This book presents important topics regarding the more mystical trend of Kabbalah—the ecstatic Kabbalah. It includes the mystical union, the world of imagination, and concentration as a spiritual technique. The emphasis in the text is on the interaction between the ‘original’ Spanish stage of Kabbalah and Muslim mysticism in the East, mainly in the Galilee. The influence of the Kabbalistic-Sufic synthesis on the later developments of Jewish mysticism is traced, thereby providing a more precise understanding of the history of Kabbalah as an interplay between the theosophical and ecstatic mystical experiences.
1. Abraham Abulafia and Unio Mystica
2. Was Abraham Abulafia Influenced by the Cathars?
3. Abraham Abulafia on the Jewish Messiah and Jesus
4. The Influence of Sefer ‘Or Ha Sekhel on R. Moses Narboni and R. Abraham Shalom
5. Mundus Imaginalis and Likkutei Ha Ran
6. Ecstatic Kabbalah and The Land of Israel
7. Hitbodedut as Concentration in Ecstatic Kabbalah
Subject Index
Author Index
Index of Works Cited