Barnaby Rudge is a historical novel by British novelist Charles Dickens. Barnaby Rudge was one of two novels (the other was The Old Curiosity Shop) that Dickens published in his short-lived (1840-1841) weekly serial Master Humphrey’s Clock. Barnaby Rudge is largely set during the Gordon Riots of 1780. Barnaby Rudge was the fifth of Dickens’ novels to be published. It had originally been planned to appear as his first, but changes of publisher led to many delays, and it first appeared in serial form in the Clock from February to November 1841. It was Dickens’ first historical novel. His only other is the much later A Tale of Two Cities, also set in revolutionary times. It is one of his less popular novels and has rarely been adapted for film or television. The last production was a 1960 BBC production; prior to that, silent films were made in 1911 and 1915. Both Edward’s father, John Chester, and Emma’s uncle, the Catholic Geoffrey Haredale — these two are sworn enemies — oppose their union after Sir John untruthfully convinces Geoffrey that Edward’s intentions are dishonourable. Sir John intends to marry Edward to a woman with a rich inheritance, to support John’s expensive lifestyle and to pay off his debtors. Edward quarrels with his father and leaves home for the West Indies. Barnaby Rudge, a simpleton, wanders in and out of the story with his pet raven, Grip. Barnaby’s mother begins to receive visits from the ill-kempt stranger, whom she feels compelled to protect. She later gives up the annuity she had been receiving from Geoffrey Haredale and, without explanation, takes Barnaby and leaves the city hoping to escape the unwanted visitor…
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