Фотография, кино, видео, телевидение поддержкаЕлектронна книгаДуховная наукаИскусство / АрхитектураОбщие словариИстория искусствИзобразительное искусствоАрхитектураДизайн интерьера, ДизайнТеатр, балетФотография, кино, видео, телевидениеАнтиквариатДругое26 360 Электронные книги в этой категории Aaron Gerow: Kitano Takeshi Combining a detailed account of the situation in Japanese film and criticism with unique close analyses of Kitano»s films from Violent Cop to Takeshis, the author relates the director to issues of c … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.78 Wendy Helsby: Understanding Representation This is the third book in the »Understanding the Moving Image» series. Like other books in the series, it aims to provide a strong critical and theoretical base for the study of the media. It has b … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.43 Joan Mellen: Seven Samurai In the film »Seven Samurai» (1954) a whole society is on the verge of irrevocable change. Many people consider this film a major achievemnet in Japanese cinema, an epic that evokes the cultural uph … EPUB Adobe DRM €13.82 Amy Sargeant: British Cinema Although new writing and research on British cinema has burgeoned over the last fifteen years, there has been a continued lack of single-authored books providing a coherent overview to this fascinati … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.60 Rick Altman: Film/Genre Film/Genre revises our notions of film genre and connects the roles played by industry critics and audiences in making and re-making genre. Altman reveals the conflicting stakes for which the genre g … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.00 Sue Thornham: What If I Had Been the Hero? Sue Thornham»s study explores issues in feminist filmmaking through an examination of a wide range of films by women filmmakers, ranging from the avant-garde to mainstream Hollywood, and from the 19 … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.61 John Condry: The Psychology of Television This volume addresses the content of television — both programs and advertisements — and the psychological effects of the content on the audience. The author not only reports new research, but expl … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.49 Dr Timothy Barker: Against Transmission In Against Transmission Barker rethinks the history of audio-visual media as a history of analytical instruments. Rather than viewing media history as the commonly told story of synthetic media (medi … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.43 Stephen Mcgann: Doctor Turner»s Casebook Call The Midwife is the BBC’s most popular drama ever — that is what viewing figures tell us with over ten million viewers per episode. The Christmas edition is always reviewed as a ‘must see’ e … EPUB Adobe DRM €10.71 Paul Coates: Cinema and Colour Cinema and Colour: The Saturated Image is a major new critical study of the use of colour in cinema. Using the dialectic of colour and monochrome as a starting point, Paul Coates explores the symboli … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.96 Следущая страница >>> 0 0 касса 0,00 × × × Изменить язык пользователя × арабскийНемецкийанглийскийиспанскийФранцузскийхиндииндонезийскийитальянскиймалайскийнидерландский языкпольскийпортугальскийрумынскийрусскийшведскийтайскийтурецкийукраинецвьетнамскийкитайский языкInternational Modal ×