Autor: Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Rynosuke Akutagawa (Tokio, Japón, 1 de marzo de 1892 – ibídem, 24 de julio de 1927) fue un escritor japonés, perteneciente a la generación neorrealista que surgió a finales de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Ambrose Gwinett Bierce (Meigs, Ohio Estados Unidos, 24 de junio de 1842-Chihuahua, 1914) fue un editor, periodista, escritor y satírico estadounidense. Escribió el cuento An Occurrence at Una ocurrencia en Owl Creek Bridge y compiló el léxico satírico, el Diccionario del Diablo. Mijaíl Afanásievich Bulgákov fue un escritor, dramaturgo y médico soviético de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Su obra más conocida es la novela El maestro y Margarita considerada una obra maestra que fue publicada póstumamente. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Daresbury, Cheshire, Reino Unido, 27 de enero de 1832-Guildford, Surrey, Reino Unido, 14 de enero de 1898), más conocido por su seudónimo Lewis Carroll, fue un diácono anglicano, lógico, matemático, fotógrafo y escritor británico. Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (Edimburgo; 22 de mayo de 1859-Crowborough; 7 de julio de 1930) fue un escritor y médico británico, creador del célebre detective de ficción Sherlock Holmes. Fue un autor prolífico cuya obra incluye relatos de ciencia ficción, novela histórica, teatro y poesía. James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (Dublín, 2 de febrero de 1882-Zúrich, 13 de enero de 1941) fue un escritor irlandés, mundialmente reconocido como uno de los más importantes e influyentes del siglo XX. Franz Kafka (Praga, Imperio austrohúngaro, 3 de julio de 1883-Kierling, Austria, 3 de junio de 1924) fue un escritor bohemio de origen judío que escribió en alemán. Su obra, una de las más influyentes de la literatura universal. Howard Phillips Lovecraft (Providence, Rhode Island; 20 de agosto de 1890; 15 de marzo de 1937), más conocido como H. P. Lovecraft, fue un escritor estadounidense, autor de novelas y relatos de terror y ciencia ficción. Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (Río de Janeiro, 21 de junio de 1839 – 29 de septiembre de 1908) fue un escritor brasileño, ampliamente considerado como el mayor nombre de la literatura brasileña. René Albert Guy de Maupassant (Dieppe, Normandía; 5 de agosto de 1850 – París, 6 de julio de 1893) fue un escritor francés, autor principalmente de cuentos, aunque escribió seis novelas.

40 Ebooks de Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Rashomon and Other Stories
‘Clear-eyed glimpses of human behavior in the extremities of poverty, stupidity, greed, vanity… Story-telling of an unconventional sort, with most of the substance beneath the shining, enameled surfa …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Rashomon and Other Stories
Writing at the beginning of the twentieth century, Ryunosuke Akutagawa created disturbing stories out of Japan’s cultural upheaval. Rashomon tells the chilling story of the killing of a samurai throu …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Chiara Candeloro: Rashōmon
Un uomo assassinato, una donna scomparsa e un delinquente accusato di omicidio e di stupro: tre vite si intrecciano e si raccontano nella stessa storia intricata che smarrisce la sua univocità …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Edgar Allan Poe: 30 Mystery & Investigation Masterpieces (Best Navigation, Active TOC) (A to Z Classics)
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier.The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume.This book contains the following works, classi …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Edgar Allan Poe: 30 Mystery & Investigation Masterpieces (Active TOC) (A to Z Classics)
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier.The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume.This book contains the following works, classi …
George A. Birmingham & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: The Detective Fiction Collection – Volume #1
The Detective Fiction Collection brings together 28 of the greatest detective classics ever written, by the greatest authors to ever live. Featuring: IN A GROVE, by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa FANTOMAS, by M …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: In a Grove
‘In a Grove’ is an early modernist short story consisting of seven varying accounts of the murder of a samurai, Kanazawa no Takehiro, whose corpse has been found in a bamboo forest near Kyoto. Each s …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: Rashoumon
‘Rashōmon’ (Japanese: 羅生門) is a short story by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke based on tales from the Konjaku Monogatarishū. A man considering whether or not to become a thief meets a woman stealing hair from c …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Life of a Stupid Man
‘What is the life of a human being – a drop of dew, a flash of lightning? This is so sad, so sad.’Autobiographical stories from one of Japan’s masters of modernist story-telling.Introducing Little Bl …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories
Ry nosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927) is one of Japan s foremost stylists – a modernist master whose short stories are marked by highly original imagery, cynicism, beauty and wild humour. Rash mon and In a …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Mandarins
Ryunosuke Akutagawa & Ambrose Bierce: Gran Libro de los Mejores Cuentos – Volumen 5
Este libro contiene 70 cuentos de 10 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Los cuentos fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados por el crítico August Nemo, en una colección que encantará a los amantes d …
Antón Chéjov & Abraham Valdelomar: Gigantesco Libro de los Mejores Cuentos – Volume 1
Este libro contiene 350 cuentos de 50 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Elegida sabiamente por el crítico literario August Nemo para la serie de libros 7 Mejores Cuentos, esta antología contien …
O. Henry & Anton Chekhov: 7 short stories that ISFP will love
ISFPs are introverted, but once the initial barrier is overcome, they are affectionate and fun; the typical ISFP wants to live life to the fullest! In this book you will find seven short stories spec …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa & August Nemo: 7 mejores cuentos de Ryunosuke Akutagawa
La serie de libros ‘7 mejores cuentos’> presenta los grandes nombres de la literatura en lengua española. En este volumen traemos a Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, un escritor japonés, perteneciente a la genera …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Kappa
Ryunosuke Akutagawa gilt als ‘Vater der japanischen Kurzgeschichte’. Mehr als 150 Erzählungen entstanden in seiner kurzen Schaffensperiode von 1916 bis 1927. Der nach ihm benannte Akutagawa-Preis, de …
H. P. Lovecraft & Ryunosuke Akutagawa: 7 best short stories – Weird Fiction
Welcome to the book series 7 best short stories specials, selection dedicated to a special subject, featuring works by noteworthy authors. The texts were chosen based on their relevance, renown and i …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Gilbert Keith Chesterton: 30 Mystery & Investigation masterpieces
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa & Gilbert Keith Chesterton: 30 Mystery & Investigation masterpieces
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Murder in the Age of Enlightenment
A stylishly original collection of seven newly translated stories from the iconic Japanese writer From a nobleman’s court, to the garden of paradise, to a lantern festival in Tokyo, these stories off …
Redhouse & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: Mystery & Investigation Anthology
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Icarsus & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: Mystery & Investigation Anthology
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Icarsus & Ryūnosuke Akutagawa: 30 Mystery & Investigation
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Gilbert Keith Chesterton & Wilkie Collins: 30 Mystery & Investigation
This book contains several tables of HTML content that will make reading easier. The first table of contents lists all the titles included in this volume. This book contains the following works, clas …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa & Kafu Nagai: Three Japanese Short Stories
‘Oh the cruelty of time, that destroys all things!’Beguiling, strange and hair-raising tales from early 20th century Japan: Nagai’s Behind the Prison, Uno’s Closet LLB and Akutagawa’s deeply macabre …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Hell Screen
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world’s greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Cele …
Ricardo Güiraldes & Heinrich von Kleist: El puente revelado
La siguiente antología presenta una propuesta interesante en la que seis poemas, desconocidos por el público, ‘conversan’ (se relacionan intertextualmente) con cuentos universales de autores célebres …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Reading Guide and Test Center of Must-Read Classics
As night fell, a soldier who was evicted by his master came to the door of Rashomon. In war times, Rashomon Gate has not been repaired all the year round, and now it had become a horrible place where …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: RASHOMON e Outros Contos – Akutagawa
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa ( 1892 – 1927) foi um escritor japonês ativo no Japão durante o período Taishō. Ele é considerado o ‘Pai do conto japonês’, e é famoso por seu estilo e suas histórias ricas em det …
Ryûnosuke Akutagawa: Rashômon
‘Rashômon e outros contos’ reúne dez contos de diversos períodos da breve existência do autor. ‘Rashômon’ (1915) e ‘Dentro do bosque’ (1922) retratam a cultura de Heian (atual Quioto). Em ‘Memorando …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Kappa
Akutagawa’s magical final work is a short novel with a magic spell all its own—poignant, fantastical, wry, melancholic, and witty The Kappa is a creature from Japanese folklore known for dragging unw …
Robert W Chambers & Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Top 10 Short Stories – Murder
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Akinari Ueda & Ryûnosuke Akutagawa: Gótico Japonês
Textos icônicos da literatura misteriosa e sobrenatural, reconhecidos como mestres do ‘gótico japonês’ mesclam-se com textos clássicos japoneses de mais de mil anos de idade. A literatura japonesa é …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Ryunosuke Akutagawa – A Short Story Collection
Ryunosuke Niihara was born in Irifune, Kyobashi, Tokyo City in Japan on the 1st March 1892. Sadly, his mother suffered severe mental illness after his birth and so, at only eight months old, he was s …
J M Barrie & Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Top 10 Short Stories – The Murder Mystery
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Akutagawa’s Rashomon and Other Stories
A famous samurai murder mystery finally brought to life in graphic novel form! A sword-swinging samurai, a corpse-robbing crone and a falsely accused trans man stand at the center of these four iconi …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Rashomon and Other Stories
‘Rashomon and Other Stories’ has had a profound impact on both Japanese and international literature. The stories ‘Rashomon’ and ‘In a Bamboo Grove’ were famously adapted into the 1950 film Rashomon …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: RASHOMON y Outros Cuentos – Akutagawa
Rashomon y otros cuentos es una obra fundamental que explora la naturaleza humana a través de relatos profundamente introspectivos y cargados de simbolismo. Akutagawa utiliza narrativas breves para e …
Ryunosuke Akutagawa: Kappa
A surreal masterpiece from one of Japan’s greatest writers In early 20th-century Japan, a lone hiker falls through a hole in the ground into Kappaland. This is a place ruled by amphibious creatures w …