With the field of geriatric mental health growing rapidly in the next decade as the Baby Boomers age, this timely guide brings together a notable team of international contributors to provide guidance for caregivers, families, and those who counsel them on managing caregiving challenges for aging family members. Aging Families and Caregiving helps mental health professionals guide families and other caregivers as they adjust to the demands of caring for aging family members and pr...
Contributors vii
Preface ix
1. Who Are the Aging Families? 1
Rosemary Blieszner
2. Functions Families Serve in Old Age 19
Karen L. Fingerman, Laura M. Miller, and Amber...
Despre autor
Sarah.Qualls, Ph D, is a clinical psychology faculty member
at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. She has twenty
years of academic, clinical, and continu...