itten, St. Gallen, Switzerland and Hamburg, Germany
‘This book is amazingly positive. It not only talks about hope,
it creates hope. Its therapeutic effects reach professional mental
health workers, service users, and carers alike. Fleet-footed and
easily understandable, at times it reads like a suspense
Andreas Knuf, pro mente sana, Switzerland
”This is the future of psychiatry” cheered a usually
service-oriented manager after reading the book. We might not live
to see it.’
Ilse Eichenbrenner, Soziale Psychiatrie, Germany
1 Introduction.
2 Recovery – Developments and Significance.
3 Recovery – Basics and Concepts.
Political Strategies.
Collaboration with Users of Psychiatric Services.
Resilience-a Dynamic Recovery-Factor.
Recovery, Prevention and Health Promotion.
Recovery and Quality of Life.
Recovery and Empowerment.
Recovery and Evidence-Based Medicine.
Recovery and Remission.
4 Personal Experience as Evidence and as a Basis for Model Development.
‘Recovery – an Alien Concept’ – Ron Coleman/UK.
‘Empowerment Model of Recovery’ – Dan Fisherand Laurie Ahern/USA.
‘Conspiracy of Hope’ – Pat Deegan/USA.
‘Holders of Hope’ – Helen Glover/Australia.
‘Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)’ – Mary Ellen Copeland/USA.
‘Two Sides of Recovery’ – Wilma Boevink/The Netherlands.
‘No Empowerment Without Recovery’ – Christian Horvath/Austria.
5 Recovery – Why Not?
The Slow Demise of Incurability.
Other misunderstandings.
Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
A Diagnosis or a Verdict – the Example of Schizophrenia.
Heterogeneity of Course Over Time.
Prognosis – ‘from demoralizing pessimism to rationaloptimism’.
Diagnosis – ‘a century is enough’.
Scientific and clinical responsibility.
Classic Dimensions of Madness.
Psychiatric Treatment and Services.
State of the art.
Recent developments.
Stigma and Discrimination.
Attitude research.
Iatrogenic stigma.
Stigma – experiences and expectations.
Internalized stigma and stigma resistance.
Social inclusion.
The hearing voices movement.
6 Recovery – Implications for Scientific Responsibilities.
New Directions.
The Increasingly Active Role of UK Users in Clinical Research.
Assessing Recovery.
Ruth Ralph and the Recovery Advisory Group.
Examples of published recovery instruments.
Recovery as a Process.
Turning points – living with contradictions.
Findings from four countries.
Identity and recovery in personal accounts of mentalillness.
Recovery as lived in everyday practice.
Qualitative research as one royal road.
7 Recovery – Implications for Clinical Responsibilities.
Recovery-Factors in Therapeutic Relationships and Psychiatric Services.
Recovery-oriented professionals.
Recovery Self Assessment (RSA).
Measuring recovery-orientation in a hospital setting.
Recovery Knowledge Inventory (RKI).
Developing Recovery Enhancing Environments Measure (DREEM).
Initiatives of the World Psychiatric Association.
Psychiatry for the Person.
A Person-centred Integrative Diagnosis.
Recovery and Psychopharmacology.
New goals and new roles for psychopharmacologists.
Pat Deegan’s concept of ‘Personal Medicine’.
A programme to support shared decision-making.
System Transformation.
Recovery-oriented services.
Recovery-oriented mental health programmes.
A Recovery-Process Model.
Practice guidelines for recovery-oriented behavioral healthcare.
Peer support and consumer-driven transformation.
8 The Significance of Discovering Recovery for the Authors.
Despre autor
Michaela Amering is well-known for her work on quality of life and recovery in severe mental disorders.
Margit Schmolke is a psychological psychotherapist inprivate practice and a lecturer, training analyst and supervisor at the German Academy for Psycho analysis in Munich, Germany. Herspecial fields are the protective factors and resilience in persons with severe psychiatric disorders and psychotherapy of psychosis. Currently she is member the board of directors of the German Society of Group Dynamics and Group Psychotherapy and member of the WPA Section on Preventive Psychiatry.