In Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way, Ron Karr outlines a repeatable process based on the powerful idea that great sellers lead relationships in the same way that great leaders sell ideas. This customer-focused mindset is the key to Ron Karr’s proven leadership selling process. Using 20 years of research with companies of all sizes, Karr reveals what great sellers do, and shows how anyone can implement the same powerful principles. He reveals the seven critical traits of a sales leader, which include vision, customer focus, creative thinking, and accountability. Developing the seven traits is the key that helps salespeople shift from a task-oriented sales process to a purpose-oriented process. When that happens, sales excellence results.
Introduction. Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way.
You can sell from a leadership position, or you can make roomfor the competition. The choice is yours! By following the SALESLEADERSHIP system in this book, you will sell more in less time, and move your career to a new level.
Chapter One. The Case for Leadership
Why ‘Lone Ranger’ selling doesn’t do the jobanymore; what does; why you can make much more money through theefforts of others than you ever could solely through your ownefforts.
Chapter Two. The Seven Traits.
The key attributes that distinguish sales leaders from everyoneelse. A preview of the LEAD, SELL, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY systemthat follows.
Chapter Three. Visualizing
The first sales leadership trait. Sales leaders look to thefuture, dare to challenge the status quo, and set the agenda basedon their vision and their plan.
Chapter Four. Positioning.
The second sales leadership trait. Sales leaders manage firstimpressions strategically.
Chapter Five. Building Alliances.
The third sales leadership trait. Sales leaders build andsupport mutually beneficial relationships in both the sellingorganization and the buying organization.
Chapter Six. Asking Good Questions.
The fourth sales leadership trait. Sales leaders establishthemselves as trusted advisors by asking the right questions at theright time.
Chapter Seven. Creating Powerful Value Propositions.
The fifth sales leadership trait. Sales leaders make the casefor action based on a stark assessment of the true costs ofinaction.
Chapter Eight. Communicating Persuasively.
The sixth sales leadership trait. When they communicate theirvalue, sales leaders engage their audiences, land the mostimportant points on a personal level, and win allies who sharetheir vision of the future.
Chapter Nine. Holding Yourself Accountable.
The seventh sales leadership trait. Sales leaders take personalresponsibility and hold themselves to higher standards than anyoneelse could hold them.
Sales leadership as a way of looking at the world – and away of life.
Resources for sales leaders.
Despre autor
RON KARR is a popular public speaker and in-demand business consultant known internationally as a business development expert. As President of
Karr Associates, Inc., he specializes in helping organizations and professionals generate remarkable sales and operational results. His client list includes
such companies as Agfa, Morgan Stanley, Met Life, Wright Medical, and UPS.