As part of our mission to publish great works of literary fiction and nonfiction, Sheba Blake Publishing has begun its publishing empire with some of the most popular and beloved classic e Books and Paperbacks. We are extremely dedicated to bringing to the forefront the amazing works of long dead and truly talented authors.
Sheba Blake Publishing has created its collection of numerous classic e Books and Paperbacks, specifically dedicated to bringing back in e Book and Paperback form works of worthy authors. Included in our current and forthcoming list of some 450 titles includes A Christmas Carol, A Journey to the Center of the Earth, A Martian Odyssey, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Cinderella and the list continues.
The process to convert and distribute our e Book and Paperback titles can be quite time consuming, but the work is beyond worth the effort, with us having some of the most colorful and delightful covers you have seen in a while. We also hope to eventually add print books to our beautiful catalogue.
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Sheba Blake Publishing is like our second child, it»s very dear to us and we want more than anything to see it succeed and send it off into the world like the proud mama»s we are! Sheba Blake Publishing is slowly becoming a beautiful reality to all readers. We greatly appreciate ANY and ALL support that has been given to us, and we love all of those dreaming readers who continue to purchase our titles and help us grow.
835 Электронные книги Sheba Blake
Sheba Blake & Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal
A Modest Proposal is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729. Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling …
Sheba Blake & James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the religious and intellectual awakening of young Stephen Dedal …
Edgar Rice Burroughs & Sheba Blake: A Princess of Mars
A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. John Carter, a Confederate veteran of the American Civil War, goes prospecting in Arizona immed …
Algernon Blackwood & Sheba Blake: A Prisoner in Fairyland
A curious, unusual, puzzling type of book. The story of the awakening of a London financier who, after long years spent in the amassing of a fortune, reverts to his early dream of becoming a great ph …
Sheba Blake & G. K. Chesterton: A Short History of England
G.K. Chesterton was a prolific writer on many topics. His views of history were always from the standpoint of men and their interactions, and it may fairly be said he saw all of history as a battle b …
Bram Stoker & Sheba Blake: A Star Trap
When I was apprenticed to theatrical carpentering my master was John Haliday, who was Master Machinist — we called men in his post ‘Master Carpenter’ in those days — of the old Victoria Theatre, Hulm …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Sheba Blake: A Study in Scarlet
A Study in Scarlet is a detective novel by British author Arthur Conan Doyle. The story marks the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who would become two of the most famous character …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French ari …
Sheba Blake & David Lindsay: A Voyage to Arcturus
A Voyage to Arcturus is a novel by Scottish writer David Lindsay. It combines fantasy, philosophy, and science fiction in an exploration of the nature of good and evil and their relationship with exi …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: Abandoned
Explorers in a hot-air balloon land on an island, figuring that they must be the only inhabitants. However, they discover a bullet inside a wounded animal—one which must have been fired within the p …
Mark Twain & Sheba Blake: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain. It is told in the first person by Huckleberry ‘Huck’ Finn, a friend of Tom Sawyer and narrator of two other Twain novels. The book is noted fo …
Aesop & Sheba Blake: Aesop’s Fables
Aesop’s Fables is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. The fables originally belonged to the oral tradit …
T. S. Arthur & Sheba Blake: After the Storm
After the Storm was written by the very popular nineteenth-century American author who articulated and disseminated the values, beliefs, and habits of middle-class life in pre-Civil War America. Timo …
Sheba Blake & Anne Bronte: Agnes Grey
Agnes Grey is the debut novel of English author Anne Brontë. The novel follows Agnes Grey, a governess, as she works within families of the English gentry. Scholarship and comments by Anne’s sister C …
Lewis Carroll & Sheba Blake: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a novel written by English mathematician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole i …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain is the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard’s 1885 novel King Solomon’s Mines and its sequels. The character Quatermain is an English-born professional big game hunter and occasional trad …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: All’s Well That Ends Well
All’s Well That Ends Well is a play by William Shakespeare. Helena, the low-born ward of a Spanish countess, is in love with the countess’ son Bertram, who is indifferent to her. Bertram goes to Pari …
Sheba Blake & L. Frank Baum: American Fairy Tales
American Fairy Tales is the title of a collection of twelve fantasy stories by L. Frank Baum. The twelve stories were published in this order in the first edition. ‘The Box of Robbers.’ ‘The Glass Do …
Confucius & Sheba Blake: Analects of Confucius
Analects of Confucius is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been compiled and written by Confuciu …
Elliott O’Donnell & Sheba Blake: Animal Ghosts
Animal Ghosts is a collection of ghost stories in which the antagonists are various animals. Divided up into chapters of ghost sightings by each group of animals, you will hear of hauntings by dogs, …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: Ann Veronica
Ann Veronica is a New Woman novel by H.G. Wells. Ann Veronica describes the rebellion of Ann Veronica Stanley, ‘a young lady of nearly two-and-twenty, ‘ against her middle-class father’s stern patria …
Leo Tolstoy & Sheba Blake: Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina is the tragic story of a married aristocrat/socialite and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky. The story starts when s …
Sheba Blake & E. Phillips Oppenheim: Anna the Adventuress
Anna the Adventuress is a British silent drama film directed by Cecil Hepworth and starring Alma Taylor, Jean Cadell and James Carew. It is based on a novel by Phillips Oppenheim. It is considered a …
Sheba Blake & Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Avonlea
Anne of Avonlea is a novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Anne is about to start her first term teaching at the Avonlea school, although she will still continue her studies at home with Gilbert, who is tea …
Sheba Blake & Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables is a novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, …
Lucy Maud Montgomery & Sheba Blake: Anne of the Island
Anne of the Island is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery about Anne Shirley. In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, Anne attends Redmond College in K …
Sheba Blake & Ayn Rand: Anthem
Anthem is a dystopian fiction novella by Ayn Rand. It takes place at some unspecified future date when mankind has entered another dark age. Technological advancement is now carefully planned and the …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Antony and Cleopatra
Antony and Cleopatra is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The plot is based on Thomas North’s translation of Plutarch’s Lives and follows the relationship between Cleopatra and Mark Antony from the t …
Pierre Louys & Sheba Blake: Aphrodite
Aphrodite is a French-language novel by Pierre Louÿs. Set in Alexandria, the novel tells the story of Chrysis, a courtesan, and the sculptor Démétrios. A Galilaean with long golden hair (source of he …
Sheba Blake & Harry Harrison: Arm of the Law
A quiet backwater outpost on Mars gets a surprise in the form of a new police recruit — in a box! Yep, it’s a prototype robot cop sent to the backwater station for testing. And Harrison tells the str …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: Armadale
Armadale is a novel by Wilkie Collins. Armadale is the third of the four great novels produced by Collins during the 1860s: after The Woman in White (1859–60) and No Name (1862), and before The Moons …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavig …
Maurice le Blanc & Sheba Blake: Arsene Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes
Arsène Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes is a collection of two adventures of Arsène Lupin, written by Maurice Leblanc. These adventures feature a match of wits between Lupin and Herlock Sholmes, a transpare …
James Allen & Sheba Blake: As a Man Thinketh
As a Man Thinketh is a literary essay and book by James Allen. It was described by Allen as ‘… dealing with the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy a …
Sheba Blake & Edgar Rice Burroughs: At the Earth’s Core
At the Earth’s Core is a fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first in his series about the fictional ‘hollow earth’ land of Pellucidar. The author relates how, traveling in the Sahara desert, …
H. P. Lovecraft & Sheba Blake: At the Mountains of Madness
At the Mountains of Madness is a novella by horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. The story details the events of a disastrous expedition to the Antarctic continent in September 1930, and what was found the …
A. E. W. Mason & Sheba Blake: At the Villa Rose
At the Villa Rose is a detective novel by British writer A.E.W. Mason featuring his character Inspector Hanaud. In Aix les Bains during the early 20th century, Celia Harland, a beautiful (of course) …
Sinclair Lewis & Sheba Blake: Babbitt
Babbitt is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle-class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The controversy provoked by Babbitt was infl …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Barnaby Rudge
Barnaby Rudge is a historical novel by British novelist Charles Dickens. Barnaby Rudge was one of two novels (the other was The Old Curiosity Shop) that Dickens published in his short-lived (1840–184 …
Jack London & Sheba Blake: Before Adam
Before Adam is a historical novel by Jack London. It is the story of a man who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid Australopithecine. The story offers an early view of human evolution. The m …
Kirk Munroe & Sheba Blake: ‘Forward, March’
Kirk Munroe was a well-traveled writer and journalist who was born in Wisconsin, educated in Massachusetts, began his career in New York City, and finally settled in Florida. Once there, Munroe’s pro …
Kurt Vonnegut & Sheba Blake: 2 B R 0 2 B (Sheba Blake Classics)
2 B R 0 2 B is a science fiction short story by Kurt Vonnegut. The title is pronounced ‘2 B R naught 2 B’, referencing the famous phrase ‘to be, or not to be’ from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Princ …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea (Sheba Blake Classics)
20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne. The novel was originally serialized from March 1869 through June 1870 in Pierre-Jules Hetzel’s periodica …
John French & Sheba Blake: 1914
For a memoir of World War I, Sir John French’s book 1914 does a fairly good job of recounting the facts, however skewed they may be. French, whose full name and titles are quite daunting, was Field M …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Child’s History of England
A Child’s History of England is a book by Charles Dickens. Dickens also published the work in book form in three volumes: the first volume on December 20, 1851; the second, December 25, 1852; and the …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843. A Christmas Ca …
Jack London & Sheba Blake: A Daughter of the Snows
A Daughter of the Snows is Jack London’s first novel. Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, ‘a Stanford graduate and physical Valkyrie’ who takes to the trail after upsetting her wealt …
Henrik Ibsen & Sheba Blake: A Doll’s House
A Doll’s House is a three-act play in prose by Henrik Ibsen. The play is significant for its critical attitude toward 19th-century marriage norms. It aroused great controversy at the time, as it conc …
Gene Stratton-Porter & Sheba Blake: A Girl of the Limberlost
A Girl of the Limberlost is a novel by American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter. It is considered a classic of Indiana literature. It is the sequel to her earlier novel Freckles. Patricia …
Franz Kafka & Sheba Blake: A Hunger Artist
A Hunger Artist is a short story by Franz Kafka. The protagonist, a hunger artist who experiences the decline in appreciation of his craft, is an archetypical creation of Kafka: an individual margina …
Jules Vern & Sheba Blake: A Journey to the Center of the Earth
Journey to the Center of the Earth is a science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the centre of the …
Frances Hodgson Burnett & Sheba Blake: A Little Princess
A Little Princess is a children’s novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The novella appears to have been inspired in part by Charlotte Brontë’s unfinished novel, Emma, the first two chapters of which wer …
Stanley Weinbaum & Sheba Blake: A Martian Odyssey
A Martian Odyssey is a science fiction short story by Stanley G. Weinbaum originally published in the July 1934 issue of Wonder Stories. It was Weinbaum’s second published story (in 1933 he had sold …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy written by William Shakespeare. It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, to Hippolyta, the former queen of the Amazons. Th …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: A Modern Utopia
A Modern Utopia is a novel by H. G. Wells. Because of the complexity and sophistication of its narrative structure A Modern Utopia has been called ‘not so much a modern as a postmodern utopia.’ The n …
James Joyce & Sheba Blake: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Kunstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the religious and intellectual awakening of young Stephen Dedal …
Edgar Rice Burrough & Sheba Blake: A Princess of Mars
A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. Full of swordplay and daring feats, the novel is considered a classic example of 20th-century p …
Algernon Blackwoo & Sheba Blake: A Prisoner in Fairyland
A curious, unusual, puzzling type of book. The story of the awakening of a London financier who, after long years spent in the amassing of a fortune, reverts to his early dream of becoming a great ph …
E. M. Forster & Sheba Blake: A Room with a View
A Room with a View is a novel by English writer E. M. Forster, about a young woman in the restrained culture of Edwardian era England. Set in Italy and England, the story is both a romance and a crit …
G. K. Chesterton & Sheba Blake: A Short History of England
G.K. Chesterton was a prolific writer on many topics. His views of history were always from the standpoint of men and their interactions, and it may fairly be said he saw all of history as a battle b …
Bram Stoker & Sheba Blake: A Star Trap
When I was apprenticed to theatrical carpentering my master was John Haliday, who was Master Machinist — we called men in his post ‘Master Carpenter’ in those days — of the old Victoria Theatre, Hulm …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Sheba Blake: A Study in Scarlet
A Study in Scarlet is a detective novel by British author Arthur Conan Doyle. The story marks the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who would become two of the most famous character …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French ari …
David Lindsay & Sheba Blake: A Voyage to Arcturus
A Voyage to Arcturus is a novel by Scottish writer David Lindsay. It combines fantasy, philosophy, and science fiction in an exploration of the nature of good and evil and their relationship with exi …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: Abandoned
Explorers in a hot-air balloon land on an island, figuring that they must be the only inhabitants. However, they discover a bullet inside a wounded animal—one which must have been fired within the p …
James Russell Lowell & Sheba Blake: Abraham Lincoln
When Lincoln took office as President of the United States, the nation was fraught with problems, not the least of which was slavery and the danger of secession. This biography relates how Lincoln de …
Aesop & Sheba Blake: Aesop’s Fables
Aesop’s Fables is a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. Of diverse origins, the stories associated with h …
T. S. Arthur & Sheba Blake: After the Storm
After the Storm was written by the very popular nineteenth-century American author who articulated and disseminated the values, beliefs, and habits of middle-class life in pre-Civil War America. Timo …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain is the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard’s 1885 novel King Solomon’s Mines and its sequels. Allan Quatermain was also the title of a book in this sequence. The character Quatermain is …
William Shakespear & Sheba Blake: All’s Well That Ends Well
All’s Well That Ends Well is a play by William Shakespeare. Though originally the play was classified as one of Shakespeare’s comedies, the play is now considered by some critics to be one of his pro …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: American Fairy Tales
American Fairy Tales is the title of a collection of twelve fantasy stories by L. Frank Baum. L. Frank Baum was doing well in 1901, better than ever before in his life. He had written two popular boo …
Herodotus & Sheba Blake: An Account of Egypt
Herodotus was a 5th century Greek philosopher. He is the ‘Father of History’. Herodotus was the first historian to collect materials, check them for accuracy and them place them in chronological orde …
Confucius & Sheba Blake: Analects of Confucius
Analects of Confucius is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been compiled and written by Confuciu …
Elliott O’Donnell & Sheba Blake: Animal Ghosts
This is a collection of ghost stories in which the antagonists are various animals. Divided up into chapters of ghost sightings by each group of animals, you will hear of hauntings by dogs, cats, bir …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: Ann Veronica
Ann Veronica is a New Woman novel by H.G. Wells. Ann Veronica describes the rebellion of Ann Veronica Stanley, ‘a young lady of nearly two-and-twenty, ‘ against her middle-class father’s stern patria …
Leo Tolstoy & Sheba Blake: Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina is the tragic story of a married aristocrat/socialite and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky. The story starts when s …
E. Phillips Oppenheim & Sheba Blake: Anna the Adventuress
Anna the Adventuress is a novel written by Phillips Oppenheim. Two identical sisters are able to switch places, leading to a series of unfortunate incidents. E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was the …
Lucy Maud Montgomery & Sheba Blake: Anne of Avonlea
Anne of Avonlea is a novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Following Anne of Green Gables (1908), the book covers the second chapter in the life of Anne Shirley. This book follows Anne from the age of 16 to …
Lucy Maud Montgomery & Sheba Blake: Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables is a novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery . Written for all ages, it has been considered a children’s novel since the mid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures o …
Lucy Maud Montgomery & Sheba Blake: Anne of the Island
Anne of the Island is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery about Anne Shirley. Anne of the Island was published in 1915, seven years after the bestsellin …
Ayn Rand & Sheba Blake: Anthem
Anthem is a dystopian fiction novella by Ayn Rand. It takes place at some unspecified future date when mankind has entered another dark age. Technological advancement is now carefully planned and the …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Antony and Cleopatra
Antony and Cleopatra is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The play was performed first circa 1607 at the Blackfriars Theatre or the Globe Theatre by the King’s Men. Its first appearance in print was …
Pierre Louys & Sheba Blake: Aphrodite
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She is identified with the planet Venus, and her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus. As with many ancient Greek deities, …
Harry Harrison & Sheba Blake: Arm of the Law
A quiet backwater outpost on Mars gets a surprise in the form of a new police recruit — in a box! Yep, it’s a prototype robot cop sent to the backwater station for testing. And Harrison tells the str …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: Armadale
Armadale is a novel by Wilkie Collins. In the German spa town of Wildbad, the ‘Scotchman’ Mr. Neal is asked to transcribe the deathbed confession of Allan Armadale; his story concerns his murder of t …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavig …
Maurice Leblanc & Sheba Blake: Arsene Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes
Arsene Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes is a collection of two adventures of Arsène Lupin, written by Maurice Leblanc. These adventures feature a match of wits between Lupin and Herlock Sholmes, a transpare …
James Allen & Sheba Blake: As a Man Thinketh
As a Man Thinketh is a literary essay and book by James Allen. It was described by Allen as ‘… [dealing] with the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy …
Edgar Rice Burroughs & Sheba Blake: At the Earth’s Core
At the Earth’s Core is a fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first in his series about the fictional ‘hollow earth’ land of Pellucidar. The author relates how, traveling in the Sahara desert, …
H. P. Lovecraft & Sheba Blake: At the Mountains of Madness
At the Mountains of Madness is a novella by horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. The story details the events of a disastrous expedition to the Antarctic continent in September 1930, and what was found the …
A. E. W. Mason & Sheba Blake: At the Villa Rose
At the Villa Rose is a detective novel by British writer A.E.W. Mason featuring his character Inspector Hanaud. In Aix les Bains during the early 20th century, Celia Harland, a beautiful (of course) …
Sinclair Lewis & Sheba Blake: Babbitt
Babbitt, by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle-class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The word ‘Babbitt’ enter …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Barnaby Rudge
Barnaby Rudge is a historical novel by British novelist Charles Dickens. Barnaby Rudge was one of two novels (the other was The Old Curiosity Shop) that Dickens published in his short-lived (1840-184 …
Marie le Prince de Beaumont & Sheba Blake: Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast is a traditional fairy tale written by Marie Leprince de Beaumont. A wealthy, widowed merchant lives in a mansion with his six children, three sons and three daughters. All his d …
Jack London & Sheba Blake: Before Adam
Before Adam is a historical novel by Jack London. It is the story of a man who dreams he lives the life of an early hominid Australopithecine. The story offers an early view of human evolution. The m …
Lew Wallace & Sheba Blake: Ben-Hur
Ben-Hur is a novel by Lew Wallace, and considered ‘the most influential Christian book of the nineteenth century’. The story recounts in descriptive detail the adventures of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish p …
Anonymous & Sheba Blake: Beowulf
Beowulf is an Old English epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative lines. The poem is set in Scandinavia. Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mea …
Friedrich Nietzsche & Sheba Blake: Beyond Good and Evil
Beyond Good and Evil is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that expands the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, with a more critical and polemical approach. In Beyond Good and …
Anna Sewell & Sheba Blake: Black Beauty
Black Beauty is a novel by English author Anna Sewell. It was composed in the last years of her life, during which she remained in her house as an invalid. The novel became an immediate best-seller, …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Bleak House
Bleak House is one of Charles Dickens’s major novels. The novel has many characters and several sub-plots, and the story is told partly by the novel’s heroine, Esther Summerson, and partly by an omni …
William Makepeace Thackera & Sheba Blake: Book of Snobs
Book of Snobs is a collection of satirical works by William Makepeace Thackeray. While the word ‘snob’ had been in use since the end of the 18th century Thackeray’s adoption of the term to refer to p …
C. Suetonious Tranquillus & Sheba Blake: Caligula
If you want to read about one of the ‘baddies, ‘ that is, one of the most deranged leaders in the history of History, you’ll enjoy this one. Not much is known about Caligula, but it is established th …
Voltaire & Sheba Blake: Candide
As part of our mission to publish great works of literary fiction and nonfiction, Sheba Blake Publishing has begun its publishing empire with some of the most popular and beloved classic e Books and …
Rafael Sabatini & Sheba Blake: Captain Blood
Captain Blood is an adventure novel by Rafael Sabatini. The protagonist is the sharp-witted Dr. Peter Blood, a fictional Irish physician who had had a wide-ranging career as a soldier and sailor (inc …
Rudyard Kipling & Sheba Blake: Captains Courageous
Captains Courageous is a novel by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a railroad tycoon, after he is saved from drowning by a Portug …
Edwin Dingle & Sheba Blake: China on Foot
Edwin Dingle’s book China on Foot details his trip through Hong Kong and Shanghai, and finally into Tibet, where he would be one of the first Westerners to enter a Tibetan Monastery. There he learned …
Anonymous & Sheba Blake: Cinderella
Cinderella is a folk tale embodying a myth-element of unjust oppression/triumphant reward. Thousands of variants are known throughout the world. The title character is a young woman living in unfortu …
Thomas W. Hanshew & Sheba Blake: Cleek of Scotland Yard
Hamilton Cleek is back — or is he? Margot, Queen of the Apaches (the notorious French criminal gang) has been released on bail and vanished, Mr. Narkom has a series of inexplicable murders to solve, …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume 1
The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective f …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume 2
The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective f …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume 3
The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective f …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume 4
The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective f …
Thomas Paine & Sheba Blake: Common Sense
Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775-76 advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. Written in clear and persuasive prose, Paine marshaled mor …
Thomas de Quincey & Sheba Blake: Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater is an autobiographical account written by Thomas De Quincey, about his laudanum (opium and alcohol) addiction and its effect on his life. The Confessions was ‘th …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Coriolanus
Coriolanus is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1605 and 1608. The play is based on the life of the legendary Roman leader Caius Marcius Coriolanus. The tragedy …
Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Sheba Blake: Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published in the literary journal The Russian Messenger in twelve monthly installments during 1866. It was later …
Aldous Huxley & Sheba Blake: Crome Yellow
Crome Yellow is the first novel by British author Aldous Huxley. In the book, Huxley satirises the fads and fashions of the time. It is the story of a house party at Crome, a parodic version of Garsi …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: David Copperfield
David Copperfield is the eighth novel by Charles Dickens. Many elements of the novel follow events in Dickens’ own life, and it is often considered as his veiled autobiography. It was Dickens’ favori …
Nikolai Gogol & Sheba Blake: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is a novel by Nikolai Gogol. The purpose of the novel was to demonstrate the flaws and faults of the Russian mentality and character. Gogol portrayed those defects through Pavel Ivanovich …
Harry Harrison & Sheba Blake: Deathworld
Deathworld is the name of a series of science fiction novels by Harry Harrison including the books Deathworld (first published 1960, serialized in Astounding Science Fiction), Deathworld 2 (1964, ini …
Giovanni Boccaccio & Sheba Blake: Decameron
Decameron is a collection of novellas by the 14th-century Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio. The book is structured as a frame story containing 100 tales told by a group of seven young women and thre …
Stephen King-Hall & Sheba Blake: Diary of a U-Boat Commander
Captain Karl von Schenk of the Kaiser’s Navy is a stereotypical German nobleman — supremely self-confident, touchy about the divisions of class and any infringement on his place. He thinks he is hand …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Dombey and Son
Dombey and Son is a novel by Charles Dickens. There is some concern with the railways and the novel’s conception, and writing, belong to the years of the railway boom, 1844-47. The sea, meanwhile, be …
Miguel de Cervantes & Sheba Blake: Don Quixote
Don Quixote is a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, Don Quixote is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden A …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz is the fourth book set in the Land of Oz written by L. Frank Baum. This is one of only two of the original fourteen Oz books (the other being The Emerald City of Oz (1910 …
Bram Stoker & Sheba Blake: Dracula
Dracula is a gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker, famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula. The novel tells the story of Dracula’s attempt to move from Transylvan …
James Joyce & Sheba Blake: Dubliners
Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories by James Joyce. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in and around Dublin in the early years of the 20th century. The stori …
Kris Neville & Sheba Blake: Earth Alert!
What defense could she raise against mutant science.telepathy, invisibility, teleportation.especially since Earth was not aware of its danger! Kris Ottman Neville (May 9, 1925 — December 23, 1980) wa …
Jane Austen & Sheba Blake: Emma
Emma, by Jane Austen, is a novel about youthful hubris and the perils of misconstrued romance. As in her other novels, Austen explores the concerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgia …
Edith Wharton & Sheba Blake: Ethan Frome
Ethan Frome is a novella by the Pulitzer Prize-winning American author Edith Wharton. It is set in the fictitious town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The novel was adapted into a film, Ethan Frome, in …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: Far from the Madding Crowd
Far from the Madding Crowd is Thomas Hardy’s fourth novel and his first major literary success. It originally appeared anonymously as a monthly serial in Cornhill Magazine, where it gained a wide rea …
Ivan Turgenev & Sheba Blake: Fathers and Sons
Fathers and Sons is a novel by Ivan Turgenev, and vies with A Nest of Gentlefolk for the repute of being his best novel. Arkady Kirsanov has just graduated from the University of Petersburg and retur …
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe & Sheba Blake: Faust
Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend. He is a scholar who is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil, exchanging his soul for un …
Edith Nesbit & Sheba Blake: Five Children and It
Five Children and It is a children’s novel by English author E. Nesbit. Like Nesbit’s The Railway Children, the story begins when a group of children move from London to the countryside of Kent. The …
F. Scott Fitzgerald & Sheba Blake: Flappers and Philosophers
Flappers and Philosophers is the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It includes eight stories: ‘The Offshore Pirate’ ‘The Ice Palace’ ‘Head and Shoulders’ ‘The Cut-Glas …
Edwin A. Abbott & Sheba Blake: Flatland
Flatland is a satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott. Written pseudonymously by ‘A Square’, the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the …
Mary Shelley & Sheba Blake: Frankenstein
Frankenstein is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley that tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: From the Earth to the Moon
From the Earth to the Moon is a novel by Jules Verne. It tells the story of the Baltimore Gun Club, a post-American Civil War society of weapons enthusiasts, and their attempts to build an enormous C …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: Glinda of Oz
Glinda of Oz is the fourteenth Land of Oz book written by children’s author L. Frank Baum. It is the last book of the original Oz series, which was later continued by other authors. Like most of the …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Great Expectations
Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens and his penultimate completed novel; a bildungsroman that depicts the personal growth and personal development of an orphan nicknamed Pip …
Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm: Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Grimm’s Fairy Tales is a collection of short stories by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. The first volume of the first edition was published in 1812, containing 86 stories; the second volume of …
Jonathan Swift & Sheba Blake: Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver’s Travels is a prose satire by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and the ‘travellers’ tales’ literary subgenre. It is Swift’s best known full-l …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Hamlet
Hamlet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatises the revenge Prince Hamlet is called to wreak upon his uncle, Claudius, by the ghost of Hamlet’s …
Hans Christian Andersen & Sheba Blake: Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales are like exquisite jewels, drawing from us gasps of recognition and delight. Andersen created intriguing and unique characters — a tin soldier with only one leg …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Hard Times
Hard Times is the tenth novel by Charles Dickens. The book appraises English society and highlights the social and economic pressures of the era. The novel follows a classical tripartite structure, a …
Joseph Conrad & Sheba Blake: Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness is a novella by Polish-British novelist Joseph Conrad, about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State, in the heart of Africa, by the story’s narrator Marlow. Marlow te …
Johanna Spyri & Sheba Blake: Heidi
Heidi is a work of children’s fiction by Swiss author Johanna Spyri, originally published in two parts as Heidi: her years of wandering and learning and Heidi : How she used what she learned. It is a …
H. P. Lovecraft & Sheba Blake: Herbert West: Reanimator
Herbert West: Reanimator is a short story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. The story was the basis of the 1985 horror film Re-Animator and its sequels, in addition to numerous other …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Sheba Blake: His Last Bow
His Last Bow is a collection of previously published Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, including the titular short story, ‘His Last Bow. The collection contains ‘The Adventure of the Car …
Henry M. Stanley & Sheba Blake: How I Found Livingstone
Henry M. Stanley is famously quoted for saying ‘Dr Livingstone, i Presume?’. Born in Wales, he migrated over to the United States at the age of 18, he eventually became an overseas correspondent for …
E. M. Forster & Sheba Blake: Howards End
Howards End is a novel by E. M. Forster, about social conventions, codes of conduct, and personal relationships in turn-of-the-century England. Howards End is considered by some to be Forster’s maste …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Hunted Down
A fascinating selection of Charles Dicken’s detective stories. The bibliography of Charles Dickens (1812-70) includes more than a dozen major novels, a large number of short stories (including Christ …
Jerome K. Jerome & Sheba Blake: Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow is a collection of humorous essays by Jerome K. Jerome. It was the author’s second published book and it helped establish him as a leading English humorist. While wide …
Harriet Jacobs & Sheba Blake: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an autobiography by a young mother and fugitive slave published in 1861 by L. Maria Child, who edited the book for its author, Harriet Ann Jacobs. Jacobs used …
Dante Alighieri & Sheba Blake: Inferno
Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatory and Paradise. The Inferno tells the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the ancie …
Walter Scott & Sheba Blake: Ivanhoe
Ivanhoe is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott. Ivanhoe is set in 12th-century England, with colourful descriptions of a tournament, outlaws, a witch trial and divisions between Jews and Christian …
Charlotte Bronte & Sheba Blake: Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë. Primarily of the Bildungsroman genre, Jane Eyre follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous heroine, including her growth to adultho …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: Jude the Obscure
Jude the Obscure, the last completed novel by Thomas Hardy. Its protagonist, Jude Fawley, is a working-class young man, a stonemason, who dreams of becoming a scholar. The other main character is his …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1599. It is one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history, which also include …
Rudyard Kipling & Sheba Blake: Just so Stories
Just So Stories is a collection of origin stories by the British author Rudyard Kipling. Considered a classic of children’s literature, the book is among Kipling’s best known works. Kipling began wor …
Robert Louis Stevenson & Sheba Blake: Kidnapped
Kidnapped is an historical fiction adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, written as a ‘boys’ novel’. Kidnapped is set around 18th-century Scottish events, notably the ‘Appin Murd …
Rudyard Kipling & Sheba Blake: Kim
Kim is a novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author Rudyard Kipling. It is set after the Second Afghan War which ended in 1881, but before the Third, probably in the period 1893 to 1898. The novel i …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: King Henry V
King Henry V is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1599. It tells the story of King Henry V of England, focusing on events immediately before and after the Ba …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: King Lear
King Lear is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. It depicts the gradual descent into madness of the title character, after he disposes of his kingdom giving bequests to two of his three daughte …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: King Solomon’s Mines
King Solomon’s Mines is a popular novel by the Victorian adventure writer and fabulist Sir H. Rider Haggard. It tells of a search of an unexplored region of Africa by a group of adventurers led by Al …
Mary Elizabeth Braddon & Sheba Blake: Lady Audley’s Secret
Lady Audley’s Secret is a sensation novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The plot was summarised by literary critic Elaine Showalter (1982): ‘Braddon’s bigamous heroine deserts her child, pushes husband …
Walt Whitman & Sheba Blake: Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass is a poetry collection by the American poet Walt Whitman. Though the first edition was published in 1855, Whitman spent most of his professional life writing and re-writing Leaves of …
Victor Hugo & Sheba Blake: Les Miserables
Les Misérables is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo. The novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experienc …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Little Dorrit
Little Dorrit is a novel by Charles Dickens. It satirises the shortcomings of both government and society, including the institution of debtors’ prisons, where debtors were imprisoned, unable to work …
Henry Beam Piper & Sheba Blake: Little Fuzzy
Little Fuzzy is the name of a science fiction novel by Henry Beam Piper. It is generally seen as a work of juvenile fiction. The story revolves around determining whether a small furry species discov …
Louisa May Alcott & Sheba Blake: Little Men
Little Men is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott. The novel reprises characters from Little Women and is considered by some the second book in an unofficial Little Women trilogy, which is c …
Louisa May Alcott & Sheba Blake: Little Women
Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott. The novel follows the lives of four sisters.Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March.detailing their passage from childhood to womanhood, and is loos …
W. Somerset Maugham & Sheba Blake: Liza of Lambeth
Liza of Lambeth was W. Somerset Maugham’s first novel, which he wrote while working as a doctor at a hospital in Lambeth, then a working class district of London. It depicts the short life and death …
Joseph Conrad & Sheba Blake: Lord Jim
Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad. An early and primary event in the story is the abandonment of a passenger ship in distress by its crew, including a young British seaman named Jim. He is publicl …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Love’s Labour’s Lost
Love’s Labour’s Lost is one of William Shakespeare’s early comedies, believed to have been written in the mid-1590s for a performance at the Inns of Court before Queen Elizabeth I. It follows the Kin …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Macbeth
Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare; it is thought to have been first performed in 1606. It dramatises the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek …
Gustave Flaubert & Sheba Blake: Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary is the debut novel of French writer Gustave Flaubert. The story focuses on a doctor’s wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the ban …
Sinclair Lewis & Sheba Blake: Main Street
Main Street is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis. Carol Milford is a liberal, free-spirited young woman, reared in Saint Paul, Minnesota, the state capital. She marries Will Kennicott, a do …
Jane Austen & Sheba Blake: Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park is the third published novel by Jane Austen. The novel tells the story of Fanny Price starting when her overburdened family sends her at age 10 to live in the household of her wealthy …
Albert Bigelow Paine & Sheba Blake: Mark Twain: A Biography
Albert Bigelow Paine was an American author and biographer best known for his work with Mark Twain. Paine was a member of the Pulitzer Prize Committee and wrote in several genres, including fiction, …
Charles Dicken & Sheba Blake: Martin Chuzzlewit
Martin Chuzzlewit is a novel by Charles Dickens, considered the last of his picaresque novels. Like nearly all of Dickens’ novels, Martin Chuzzlewit was released to the public in monthly instalments. …
Marcus Aurelius & Sheba Blake: Meditations
Meditations is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. Marcus Aurelius wrote the 12 b …
Charles Mackay & Sheba Blake: Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions is an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay. The book chronicles its subjects in three parts: ‘National Delusions’, ‘Peculia …
Franz Kafka & Sheba Blake: Metamorphosis
Metamorphosis is a novella by Franz Kafka. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed (metamorphosed) into a large, monstrous insect-like creature. T …
Thea von Harbou & Sheba Blake: Metropolis
Metropolis is a novel by the German writer Thea von Harbou. The story is set in 2026 in a technologically advanced city, which is sustained by the existence of an underground society of labourers. Th …
George Eliot & Sheba Blake: Middlemarch
Middlemarch is a novel by English author George Eliot, first published in eight installments (volumes) during 1871-2. The novel is set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch during 1829-32, a …
Jack Sharkey & Sheba Blake: Minor Detail
General Webb had a simply magnificent idea for getting ground forces into the enemy’s territory despite rockets and missiles and things like that. It was a grand scheme, except for one Minor Detail. …
Herman Melville & Sheba Blake: Moby Dick
Moby Dick is a novel by American writer Herman Melville. Sailor Ishmael tells the story of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler the Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale tha …
J. Meade Falkner & Sheba Blake: Moonfleet
Moonfleet is a tale of smuggling, royal treasure and shipwreck by the English novelist J. Meade Falkner. The book was extremely popular among children worldwide up until the 1970s, mostly for its the …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career. The play was included in the First Fo …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: My Man Jeeves
My Man Jeeves is a collection of short stories by P. G. Wodehouse. Of the eight stories in the collection, half feature the popular characters Jeeves and Bertie Wooster, while the others concern Regg …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: Master of the World
Master of the World is one of the last novels by French pioneer science fiction writer, Jules Verne. It is a sequel to Robur the Conqueror. At the time Verne wrote the novel, his health was failing. …
Emile Zola & Sheba Blake: Nana
Nana is a novel by the French naturalist author Émile Zola. Nana is the ninth installment in the 20-volume Les Rougon-Macquart series. Nana tells the story of Nana Coupeau’s rise from streetwalker to …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby is a novel by Charles Dickens. The novel centres on the life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, a young man who must support his mother and sister after his father dies. Nicholas …
Elizabeth Gaskell & Sheba Blake: North and South
North and South is a social novel by English writer Elizabeth Gaskell. Along with Wives and Daughters (1865) and Cranford (1853), it is one of her best known novels (and has been adapted for televisi …
Jane Austen & Sheba Blake: Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey was the first of Jane Austen’s novels. The novel is a satire of the Gothic novels popular at the time of its first writing in 1798-99. The heroine, Catherine, thinks life is like a G …
Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Sheba Blake: Notes from the Underground
Notes from the Underground is a novella by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Notes is considered by many to be one of the first existentialist novels. It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of …
Ivan Goncharov & Sheba Blake: Oblomov
Oblomov is the second novel by Russian writer Ivan Goncharov. Ilya Ilych Oblomov is the central character of the novel, portrayed as the ultimate incarnation of the superfluous man, a symbolic charac …
W. Somerset Maugham & Sheba Blake: Of Human Bondage
Of Human Bondage is a novel by W. Somerset Maugham. It is generally agreed to be his masterpiece and to be strongly autobiographical in nature, although Maugham stated, ‘This is a novel, not an autob …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist is the second novel by English author Charles Dickens. The story is of the orphan Oliver Twist, who starts his life in a workhouse and is then sold into apprenticeship with an undertaker …
Franz Kafka & Sheba Blake: The Complete Stories
The Complete Stories is a compilation of all of Kafka’s short stories. With the exception of three novels (The Trial, The Castle and Amerika), this collection includes all of his narrative work. The …
John Bunyan & Sheba Blake: The Pilgrim’s Progress
The Pilgrim’s Progress is a 1678 Christian allegory written by John Bunyan. It is regarded as one of the most significant works of religious English literature, has been translated into more than 200 …
William Morris & Sheba Blake: The Well at the World’s End
The Well at the World’s End is a high fantasy novel by the British artist, poet, and author William Morris. It was first published in 1896 and has been reprinted a number of times since, most notably …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: The Winter’s Tale
The Winter’s Tale is a play by William Shakespeare, originally published in the First Folio of 1623. Although it was grouped among the comedies, some modern editors have relabelled the play as one of …
Sheba Blake & Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich!
Think and Grow Rich was written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, promoted as a personal development and self-improvement book. Hill writes that he was inspired by a suggestion from business magnate and late …
Edgar Rice Burroughs & Sheba Blake: Thuvia, Maid of Mars
Thuvia, Maid of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the fourth of the Barsoom series. The principal characters are Carthoris (the son of John Carter of Mars) and Thuvia of Ptarth …
Harriet Beecher Stowe & Sheba Blake: Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel ‘helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War’, according to Will Kaufman. Stowe, a Co …
Sherwood Anderson & Sheba Blake: Winesburg, Ohio
Winesburg, Ohio is a 1919 short story cycle by the American author Sherwood Anderson. The work is structured around the life of protagonist George Willard, from the time he was a child to his growing …
J. Sheridan Le Fanu & Sheba Blake: Wylder’s Hand
The marriage of Mark Wylder and Dorkas Brenden is supposed to end a history of arguments between the two families. However, both people involved do not seem to like the idea. Before the wedding, Mark …
Sheba Blake: Alina: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Alina. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 100 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Alina: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Alina. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 55 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Betti: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Betti. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 82 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Cameron: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Cameron. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 85 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchas …
Sheba Blake: Cameron: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Cameron. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 101 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purcha …
Upton Sinclair & Sheba Blake: 100%
Prolific author and political activist Upton Sinclair throws the upheaval of the early twentieth century into sharp relief in 100%. In a matter of instants, a bomb blast transmutes Peter Gudge’s enti …
Mark Twain & Sheba Blake: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court is a novel by American humorist and writer Mark Twain. The book was originally titled A Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. Some early editions are titled A Yan …
Elizabeth Gaskell & Sheba Blake: A Dark Night’s Work
The novel A Dark Night’s Work is the engrossing apogee of Gaskell’s foray into Gothic ghost stories and tales of horror. Fans of these genres won’t be disappointed. Elizabeth Gaskell, (29 September 1 …
Lord Dunsany & Sheba Blake: A Dreamer’s Tales
A Dreamer’s Tales is the fifth book by Irish fantasy writer Lord Dunsany, considered a major influence on the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, H. P. Lovecraft, Ursula K. Le Guin, and others. The book is act …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: A Kidnapped Santa Claus
A Kidnapped Santa Claus is a Christmas-themed short story written by L. Frank Baum, famous as the creator of the Land of Oz; it has been called ‘one of Baum’s most beautiful stories’ and constitutes …
Ellen Clacy & Sheba Blake: A Lady’s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53
If you have visions of a middle-aged parasol-bearing lady smiling sweetly from her carriage as she tours Bendigo think again. In 1852, 20 year old clergyman’s daughter Ellen and her brother boarded s …
Sheba Blake: Elisa: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Elisa. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 133 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Iden: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Iden. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 85 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Iden: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Iden. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 83 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Iden: Volume 3
This adult photo book features sweet teen Iden. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 83 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Iden: Volume IV
This adult photo book features sweet teen Iden. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 87 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Iden: Volume V
This adult photo book features sweet teen Iden. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 80 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Jerry: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Jerry. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 103 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Jerry: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Jerry. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 106 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Judy: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Judy. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 84 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Judy: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Judy. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 82 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Judy: Volume 3
This adult photo book features sweet teen Judy. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 85 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase i …
Sheba Blake: Karry: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Karry. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 85 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Karry: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Karry. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 80 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Katty: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Katty. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 104 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Kelly: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Kelly. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 85 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Kortny: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Kortny. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 154 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchas …
Sheba Blake: Kortny: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Kortny. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 184 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchas …
Sheba Blake: Laura Lion: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Laura Lion. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 30 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purc …
Sheba Blake: Laura Lion: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Laura Lion. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 34 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purc …
Sheba Blake: Laura Lion: Volume 3
This adult photo book features sweet teen Laura Lion. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 34 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purc …
Sheba Blake: Laura Lion: Volume IV
This adult photo book features sweet teen Laura Lion. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 33 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purc …
Sheba Blake: Linda: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Linda. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 85 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume I
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 82 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume II
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 82 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume 3
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 81 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume IV
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 83 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume V
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 83 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume VI
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 73 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchase …
Sheba Blake: Lolita: Volume 7
This adult photo book features sweet teen Lolita. This book is for ADULTS only. It features 135 high-resolution nude photos that are not censored or edited. You will be VERY PLEASED with your purchas …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea | The Pink Classics
20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne published in 1870. The novel was originally serialized from March 1869 through June 1870 in Pierre-Jules …
Kurt Vonnegut & Sheba Blake: 2 B R 0 2 B | The Pink Classics
2 B R 0 2 B is a science fiction short story by Kurt Vonnegut, originally published in the digest magazine Worlds of If Science Fiction, January 1962, and collected in Vonnegut’s Bagombo Snuff Box (1 …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: A Changed Man | The Pink Classics
A Changed Man is a collection of twelve tales written by Thomas Hardy. The collection was originally published in book form in 1913, although all of the tales had been previously published in newspap …
Jack London & Sheba Blake: A Daughter of the Snows | The Pink Classic
A Daughter of the Snows is Jack London’s first novel. Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, ‘a Stanford graduate and physical Valkyrie’ who takes to the trail after upsetting her wealt …
Gene Stratton-Porter & Sheba Blake: A Girl of the Limberlost | The Pink Classics
A Girl of the Limberlost, a novel by American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter, was published in August 1909. It is considered a classic of Indiana literature. It is the sequel to her earli …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: A Journey to the Center of the Earth | The Pink Classics
A Journey to the Center of the Earth is a science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the centre of th …
Frances Hodgson Burnett & Sheba Blake: A Little Princess
A Little Princess is a children’s novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It is an expanded version of the short story Sara Crewe: or, What Happened at Miss Minchin’s, which was serialized in St. Nicholas …
Stanley Weinbaum & Sheba Blake: A Martian Odyssey | The Pink Classics
A Martian Odyssey is a science fiction short story by Stanley G. Weinbaum. It was Weinbaum’s second published story (in 1933 he had sold a romantic novel, The Lady Dances, to King Features Syndicate …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: A Midsummer Night’s Dream | The Pink Classics
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1595/96. It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, to Hippolyta, the former queen of the …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: A Modern Utopia | The Pink Classics
A Modern Utopia is a novel by H. G. Wells. Because of the complexity and sophistication of its narrative structure A Modern Utopia has been called ‘not so much a modern as a postmodern utopia.’ The n …
Jonathan Swift & Sheba Blake: A Modest Proposal | The Pink Classics
A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal …
James Joyce & Sheba Blake: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | The Pink Classics
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman in a modernist style, it traces the religious and intellectual awakening of young Stephen Dedal …
Edgar Rice Burroughs & Sheba Blake: A Princess of Mars | The Pink Classics
A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. It was first serialized in the pulp magazine All-Story Magazine from February–July, 1912. Full …
Algernon Blackwood & Sheba Blake: A Prisoner in Fairyland | The Pink Classics
A curious, unusual, puzzling type of book. The story of the awakening of a London financier who, after long years spent in the amassing of a fortune, reverts to his early dream of becoming a great ph …
E. M. Forster & Sheba Blake: A Room with a View | The Pink Classics
A Room with a View is a novel by English writer E. M. Forster, about a young woman in the restrained culture of Edwardian era England. Set in Italy and England, the story is both a romance and a crit …
David Lindsay & Sheba Blake: A Voyage to Arcturus | The Pink Classics
A Voyage to Arcturus is a novel by Scottish writer David Lindsay. It combines fantasy, philosophy, and science fiction in an exploration of the nature of good and evil and their relationship with exi …
G. K. Chesterton & Sheba Blake: A Short History of England | The Pink Classics
G.K. Chesterton was a prolific writer on many topics. His views of history were always from the standpoint of men and their interactions, and it may fairly be said he saw all of history as a battle b …
Bram Stoker & Sheba Blake: A Star Trap | The Pink Classics
When I was apprenticed to theatrical carpentering my master was John Haliday, who was Master Machinist — we called men in his post ‘Master Carpenter’ in those days — of the old Victoria Theatre, Hulm …
Arthur Conan Doyle & Sheba Blake: A Study in Scarlet | The Pink Classics
A Study in Scarlet is a detective novel by British author Arthur Conan Doyle. Written in 1886, the story marks the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who would become two of the most …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Tale of Two Cities | The Pink Classics
A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French ari …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: Abandoned | The Pink Classics
Explorers in a hot-air balloon land on an island, figuring that they must be the only inhabitants. However, they discover a bullet inside a wounded animal—one which must have been fired within the p …
James Russell Lowell & Sheba Blake: Abraham Lincoln | The Pink Classics
When Lincoln took office as President of the United States, the nation was fraught with problems, not the least of which was slavery and the danger of secession. This biography relates how Lincoln de …
Mark Twain & Sheba Blake: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | The Pink Classics
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain. Commonly named among the Great American Novels, the work is among the first in major American literature to be written throughout in vernacula …
Anne Bronte & Sheba Blake: Agnes Grey | The Pink Classics
Agnes Grey is the debut novel of English author Anne Brontë (writing under the pen name of Acton Bell), first published in December 1847, and republished in a second edition in 1850. The novel follow …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: Allan Quatermain | The Pink Classics
Allan Quatermain is the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard’s novel King Solomon’s Mines and its sequels. Allan Quatermain was also the title of a book in this sequence. The character Quatermain is an En …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: American Fairy Tales | The Pink Classics
American Fairy Tales is the title of a collection of twelve fantasy stories by L. Frank Baum, published in 1901 by the George M. Hill Company, the firm that issued The Wonderful Wizard of Oz the prev …
Herodotus & Sheba Blake: An Account of Egypt | The Pink Classics
Herodotus was a 5th century Greek philosopher. He is the ‘Father of History..’ Herodotus was the first historian to collect materials, check them for accuracy and them place them in chronological ord …
Confucius & Sheba Blake: Analects of Confucius | The Pink Classics
Analects of Confucius is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been compiled and written by Confuciu …
Elliott O’Donnell & Sheba Blake: Animal Ghosts | The Pink Classics
Animal Ghosts is a collection of ghost stories in which the antagonists are various animals. Divided up into chapters of ghost sightings by each group of animals, you will hear of hauntings by dogs, …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: Ann Veronica | The Pink Classics
Ann Veronica is a New Woman novel by H.G. Wells. Ann Veronica describes the rebellion of Ann Veronica Stanley, ‘a young lady of nearly two-and-twenty, ‘ against her middle-class father’s stern patria …
Leo Tolstoy & Sheba Blake: Anna Karenina | The Pink Classics
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Tolstoy clashed with editor Mikhail Katkov over …
John French & Sheba Blake: 1914
For a memoir of World War I, Sir John French’s book 1914 does a fairly good job of recounting the facts, however skewed they may be. French, whose full name and titles are quite daunting, was Field M …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne’s classic science fiction story 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea tells the great tale of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus. In 1866 a strange and unknown sea monster is sighted by ship …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: A Changed Man
Dip a toe into the literary oeuvre of British novelist and poet Thomas Hardy in this well-curated collection of some of his best short stories. Hardy was famed for his ability to create characters wh …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Child’s History of England
Dickens tells the history of England in stories, from ancient times to Queen Victoria. Entertaining not only for children! Dickens dedicated the book to ‘My own dear children, whom I hope it may help …
Jack London & Sheba Blake: A Daughter of the Snows
A Daughter of the Snows is Jack London’s first novel. Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, ‘a Stanford graduate and physical Valkyrie’ who takes to the trail after upsetting her wealt …
Henrik Ibsen & Sheba Blake: A Doll’s House
When A Doll’s House was first published in 1879 it created a sensation. The play follows the ordinary life of a housewife. Gradually the tensions within her marriage become clear and build to a final …
Gene Stratton-Porter & Sheba Blake: A Girl of the Limberlost
A Girl of the Limberlost, a novel by American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter, was published in August 1909. It is considered a classic of Indiana literature. It is the sequel to her earli …
Jules Verne: A Journey to the Center of the Earth
A Journey to the Center of the Earth follows a man, his nephew and their guide down an Icelandic volcano into the center of the earth. There they encounter an ancient landscape filled with prehistori …
William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is Shakespeare’s classic tale of two couples who can’t quite pair up to everyone’s satisfaction. Demetrius and Lysander love Hermia. Hermia loves Lysander but has been promi …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: A Modern Utopia
H. G. Wells’ A Modern Utopia is a fusion of fiction and philosophy. In it Wells’ explores his ideas for social change, the creation of a world state and of what would be needed to facilitate increase …
Sheba Blake & Sheba Blake: Article Agenda
Article Agenda will assist you with branding yourself as an expert in your desired field and you will discover new leads coming to you in no time! Are you ready to have the world eating out of your h …
Sheba Blake & Dale Carnegie: Banner Ad Bomb
Banner Ad Bomb will help you learn how to utilize banner ads to stop the competition in it’s tracks! Are you ready to have the world eating out of the palm of your hands? Read on to find out how you …
Sheba Blake & Dale Carnegie: Blogging for Big Bucks
Blogging for Big Bucks will help you learn how to build massive traffic to your blog! Are you ready to have the world eating out of the palm of your hands? Read on to find out how you can realize you …
Sheba Blake & Dale Carnegie: Branding Your Way to Success
Branding Your Way to Success will help you learn simple branding techniques for entrepreneurs! Are you ready to have the world eating out of the palm of your hands? Read on to find out how you can re …
Anthony Hope & Sheba Blake: A Man of Mark
If you are a fan of classic action-adventure stories who loved Anthony Hope’s The Prisoner of Zenda, A Man of Mark should be right up your alley. Set amidst a political uprising in the fictional coun …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Man of Means
A Man of Means is a collection of six short stories written in collaboration by P. G. Wodehouse and C. H. Bovill. The stories first appeared in the United Kingdom in the Strand in 1914, and in the Un …
William Clark Russell & Sheba Blake: A Marriage at Sea
Herbert Barclay is desperately in love with Grace Bellassys, but a number of factors stand in the way of their happiness, the biggest of which is the person of Lady Amelia Roscoe, Grace’s guardian. L …
Murray Leinster & Sheba Blake: A Matter of Importance
In a distant future, humans have overtaken much of the universe and have banished their enemies to the far corners of their territory. A planet long thought to be uninhabited is suspected of being a …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Message from the Sea
A Message from the Sea is a short story by Charles Dickens written in 1860 for the Christmas issue of All the Year Round. Charles Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was an English writer and soc …
Elbert Hubbard & Sheba Blake: A Message to Garcia
A Message to Garcia is a widely distributed essay written by Elbert Hubbard in 1899. Hubbard was inspired by a daring escapade performed by an American soldier, 1st Lt. Andrew S. Rowan, just prior to …
Clifford Whittingham Beers & Sheba Blake: A Mind That Found Itself
Clifford Beers tells what it was like to be institutionalized at a time when mental illness received little attention or respect. A Mind that Found Itself is Beers’ own story, as one of five children …
Winston Churchill & Sheba Blake: A Modern Chronicle
A Modern Chronicle is a 1910 best-selling novel by American writer Winston Churchill. The novel explores ‘the problem of the modern woman’ and the effects of divorce, in a world driven by industriali …
Amanda Minnie Douglas & Sheba Blake: A Modern Cinderella
In this delightful reimagining of the age-old fairytale, lovely but desperately poor Marilla struggles with a massive workload in her job as a domestic servant. Will she ever escape her dire circumst …
Louisa May Alcott & Sheba Blake: A Modern Cinderella and Other Stories
Among green New England hills stood an ancient house, many-gabled, mossy-roofed, and quaintly built, but picturesque and pleasant to the eye; for a brook ran babbling through the orchard that encompa …
John Fox Jr. & Sheba Blake: A Mountain Europa
Kentucky Mountains, a reality, more beautiful than the dreams of the protagonist is waiting for his arrival. The hopes and desires cherished by him are elucidated in a way that enthralls the reader. …
Elia Wilkinson Peattie & Sheba Blake: A Mountain Woman
A vivacious tale of a woman in which Peattie has effectively expressed that Nature can capture a man’s most innate ideas and feelings. The woman who is captivated by the splendor around her and artif …
Edouard Leroy & Sheba Blake: A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson
Underneath and beyond the method, you have caught the intention and the spirit…Your study could not be more conscientious or true to the original.’ — Henri Bergson The famous French philosopher Hen …
Edmund Donald Carr & Sheba Blake: A Night in the Snow
In 1856 the Reverend Edmund Donald Carr was overtaken by a blizzard on his way to an evening service. He battled the elements for 22 hours with nothing by his bible and his dead horse, whose body she …
Edward Peple & Sheba Blake: A Night Out
Cat lovers will delight in this charming tale from Edward Peple. A Night Out follows the travails of Omar Ben Sufi, a dignified and gentlemanly feline whose lot in life has been harsh, but who faces …
George A. Birmingham & Sheba Blake: A Padre in France
With the memoir A Padre in France, Irish clergyman James Owen Hannay (who used the pseudonym ‘George A. Birmingham’) takes a break from the humorous political satires that were his typical stock in t …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: A Pair of Blue Eyes
A Pair of Blue Eyes is a novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1873, first serialised between September 1872 and July 1873. It was Hardy’s third novel, but the first to bear his name on publication. Th …
Honore de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Passion in the Desert
During Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt, a French soldier becomes separated from his regiment and finds himself wandering lost in the desert. Just when he was about to give up all hope, he makes an unlik …
Joseph Conrad & Sheba Blake: A Personal Record
A Personal Record is an autobiographical work (or ‘fragment of biography’) by Joseph Conrad. It has also been published under the titles A Personal Record: Some Reminiscences and Some Reminiscences. …
Bret Harte & Sheba Blake: A Phyllis of the Sierras
Though born in Albany, New York, American author Francis Bret Harte went on to become one of the foremost chroniclers of pioneer life in the American West, with a particular focus on California. A Ph …
Harry Collingwood & Sheba Blake: A Pirate of the Caribbees
Though it’s known today as a paradise for sun-worshipping tourists, the Caribbean’s past is much darker. Centuries ago, the region was overrun with rapacious and bloodthirsty seadogs. In Harry Collin …
Stephen Marlowe & Sheba Blake: A Place in the Sun
One of the most unforgettable characters from the golden era of science fiction, Johnny Mayhem is a shapeshifter who can assume the guise of any person. In the pulse-pounding short story A Place in t …
William James & Sheba Blake: A Pluralistic Universe
Craving an intellectually stimulating read? Dive into A Pluralistic Universe by William James, an influential thinker and psychologist who also happened to be the brother of acclaimed novelist Henry …
Mary Roberts Rinehart & Sheba Blake: A Poor Wise Man
A Love Story of the New Spirit of America.Vigor, dramatic intensity and the sweep of a fine romance are here in this novel by Mrs. Rinehart—a story of ‘all of us.’ Mary Roberts Rinehart (August 12, …
Harold Bindloss & Sheba Blake: A Prairie Courtship
It was falling dusk and the long emigrant train was clattering, close-packed with its load of somewhat frowsy humanity, through the last of the pine forest which rolls westward north of the Great Lak …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Prefect’s Uncle
A Prefect’s Uncle is an early novel by P.G. Wodehouse, one of his school stories for children. The action of the novel takes place at the fictional ‘Beckford College’, a private school for boys; the …
Honore de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Prince of Bohemia
This short vignette from Honore de Balzac, a key figure in French realism, is a story within a story. The narrator, Nathan, regales a pair of aristocratic ladies with stories about the Rusticoli fami …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: A Rogue’s Life
A delightful tale of thwarted ambition and forbidden love, A Rogue’s Life follows the fortunes of an endearing young man. Proffering his own take on picaresque storytelling-and with many a grain of t …
A. E. W. Mason & Sheba Blake: A Romance of Wastdale
A Romance of Wastdale is a novel by the British writer A.E.W. Mason. In 1921 it was turned into a film of the same name directed by Maurice Elvey and made by Stoll Pictures, Britain’s biggest studio …
G. A. Henty & Sheba Blake: A Search for a Secret
An Heiress Searches for a Hidden Will. Agnes Ashleigh inherits the estate of Gerald Harmer, but his two sisters conceal the secret of his lost will and determine to give the estate to the Catholic Ch …
Honore de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Second Home
This is one of Balzac’s best stories, about a man who keeps two households. The story begins with a chaste and lovely needlewoman called Caroline who spends her days by the window of a run-down house …
Lew Wallace & Sheba Blake: Ben Hur
Ben-Hur is a novel by Lew Wallace, and considered ‘the most influential Christian book of the nineteenth century’. It became a best-selling American novel, surpassing Harriet Beecher Stowe’s U …
Friedrich Nietzsche & Sheba Blake: Beyond Good and Evil
Beyond Good and Evil is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that expands the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, with a more critical and polemical approach. In Beyond Good and …
Anna Sewell & Sheba Blake: Black Beauty
Black Beauty is a novel by English author Anna Sewell. It was composed in the last years of her life, during which she remained in her house as an invalid. The novel became an immediate best-seller, …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: Bleak House
Bleak House is one of Charles Dickens’s major novels. The novel has many characters and several sub-plots, and the story is told partly by the novel’s heroine, Esther Summerson, and partly by an omni …
William Makepeace Thackeray & Sheba Blake: Book of Snobs
Book of Snobs is a collection of satirical works by William Makepeace Thackeray first published in the magazine Punch as The Snobs of England, By One of Themselves. Published in 1848, the book was se …
Voltaire & Sheba Blake: Candide
Candide is a French satire by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. Candide is characterised by its sarcastic tone as well as by its erratic, fantastical and fast-moving plot. A picar …
Rafael Sabatini & Sheba Blake: Captain Blood
Captain Blood is an adventure novel by Rafael Sabatini. The protagonist is the sharp-witted Dr. Peter Blood, a fictional Irish physician who had had a wide-ranging career as a soldier and sailor (inc …
Rudyard Kipling & Sheba Blake: Captains Courageous
Captains Courageous is a novel by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a railroad tycoon, after he is saved from drowning by a Portug …
Edwin Dingle & Sheba Blake: China on Foot
Edwin Dingle’s book China on Foot details his trip through Hong Kong and Shanghai, and finally into Tibet, where he would be one of the first Westerners to enter a Tibetan Monastery. There he learned …
Anonymous & Sheba Blake: Cinderella
Cinderella is a folk tale embodying a myth-element of unjust oppression/triumphant reward. Thousands of variants are known throughout the world. The title character is a young woman living in unfortu …
Thomas W. Hanshew & Sheba Blake: Cleek of Scotland Yard
Hamilton Cleek is back — or is he? Margot, Queen of the Apaches (the notorious French criminal gang) has been released on bail and vanished, Mr. Narkom has a series of inexplicable murders to solve, …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume 4
Collected Works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detec …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume 5
Collected Works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detec …
Thomas Paine & Sheba Blake: Common Sense
Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. Written in clear and persuasive prose, Paine marshaled mor …
Thomas de Quincey & Sheba Blake: Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater is an autobiographical account written by Thomas De Quincey, about his laudanum (opium and alcohol) addiction and its effect on his life. The Confessions was ‘th …
Lewis Carroll & Sheba Blake: Game of Logic
Game of Logic is a book written by Lewis Carroll. Over 350 ingenious problems involving classical logic: logic is expressed in terms of symbols; syllogisms and the sorites are diagrammed; logic becom …
Ambrose Bierce & Sheba Blake: A Son of the Gods and a Horseman in the Sky
Two short stories from the American Civil War by Ambrose Bierce. The first story is about a brave soldier who follows orders and risks his life without question. The second is about a soldier who fal …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Blog Like a Pro
Affiliate marketing is one way in which bloggers utilize their blog to generate revenue. Learn how you can make this method work for you today. For Dopes Publishing is here to help make difficult top …
Ann Radcliffe & Sheba Blake: A Sicilian Romance
A Sicilian Romance is a gothic novel by Ann Radcliffe. The plot concerns the fallen nobility of the house of Mazzini, on the northern shore of Sicily, as related by a tourist who learns of their tur …
M. R. James & Sheba Blake: A Thin Ghost
Are you the type who loves nothing more than curling up with a book of ghost stories? If so, be sure to add A Thin Ghost and Others to your must-read list. A gem from the golden age of Gothic horror, …
William MacLeod Raine & Sheba Blake: A Texas Ranger
How a member of the most dauntless border police force carried law into the mesquit, saved the life of an innocent man after a series of thrilling adventures, followed a fugitive to Wyoming, and then …
George Berkeley & Sheba Blake: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge is a 1710 work, in English, by Irish Empiricist philosopher George Berkeley. This book largely seeks to refute the claims made by Berkeley’s co …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: As You Like It
As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare. The play’s first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. As You Like It …
Anna Katharine Green & Sheba Blake: A Strange Disappearance
‘Talking of sudden disappearances the one you mention of Hannah in that Leavenworth case of ours, is not the only remarkable one which has come under my direct notice. Indeed, I know of another that …
Honore de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Start in Life
A comic novel in which an intrigue about property serves as the excuse for a trip in a public diligence, where a group of people try to mystify each other with strange tales of their lives. At the co …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Achieve Internet Success
Online sales have now reached in excess of hundreds of billions of dollars with professionals predicting more rapid growth with each passing year! The key to starting and succeeding in your online bu …
Joseph Conrad & Sheba Blake: A Set of Six
Certain individualities grow into fame through their vices and their virtues, or simply by their actions, which may have a temporary importance; and then they become forgotten. The names of a few lea …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Wodehouse Miscellany
A collection of wonderful articles, poems, and stories by that master of comedy and complications, P. G. Wodehouse, the author of My Man Jeeves. Includes ‘Some Aspects of Game-Captaincy, ‘ ‘An Unfini …
Jonathan Swift & Sheba Blake: A Tale of a Tub
A Tale of a Tub was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. The Tale is a prose parody divided into sections each delving int …
E. W. Hornung & Sheba Blake: A Thief in the Night
First published in 1905, A Thief in the Night is the third collection of stories detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman thief A. J. Raffles in late Victorian England. In public a popular s …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: A Voyage in a Balloon
A Voyage in a Balloon is an adventure short story by Jules Verne. It was included in Doctor Ox, the only collection of Jules Verne’s short stories published during Verne’s lifetime. Just as the narra …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Bring Out Your Greatness
Finally! Discover how to overcome your limitations and doubts so you can achieve your greatest potential! Discover this simple, step-by-step blueprint to unlocking your greatest potential! For Dopes …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Become a Blogger Today
Learn how to become a successful modern blogger and reap all of the rewards!Sheba Blake Publishing is here to help make difficult topics easy to understand. We help everyone be more knowledgeable and …
C. W. Leadbeater & Sheba Blake: A Textbook of Theosophy
Theosophy is an ecumenical faith tradition that regards all religions as striving toward the same shared purpose of engendering love, cooperation, unity, and fellow-feeling among all of the world’s c …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: 100 Email List Building Methods
Discover ideas for freebies and copywriting strategies that will persuade people to subscribe to your opt-list or e-mail newsletter! This ebook will give you 100 email list building methods. It conta …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Build a Business Today
If I could show you how to create easy online incomes would you be interested? Just when you seem to have that brainwave, that new idea which you think is going to make you a ton of money, but then d …
Archibald Marshall & Sheba Blake: Abington Abbey
British author Archibald Marshall became a writer later in life and rapidly gained acclaim in his own country and abroad. Regarded as a literary realist who worked in a vein similar to that mined by …
Honore de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Woman at Thirty
It can be a bit melodramatic and the characterization is not at all convincing. Julie, Marquise d Aiglemont, is warned by her father not to marry the dashing officer that she admires when they go to …
William Dean Howells & Sheba Blake: A Traveler from Altruria
A Traveler from Altruria is a Utopian novel by William Dean Howells. The novel is a critique of unfettered capitalism and its consequences, and of the Gilded Age.Set during the early 1890s in a fashi …
Oscar Wilde & Sheba Blake: A Woman of No Importance
Though he is now best remembered for his fiction, famed wit and bon vivant Oscar Wilde also dabbled in drama over the course of his long and varied literary career. A Woman of No Importance is a dark …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Brand Your Way to Success
Branding, as a whole, is crucial for any serious business as a companys brand is what differentiates it from its rivals. In todays computer age, its essential for most businesses to have a net presen …
Caroline French Benton & Sheba Blake: A Little Cookbook by a Little Girl
Join Margaret, a little girl who really wants to learn how to properly cook and bake everything from seafood to cake, as she sets out to make all the recipes she can find from her family, friends and …
Charlotte Mary Yonge & Sheba Blake: Abbeychurch
Written when the author was in her early twenties, and now regarded as Yonge’s first serious work of fiction, Abbeychurch grapples with both serious theological issues pertaining to the schism betwee …
Andy Adams & Sheba Blake: A Texas Matchmaker
A Texas Matchmaker by Andy Adams. The life of a cowboy is tough, but finding love can be even more difficult.From the writer and genuine Western Trail cattle driver, responsible for some of the best …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: A Comprehensive Guide About Computers and Technology
Don’t worry too much if you lack advanced technical computer skills, this comprehensive guide will give you all the basic information about computers and technology that you need.Sheba Blake Publishi …
Martin Luther & Sheba Blake: A Treatise on Good Works
A Treatise on Good Works is considered Luthers clearest exposition on Christian life and the relationship between faith and good works. Contrary to the teachings of the Roman church of his day, Luthe …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Date Online
As part of our mission to publish great works of literary fiction and nonfiction, Sheba Blake Publishing has begun its publishing empire with some of the most popular and beloved classic e Books and …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: How to Blog for Big Bucks
One of the best ways to acquire traffic to your site is by commenting on relevant blogs in your niche however as this is one of the best and most preached ways to acquire traffic to a blog it’s being …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Network Marketing
Discover strategies on how to erase costs while building your network giving you endless leads and cash flow! For Dopes Publishing is here to help make difficult topics easy to understand. We help ev …
Bret Harte & Sheba Blake: A Waif of the Plains
If you can’t get enough of action-adventure stories of pioneer life in the American West, dive into this tale from Bret Harte, one of the most renowned documenters of the era. In A Waif of the Plains …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Boost Your Self Esteem
Gain some insight into developing positive self-esteem, since this is the first step towards a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life. For Dopes Publishing is here to help make difficult topics easy …
Frank Barrett & Sheba Blake: A Set of Rogues
The marriage of Moll Dawson by sinful means to a worthy gentleman of merit; her fall, remorse and great sorrow; her second expedition with her former roguish companions into strange places.Her atonem …
David Hume & Sheba Blake: A Treatise of Human Nature
A Treatise of Human Nature is a book by Scottish philosopher David Hume, considered by many to be Hume’s most important work and one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy. The Tr …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: A Comprehensive Guide on the Importance of Business
Why is business important? And how can it further your positioning in life? This comprehensive guide about business can show you the way…Sheba Blake Publishing is here to help make difficult topics …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: A Comprehensive Guide on Money Making Methods
With technology so advanced and everything available with a click of your mouse, you can even make money online from your home, with little or no investment and with a basic working knowledge of the …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Create an Online Business Around Your Lifestyle
Discover how you too can create an online business around your passion and lifestyle so you can work when, where and how you want!Sheba Blake Publishing is here to help make difficult topics easy to …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Develop the Mindset of a Businessman
You wont be awesome at being an entrepreneur unless and till you condition your brain for getting into business and then making the most of it. Any trade is a really tough subject to comprehend. Howe …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Become Your Own Accountant
Learn how to become your very own accountant in this comprehensive guide!Sheba Blake Publishing is here to help make difficult topics easy to understand. We help everyone be more knowledgeable and co …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Crush it with YouTube
If I could show you how to crush your You Tube business would you be interested?You Tube has around 1 Billion unique users who visit every month with almost 100 billion page views. You Tube is growin …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Create and Distribute Content to Build an Audience
Increasing your visibility as well as your authority and trust online, is something that can definitely encourage sales, a lot of them.But making a name for your brand online is not an easy task, it …
Dale Carnegie & Sheba Blake: Learn How to Develop Your Social Marketing Plan
Discover the step-by-step blueprint to dominating social media marketing and make profits… starting today! This comprehensive A to Z, 8-Part Social Media Marketing Course will guide you from zero t …
Jules Verne: 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea
20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne.Jules Verne’s classic science fiction story 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea tells the great tale of Captain …
John French: 1914
1914 is a classic autobiographical account of WWI by John French.For a memoir of World War I, Sir John French’s book 1914, does a fairly good job of recounting the facts, however skewed they may be. …
Kurt Vonnegut: 2 b r 0 2 b
2 b r 0 2 b is a classic science fiction short story by Kurt Vonnegut. Regarded by critics and fans alike as one of the most accomplished and witty social commentators of the twentieth century, all o …
Charles Dickens: Child’s History of England
A Child’s History of England is a classic fiction novel by Charles Dickens. Dickens also published the work in book form in three volumes: the first volume on December 20, 1851; the second, December …
Charles Dickens: Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol is a novella by Charles Dickens.A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the G …
Jack London: Daughter of the Snows
A Daughter of the Snows is a classic fiction novel by Jack London.Set in the Yukon, it tells the story of Frona Welse, "a Stanford graduate and physical Valkyrie" who takes to the trail aft …
Henrik Ibsen: Doll’s House
A Doll’s House is a three-act play in prose by Henrik Ibsen.When A Doll’s House was first published in 1879 it created a sensation. The play follows the ordinary life of a housewife. Gradually the te …
Gene Stratton-Porter: Girl of the Limberlost
A Girl of the Limberlost is a classic romance novel by American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter. One of the most beloved novels of its era, A Girl of the Limberlost is a masterpiece of pas …
Franz Kafka: Hunger Artist
A Hunger Artist is a short story by Franz Kafka. The protagonist, a hunger artist who experiences the decline in appreciation of his craft, is an archetypical creation of Kafka: an individual margina …
Jules Verne: Journey to the Center of the Earth
A Journey to the Center of the Earth is a science fiction novel by Jules Verne.A Journey to the Center of the Earth follows a man, his nephew and their guide down an Icelandic volcano into the center …
William Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a classic comedy written by William Shakespeare.Midsummer Night’s Dream is Shakespeare’s classic tale of two couples who can’t quite pair up to everyone’s satisfaction. D …
H. G. Wells: Modern Utopia
A Modern Utopia is a classic philosophical novel by H. G. Wells.H. G. Wells’ A Modern Utopia is a fusion of fiction and philosophy. In it Wells’ explores his ideas for social change, the creation of …
Stanley Weinbaum: Martian Odyssey
A Martian Odyssey is a classic science fiction short story by Stanley Weinbaum.Author Stanley Weinbaum hit a science-fiction home run with his very first publication, the classic short story "A …
Jonathan Swift: Modest Proposal
A Modest Proposal is a Juvenalian satirical essay written and published anonymously by Jonathan Swift. Widely regarded as one of the most brilliant pieces of political satire ever published, "A …
James Joyce: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is semi-autobiographical, following Joyce’s fictional alter-ego through …
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Princess of Mars
A Princess of Mars is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series.A Princess of Mars is the first in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom series. This science fiction pl …
Algernon Blackwood: Prisoner in Fairyland
A Prisoner in Fairyland is a curious, unusual, puzzling type of book written by Algernon Blackwood.Though recognized primarily as a writer of ‘weird’ horror fiction for adults, Algernon Blackwood als …
E. M. Forster: Room With a View
A Room with a View is a classic romance novel by English writer E. M. Forster.A Room with a View is a romance and a social critique of Edwardian society. A young woman is chaperoned to Italy by her b …
G. K. Chesterton: Short History of England
A Short History of England is a classic historical novel by G. K. Chesterton.England’s rise to prominence on the world stage over the course of thousands of years is a tumultuous tale that includes e …
Bram Stoker: Star Trap
A Star Trap is a classic mystery short story by Bram Stoker.A short story written by the author of ‘Dracula’, which tells of a murder mystery, except for the fact that the method, motive and culprit …
Arthur Conan Doyle: Study in Scarlet
A Study in Scarlet is a classic detective novel by British author Arthur Conan Doyle. A Study in Scarlet is the first of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Watson narrates his first meeting with the eccent …
Charles Dickens: Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities is a classic novel by Charles Dickens.A Tale of Two Cities is shorter and more compact than many of Dickens’ novels and also more serious. Set in England and France during the Fr …
David Lindsay: Voyage to Arcturus
A Voyage to Arcturus is a classic science fiction novel by David Lindsay.If you’re interested in science fiction but crave something with a little more intellectual heft than your typical space opera …
Jules Verne: Abandoned
Abandoned is a classic adventure novel by Jules Verne.Explorers in a hot-air balloon land on an island, figuring that they must be the only inhabitants. However, they discover a bullet inside a wound …
James Russell Lowell: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is a classic biographical novel by James Russell Lowell.When Lincoln took office as President of the United States, the nation was fraught with problems, not the least of which was sl …
T. S. Arthur: After the Storm
After the Storm is a classic romance novel by T. S. Arthur.After the Storm was written by the very popular nineteenth-century American author who articulated and disseminated the values, beliefs, and …
Anne Bronte: Agnes Grey
Agnes Grey is a classic fiction novel by Anne Bronte.Agnes Grey is the daughter of a minister who faces financial ruin. Agnes decides to take up one of the only professions available to Victorian gen …
H. Rider Haggard: Allan Quatermain
Allan Quatermain is a classic adventure novel by H. Rider Haggard.The character Allan Quatermain is the hero of H. Rider Haggard’s novel King Solomon’s Mines. In this adventure novel named after him, …
Elliott O’Donnell: Animal Ghosts
Animal Ghosts is a classic fiction novel by Elliott O’Donnell.Animal Ghosts is a collection of ghost stories in which the antagonists are various animals. Divided up into chapters of ghost sightings …
H. G. Wells: Ann Veronica
Ann Veronica is a classic romance novel by H. G. Wells.H. G. Wells’ Ann Veronica looks at political and feminist issues of the time. It’s heroine goes from being a naive young girl into becoming a pi …
Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina is a classic fiction novel by Leo Tolstoy.Anna Karenina is the tragic story of a married aristocrat/socialite and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky. The story starts when she a …
E. Phillips Oppenheim: Anna the Adventuress
Anna the Adventuress is a classic romance novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim.Annabel Pellissier, for reasons of her own, allows Sir John Ferringhall to believe that she is her sister Anna. Anna lets the …
William Shakespeare: All’s Well That Ends Well
All’s Well That Ends Well is a classic comedy by William Shakespeare.Although originally classified as one of Shakespeare’s comedies, All’s Well That Ends Well is now more commonly classified as one …
Sheba Blake: Yearly Goal Planner (Printable Version)
This yearly planner is perfect for big planning. Plan for a month from now or a year from now in one convenient planner. This yearly planner will help you to accomplish your goals over the next year, …
Sheba Blake: Inventory Log Book (Printable Version)
This is a unique inventory record logbook as it allows you to track the inventory movement as well. The inventory record sheets are designed for small business owners who need to track inventory leve …
Sheba Blake: Weekly Financial Planner (Printable Version)
This inviting weekly financial planner will make it easy to take a step back and focus on what’s important in your life. Keep your financial life organized with a planner that will be with you every …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This unicorn coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining unicorn-themed designs make this varied book perfect fo …
Sheba Blake: Animals and Vehicles Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This animals and vehicles coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining animals and vehicles themed designs make t …
Sheba Blake: Primary Journal Grades K-2 for Girls (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Primary Journal Grades K-2 for Boys (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Picture Sudoku Activity Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
Get your pencils out and keep a pencil sharpener close by! Take a break, relax, and do a little puzzling. Sudoku puzzles are fun and engaging, while providing your brain with a little stimulation! Su …
Sheba Blake: Nurses Swearing Coloring Book for Adults (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a hilarious collection of the finest swear words and uncouth sayings-all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calmin …
Sheba Blake: Moms Swearing Coloring Book for Adults (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a hilarious collection of the finest swear words and uncouth sayings-all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calmin …
Sheba Blake: Mandala Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest mandala patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while e …
Sheba Blake: Mandala Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest mandala patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while e …
Sheba Blake: Spot the Letters Activity Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Spot, learn and have fun with this fun alphabet game! Why You’ll Love This Book: • Spot letters A-Z. • Age appropriate for pre-school and elementary age kids 3 years — and up. • Printable version for …
Sheba Blake: Dragons Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This dragons coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dragon-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Cute Birds Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This cute birds coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining bird-themed designs make this varied book perfect fo …
Sheba Blake: Farm Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This farm animals coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining farm animals-themed designs make this varied book …
Sheba Blake: Sea Creatures Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This sea creatures coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining sea creatures-themed designs make this varied boo …
Sheba Blake: 2021 (1 Year) Planner (Printable Version)
This one year daily planner is perfect for small and big planning. Plan for a month from now or one year from now in one convenient planner. This planner will help you to accomplish your goals over t …
Sheba Blake: 2021-2022 (2 Year) Planner (Printable Version)
This two year daily planner is perfect for small and big planning. Plan for a month from now, a year from now or two years from now in one convenient planner. This planner will help you to accomplish …
Sheba Blake: 2021-2024 (4 Year) Planner (Printable Version)
This four year daily planner is perfect for small and big planning. Plan for a month from now, a year from now or four years from now in one convenient planner. This planner will help you to accompli …
Sheba Blake: 2021-2025 (5 Year) Planner (Printable Version)
This five year daily planner is perfect for small and big planning. Plan for a month from now, a year from now or five years from now in one convenient planner. This planner will help you to accompli …
Sheba Blake: 100-Day Goal Planner for Men (Printable Version)
This 100-Day Planner is perfect for big and small planning. Plan for a month from now or a year from now in one convenient planner. This 100-Day Planner will help you to accomplish your goals, once y …
Sheba Blake: Recipe Log Book (Printable Version)
Make your life easier by saving all of your favorite recipes in this adorable planner! Write out each new recipe, save time and money, and eat right. Let’s do this, ladies! A compact and easy to carr …
Sheba Blake: Daily Nutrition Log Book (Printable Version)
Make your life easier by keeping notes on what you’re eating in this adorable log book! Keep this daily nutrition log book with you so you can ensure you’re eating right. Let’s do this, ladies! A com …
Sheba Blake: Address and Phone Log Book (Printable Version)
This inviting address book will make it easy to take a step back and focus on what’s important in your life. Keep your contacts organized with a planner that will be with you every step of the way. A …
Sheba Blake: Password Keeper Log Book (Printable Version)
This inviting password log book will make it easy to take a step back and focus on what’s important in your life. Keep your login information organized with a log book that will be with you every ste …
Sheba Blake: Daily Gratitude Journal for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
A Gratitude Journal is a great way to teach kids how to appreciate life, family and the world around them. This journal is designed to help kids write down things they are grateful for and even draw …
Sheba Blake: Mindfulness Journal (Printable Version)
This beautiful mindfulness journal will help you to express gratitude over your life on a daily basis, once you spend time to think of them, plan for them, write them down in your journal. A compact …
Sheba Blake: Gratitude Journal for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
A Gratitude Journal is a great way to teach kids how to appreciate life, family and the world around them. This journal is designed to help kids write down things they are grateful for and even draw …
Sheba Blake: Recipe Log Book (Printable Version)
Make your life easier by saving all of your favorite recipes in this adorable planner! Write out each new recipe, save time and money, and eat right. Let’s do this, ladies! A compact and easy to carr …
Sheba Blake: Weekly Meal Planner (Printable Version)
Make your week easier by planning out your meals with this adorable planner! Each weekly spread contains a lined space for every day of the week, as well as a box for breakfast ideas and lunch ideas! …
Sheba Blake: Daily Gratitude Journal (Printable Version)
Let your writing take you on a journey — relieve stress and be happier with small, easy exercises that encourage you to focus on the positive. This inviting gratitude journal will make it easy to tak …
Sheba Blake: Undated Day Planner (Printable Version)
This daily planner is perfect for small and big planning. Plan for today, a month from now or 6 months from now in one convenient planner. This daily planner will help you to accomplish your goals, o …
Sheba Blake: Password Log Book (Printable Version)
This inviting password log book will make it easy to take a step back and focus on what’s important in your life. Keep your login information organized with a log book that will be with you every ste …
Sheba Blake: Budget Planner (2 Year) (Printable Version)
This inviting budget planner will make it easy to take a step back and focus on what’s important in your life. Keep your financial life organized with a planner that will be with you every step of th …
Sheba Blake: The 2021 New Normal Planner (Printable Version)
This one year weekly planner is perfect for small and big planning. Plan for a month from now or one year from now in one convenient planner. This planner will help you to accomplish your goals over …
Sheba Blake: Japanese Coloring Book for Adults (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a collection of beautiful japanese illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while embracing the therapeutic experience of …
Sheba Blake: Football Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Football Coloring Book for Children! This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining football-themed designs ma …
Sheba Blake: Floral Alphabet Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
The Floral Alphabet Coloring Book for Children! This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining floral-themed d …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
The Unicorn Coloring Book for Children! This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining unicorn-themed designs …
Sheba Blake: 555 Manifestation Journal (Printable Version)
Our 555 Manifestation Journal is designed for the for you to write any intention, or anything you want manifest in your life, 55 times each day, for five days in a row. Every page set has daily track …
Sheba Blake: Mental Health Journal (Printable Version)
This beautiful mental health journal will help you to express yourself on a daily basis, once you spend time to think about your feelings, and write them down in your journal. A compact and easy to c …
Sheba Blake: Dream Interpretation Journal (Printable Version)
This beautiful dream interpretation journal will help you to examine your dreams on a daily basis, once you spend time to think about them, and write them down in your journal. A compact and easy to …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Write and Draw Primary Journal for Kids — Grades K-2 (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Primary Journal with Positive Affirmations for Kids — Grades K-2 (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Homeschool Planner for Kids (Printable Version)
This beautiful homeschool planner for children will help keep your kiddo stay organized on a daily basis, once they plan out their day and week — they can write it down in their planner. A compact an …
Sheba Blake: Butterfly Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a beautiful collection of butterfly coloring pages — all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of co …
Sheba Blake: Cuss Words Coloring Book for Adults (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a hilarious collection of the finest swear words and uncouth sayings-all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calmin …
Sheba Blake: How Social Workers Swear Coloring Book for Adults (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a hilarious collection of the finest swear words and uncouth sayings-all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calmin …
Sheba Blake: Write and Draw Primary Journal for Kids — Grades K-2 (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: The Wedding Planner (Printable Version)
Planning a wedding or looking for engagement gifts and bridal shower gifts? Look no further! The wedding planner covers everything engaged couples need from planning the engagement party up until the …
Sheba Blake: Graffiti Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 13 and up. Fun and entertaining graffiti-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girl …
Sheba Blake: Bus Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining bus-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, boy …
Sheba Blake: Flowers Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining flower-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Dinosaur Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Dinosaur Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Butterfly Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining butterfly-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girl …
Sheba Blake: Kid Doctors Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining doctor-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Rabbits Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining rabbit-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Lions Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining lion-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, bo …
Sheba Blake: Cute Cats and Kittens Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cat-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, boy …
Sheba Blake: Ducks Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining duck-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, bo …
Sheba Blake: Trucks Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining truck-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Horses Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining horse-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Dinosaur Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Pretty Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining girly-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, t …
Sheba Blake: Mermaid Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining mermaid-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Flamingo Activity and Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring and activity book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining flamingo-themed designs make this varied book perf …
Sheba Blake: Dinosaur Activity and Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring and activity book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perf …
Sheba Blake: Mermaid Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining mermaid-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: A-Z Tracing and Color Activity Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Color, learn, find and have fun with these A-Z alphabet color and trace pages! Why You’ll Love This Book: • Contains 26 pictures, letters A-Z. • Pictures are double-page, with detailed backgrounds. • …
Sheba Blake: Happy Farm Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining farm-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, bo …
Sheba Blake: Christian Coloring Book for Adults (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a collection of beautiful Christian-inspired illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while embracing the therapeutic expe …
Sheba Blake: A-Z Animals Handwriting Practice Activity Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Color, learn, write and have fun with these A-Z alphabet handwriting practice pages! Why You’ll Love This Book: • Contains 26 pictures, letters A-Z. • Pictures are double-page, with detailed backgrou …
Sheba Blake: Color A-Z Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining alphabet-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Paleofauna Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Paleofauna Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Paleofauna Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Cute Desserts Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dessert-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Graffiti Street Art Coloring Book for Kids Ages 4+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 4 and up. Fun and entertaining graffiti-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining unicorn-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Shark and Friends Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining shark-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Dinosaur Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring and activity book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perf …
Sheba Blake: A-Z Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining alphabet-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: The Scientifically Accurate Dinosaur Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Alphabet Mandalas Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining abc mandala-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gi …
Sheba Blake: Mandala Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining mandala-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Happy Birds Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining bird-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, bo …
Sheba Blake: Transportation Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining transportation-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Under the Sea Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining sea-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, boy …
Sheba Blake: Animal Farm Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining farm-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, bo …
Sheba Blake: Happy Cats Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cat-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, boy …
Sheba Blake: Happy Robots Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining robot-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: The Completely Inaccurate Dinosaur Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Cute Unicorn Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining unicorn-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Happy Flowers Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining flower-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: African Flags of the World Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining African flag-themed designs make this varied book perfect for g …
Sheba Blake: American Flags of the World Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining American flag-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Asian Flags of the World Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining Asian flag-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gir …
Sheba Blake: European Flags of the World Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining European flag-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining unicorn-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Fruit and Veggie Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining fruit and vegetable-themed designs make this varied book perfec …
Sheba Blake: Cartoon Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cartoon animal-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Kids Playing Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining hobby-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Happy Beach Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining beach-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Cactus Numbers Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cactus-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Woodland Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining animal-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Cute Cupcakes Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cupcake-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Animal Circus Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining circus-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Alphabet Dinosaurs Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining dinosaur alphabet-themed designs make this varied book perfect …
Sheba Blake: Spring Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining animal-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Happy Monsters Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining monster-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: ABC Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining alphabet-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Self-Esteem and Confidence Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining positive affirmation-themed designs make this varied book perfe …
Sheba Blake: Mermaid Numbers Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining mermaid number-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Cactus Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cactus-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Numbers Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining numbers-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Space Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining space-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Mermaid Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining mermaid-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Trucks On the Go Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining truck-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Alphabet Balloons Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining alphabet balloon-themed designs make this varied book perfect f …
Sheba Blake: Mermaid Alphabet Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining mermaid alphabet-themed designs make this varied book perfect f …
Sheba Blake: Under the Sea Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining sea-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, boy …
Sheba Blake: Tractors and Planes Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining vehicle-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Beauty and the Beast Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining beauty and the beast-themed designs make this varied book perfe …
Sheba Blake: Snow White Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining snow white-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gir …
Sheba Blake: Cinderella Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining cinderella-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gir …
Sheba Blake: Rumpelstiltskin Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining rumpelstiltskin-themed designs make this varied book perfect fo …
Sheba Blake: Princess and the Frog Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining princess and the frog-themed designs make this varied book perf …
Sheba Blake: Graffiti Street Art Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining graffiti-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Food Doodles Coloring Book for Kids Ages 6+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 6 and up. Fun and entertaining food-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, bo …
Sheba Blake: Cute Penguins Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining penguin-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, …
Sheba Blake: Rapunzel Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining rapunzel-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls …
Sheba Blake: Hansel and Gretel Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining hansel and gretel-themed designs make this varied book perfect …
Sheba Blake: Alice in Wonderland Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining alice in wonderland-themed designs make this varied book perfec …
Sheba Blake: Treasure Island Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining treasure island-themed designs make this varied book perfect fo …
Sheba Blake: Mulan Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining mulan-themed designs make this varied book perfect for girls, b …
Sheba Blake: Pocahontas Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining pocahontas-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gir …
Sheba Blake: Cars and Vehicles Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a beautiful collection of the finest cars-all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, whi …
Sheba Blake: Space Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains a beautiful collection of the finest space-themed coloring pages — all delicately wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming …
Mark Twain & Sheba Blake: The $30, 000 Bequest and Other Stories
The $30, 000 Bequest and Other Stories is a collection of thirty comic short stories by the American humorist and writer Mark Twain. The stories contained span the course of his career, from ‘Advice …
Sheba Blake: Underwater Life Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining underwater-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gir …
Sheba Blake: Easy Sudoku Puzzle Book (Printable Version)
Get your pencils out and keep a pencil sharpener close by! Take a break, relax, and do a little puzzling. Sudoku puzzles are fun and engaging, while providing your brain with a little stimulation! Su …
Sheba Blake: Medium Sudoku Puzzle Book (Printable Version)
Get your pencils out and keep a pencil sharpener close by! Take a break, relax, and do a little puzzling. Sudoku puzzles are fun and engaging, while providing your brain with a little stimulation! Su …
Sheba Blake: Hard Sudoku Puzzle Book (Printable Version)
Get your pencils out and keep a pencil sharpener close by! Take a break, relax, and do a little puzzling. Sudoku puzzles are fun and engaging, while providing your brain with a little stimulation! Su …
Sheba Blake: Word Search Puzzle Book for Men (Printable Version)
These challenges were written with the casual word search puzzle aficionado in mind. Your mind and the minds of your friends deserve this entertaining workout, testing knowledge of words, trivia, and …
Sheba Blake: Word Search Puzzle Book for Women (Printable Version)
These challenges were written with the casual word search puzzle aficionado in mind. Your mind and the minds of your friends deserve this entertaining workout, testing knowledge of words, trivia, and …
Sheba Blake: Word Search Puzzle Book (Random Words) (Printable Version)
These challenges were written with the casual word search puzzle aficionado in mind. Your mind and the minds of your friends deserve this entertaining workout, testing knowledge of words, trivia, and …
Sheba Blake: Abstract Patterns Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest abstract patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while …
Sheba Blake: Geometric Patterns Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest geometric patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while …
Sheba Blake: Geometric Patterns Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest geometric patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while …
Sheba Blake: Dinosaur Mazes Puzzle Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute dinosaur maze activity book for girls, boys, and kids who love cute dinos! Your little animal lover will be thrilled with this fun-packed Dinosaur Mazes Activity Book for Children! This ac …
Sheba Blake: Bird Mazes Puzzle Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute bird maze activity book for girls, boys, and kids who love cute birds! Your little animal lover will be thrilled with this fun-packed Bird Mazes Activity Book for Children! This activity b …
Sheba Blake: Unicorn Mazes Puzzle Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute unicorn maze activity book for girls, boys, and kids who love cute unicorns! Your little animal lover will be thrilled with this fun-packed Unicorn Mazes Activity Book for Children! This a …
Sheba Blake: Hand-Drawn Owls Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest hand-drawn owls wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while em …
Sheba Blake: Geometric Owls Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest geometric owls wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while emb …
Sheba Blake: Abstract Patterns Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest abstract patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while …
Sheba Blake: Mermaid Primary Journal — Write and Draw (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Sweets and Candies Primary Journal — Write and Draw (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Dream Primary Journal — Dream and Draw (Printable Version)
Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to express their thoughts and feelings? Creative writing and drawing has been shown to build confidence and increase imagination. Young writers c …
Sheba Blake: Mandala Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest mandala patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while e …
Sheba Blake: Mandala Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest mandala patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while e …
Sheba Blake: Mandala Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest mandala patterns wrapped in beautiful illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while e …
Sheba Blake: Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This animal coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining animal-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Animals Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This animal coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining animal-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: Corner Doodles Coloring Book for Teens (Printable Version)
This coloring book contains an elegant collection of the finest corner doodle illustrations to color and display. Immerse yourself in the calming activity of coloring, while embracing the experience …
Sheba Blake: A Christmas Carol Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — A Christmas Carol-themed designs make this varied book perfec …
Sheba Blake: Little Matchstick Girl Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — Little Matchstick Girl-themed designs make this varied book p …
Sheba Blake: The Little Mermaid Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Little Mermaid-themed designs make this varied book perfe …
Sheba Blake: The Sandman Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Sandman-themed designs make this varied book perfect for …
Sheba Blake: The Snow Queen Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Snow Queen-themed designs make this varied book perfect f …
Sheba Blake: The Tin Soldier Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Tin Soldier-themed designs make this varied book perfect …
Sheba Blake: Alphabet Phonics Flashcards: Preschool and Kindergarten Letter-Picture Recognition, Word-Picture Recognition Ages 3-6
Make learning fun and introduce early readers to flashcard exercises that engage minds and boost reading comprehension. Help children succeed in school with flashcards that teach them to recognize wo …
Harry Harrison & Sheba Blake: Toy Shop
The gadget was strictly, beyond any question, a toy. Not a real, workable device. Except for the way it could work under a man’s mental skin….Harry Harrison (March 12, 1925 August 15, 2012) was an …
Anthony Trollope & Sheba Blake: A Ride Across Palestine
A Ride Across Palestine is a story of deception, guilt and redemption. Trollope has dealt with the unconventional topic of homoerotic fantasy brilliantly and explicitly. Unusual and remarkable!Anthon …
Leigh Douglas Brackett & Sheba Blake: A World is Born
The romantic, fictionalized solar system of Leigh Brackett’s works provides a lush, steamy world in Mercury, where Mel Gray is working to build a home for veterans of the Second Interplanetary War. B …
Richard Harding Davis & Sheba Blake: Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis
Renowned American journalist Richard Harding Davis helped define the genre of front-line reporting with his first-hand accounts of battlefield action in the Spanish-American war. Later, Davis went on …
Anna Katharine Green & Sheba Blake: Agatha Webb
Celebrated as one of the most important early female writers of detective fiction, Anna Katherine Green was lauded for her meticulous plotting and attention to detail. In this classic mystery novel, …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: Adieu
The longish short story ‘Adieu’ is an excerpt from Honore de Balzac’s sweeping masterpiece The Human Comedy. A ghost story of sorts, this tragic tale recounts the blossoming romance of two lovers who …
James Lane Allen & Sheba Blake: Aftermath
The novel 1894 novel A Kentucky Cardinal was an immediate hit and helped to establish not only the literary reputation of its author, James Lane Allen, but also the ‘local color’ movement in American …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: Albert Savarus
An extract from Honore de Balzac’s vast story cycle The Human Comedy, the novel Albert Savarus details the dramatic twists and turns in a budding love affair between Albert, a young lawyer with liter …
Max Brand & Sheba Blake: Alcatraz
Prolific writer of Westerns Max Brand is credited with helping to popularize the genre and define some its key characteristics. The novel Alcatraz is a perfect example of what Max Brand excelled at, …
Booth Tarkington & Sheba Blake: Alice Adams
The winner of the 1922 Pulitzer Prize in literature and the subject of several well-received film adaptations, Alice Adams is regarded as one of Booth Tarkington’s most accomplished novels. The tale …
Jack London & Sheba Blake: Adventure
Though novelist Jack London is best known for the paean to natural wonder that is The Call of the Wild, he had an activist side, as well. In Adventure, London describes and skewers the plantation sys …
James Fenimore Cooper & Sheba Blake: Afloat and Ashore
This sensational tale from action-adventure master James Fenimore Cooper takes the form of the life story of a rugged old sailor, Miles Wallingford. As a youth, Miles, his brother, and their slave Ne …
William Henry Hudson: Afoot in England
This charming travelogue from William Henry Hudson, expert birdwatcher and renowned chronicler of English country life, gives readers unparalleled access to the quaint rhythms of village existence at …
Fred Thorpe: Ahead of the Show
Want a peek behind the curtain of a traveling comedy troupe in the late 1800s? This show business mystery will thrill fans of golden era vaudeville and entertainment, while the puzzle at the center o …
Russell Herman Conwell & Sheba Blake: Acres of Diamonds
Are you stuck in limbo, waiting for the perfect opportunity to descend from the heavens and transform your life? If so, you’re taking the wrong approach, according to Russell Herman Conwell. In Acres …
Talbot Mundy & Sheba Blake: Affair in Araby
Also published under the title The King in Check, Affair in Araby is part of action-adventure writer Talbot Mundy’s popular Jimgrim series, which chronicles the globetrotting exploits of British secr …
Robert Louis Stevenson: Across the Plains
Although he is now best remembered for rip-roaring adventure novels like Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson was a well-regarded travel …
Boyd Cable & Sheba Blake: Action Front
In this classic work, Boyd Cable tries to draw an image of the World War I horrors through several short stories. Action Front is based on true events and reflects the feelings of the soldiers facing …
Eleanor H. Porter & Sheba Blake: Across the Years
Surprise a young reader in your life with this collection of charming and insightful short stories from the pen of author Eleanor H. Porter, best known for the widely acclaimed novel Pollyanna. Touch …
Willa Cather: Alexander’s Bridge
Though best known as an expert chronicler of the American West, Willa Cather’s first novel is an in-depth character study of world-renowned bridge designer Bartley Alexander, whose seemingly settled …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: A Tale of Three Lions
A Tale of Three Lions is a thrilling story from action-adventure master H. Rider Haggard that starts out as an enjoyable father-son outing but then turns into something entirely different . When fame …
D. H. Lawrence & Sheba Blake: Aaron’s Rod
Abandoning his wife and children, Aaron Sisson leaves the mining community in pursuit of the ‘life single’: individual freedom, personal friendship, the ‘male power’ of passion and art. Playing the f …
Irving E. Cox & Sheba Blake: Adolescents Only
This classic sci-fi tale is sure to send chills up your spine, especially if you’re under the age of 20. One night, an unusual object lights up the sky, and soon afterwards, a local high school teach …
George Eliot & Sheba Blake: Adam Bede
Adam Bede follows the lives of a fictional rural community. The life and expectations of the good carpenter Adam Bede are disrupted when the local lord takes liberties below his station and his consc …
Desiderius Erasmus & Sheba Blake: Against War
Dutch thinker and theologian Desiderius Erasmus played a key role in the development of humanism during the Renaissance and early modern periods. In Against War, Erasmus mounts a stunningly lucid and …
James Allen & Sheba Blake: All These Things Added
From the author of the perennial bestseller As a Man Thinketh comes All These Things Added, a theological inquiry into the nature of the soul and eternity that comprises two main sections: ‘Entering …
Jerome K. Jerome & Sheba Blake: All Roads Lead to Calvary
The novel All Roads Lead to Cavalry offers an irreverent take on the social forces at play in England in the period leading up to and just following the outbreak of World War I. If you’re interested …
G. K. Chesterton & Sheba Blake: All Things Considered
Whether you’re a reader who is new to G.K Chesterton’s work or a longtime fan searching out more of his material, this collection of short stories and essays is sure to fit the bill. The pieces broug …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: Allan and the Holy Flower
A quest for a rare orchid may not seem like the most exciting premise for an action-adventure tale, but in Allan and the Holy Flower, master of the genre H. Rider Haggard works his unique magic once …
Agnes Repplier & Sheba Blake: Americans and Others
In her heyday, renowned essayist Agnes Repplier was one of the most influential literary voices in the United States. In the engaging volume Americans and Others, Repplier turns her trademark wit and …
Sigmund Freud & Sheba Blake: A Young Girl’s Diary
Between overseeing his private practice and developing an entirely new field of research and inquiry that would profoundly influence Western culture, Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud somehow came …
J. M. Barrie & Sheba Blake: Alice Sit-By-The-Fire
Written immediately after the play that would launch J. M. Barrie to international acclaim, Peter Pan, Alice Sit-By-The-Fire is just as charming, sweet and madcap as its predecessor. A group of older …
Isabella L. Bird & Sheba Blake: Among the Tibetans
‘There never was anybody, ‘ wrote the Spectator, ‘who had adventures as well as Miss Bird.’ In Among the Tibetans you can see why, as Isabella Lucy Bird writes of her journey through the Himalayas on …
Edgar Allan Poe & Sheba Blake: Collected Works: Volume IV
The works of American author Edgar Allan Poe include many poems, short stories, and one novel. His fiction spans multiple genres, including horror fiction, adventure, science fiction, and detective f …
Joseph Conrad & Sheba Blake: Almayer’s Folly
A young Dutch trader, Kaspar Almayer, marries Captain Lingard’s adopted Malay daughter in the hopes of one day inheriting the captain’s wealth. He moves to Borneo to run Lingard’s trading post there, …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: American Notes
Explore nineteenth-century America through the pen of one of the most celebrated authors of all time, Charles Dickens. American Notes is a detailed travelogue of Dickens’ 1842 tour of North America, …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: A Fair Penitent
Delve into the seamy underside of eighteenth-century Paris in this gripping short story from beloved British author Wilkie Collins. The fair penitent of the title is a renowned stage actress who deci …
Mary Roberts Rinehart & Sheba Blake: Affinities
Immerse yourself in the glamor, glitz and turbulence of the period leading up to the 1920s with this satisfying collection of tales from author Mary Roberts Rinehard. Veering from romance to mystery …
H. Rider Haggard & Sheba Blake: Allan’s Wife
H. Rider Haggard’s ongoing saga about dashing explorer Allan Quatermain continues in Allan’s Wife, a novel that recounts some of the quests that Quatermain fell into while married to his second wife, …
Percy Greg & Sheba Blake: Across the Zodiac
If you’re a fan of swashbuckling interplanetary science fiction, add Across the Zodiac to your must-read list. This wildly imaginative novel, originally published in 1880, helped to originate the gen …
Harold Bindloss & Sheba Blake: Alton of Somasco
Though he was born and died in England, Harold Bindloss spent much of his youth traveling the world, and he was particularly enamored of the forests of Canada, where he would later set many of his We …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: An Englishman Looks at the World
Today, the name H. G. Wells is synonymous with the genre of science fiction, and Wells is best remembered as the creator of masterpieces such as The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and The Islan …
Grant Allen & Sheba Blake: An African Millionaire
South African businessman Sir Charles Vandrift rose to the pinnacle of his field through his keen instincts and superb acumen — but the roguish swindler Colonel Clay (Vandrift’s longtime nemesis) is …
Henry James & Sheba Blake: An International Episode
A number of Henry James’ stories and novels focus on the clash of cultures between America and Europe, and the novella An International Episode tackles this issue head-on. A pair of British gentlemen …
Henry Fielding & Sheba Blake: Amelia
Though best known for his work in the picaresque romp Tom Jones, the eighteenth-century novelist Henry Fielding explored many literary genres, including the English domestic dramas popularized by lum …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: An Historical Mystery
Step back in history through the eyes of one of the masters of European realism. This keenly observed and utterly absorbing account of the period after Napoleon Bonaparte fell from power in nineteent …
Edward Bellamy & Sheba Blake: An Echo of Antietam
Though the Civil War short story ‘An Echo of Antietam’ marks a notable departure from the utopian fantasy that helped author Edward Bellamy rise to literary acclaim, it highlights similar themes of c …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: An Episode Under the Terror
Set in the aftermath of the French Revolution, this short story from the Scenes of Political Life section of Honore de Balzac’s The Human Comedy immerses readers in the terrifying tumult of the perio …
Anthony Trollope & Sheba Blake: An Eye for an Eye
British novelist Anthony Trollope is best known for chronicling many facets of family life and society in the fictional county of Barsetshire. Although An Eye for an Eye is not officially a part of t …
G. A. Henty & Sheba Blake: Among Malay Pirates and Other Stories
Get set for rip-roaring adventure in this collection of action-adventure short stories from renowned juvenile fiction scribe G. A. Henty. If there’s a little one in your life who isn’t fond of readin …
Constance Fenimore Woolson & Sheba Blake: Anne
Constance Fenimore Woolson was the great niece of James Fenimore Cooper and a close friend and correspondent of Henry James. A successful short story and novel writer Woolson was one of the ‘local co …
Robert Louis Stevenson & Sheba Blake: An Inland Voyage
Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1878 travelogue, An Inland Voyage, details his canoeing trip through France and Belgium in 1876. Pioneering new ground in outdoor literature, this was Stevenson’s first book. …
Alexander Pope & Sheba Blake: An Essay on Criticism
Despite its somewhat dry title, this text is not a musty prose dissection of literary criticism. Instead, the piece takes the shape of a long poem in which Pope, at the very peak of his powers, takes …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: An Antarctic Mystery
Fans of classic adventure fiction will delight in Jules Verne’s An Antarctic Mystery. The novel follows the journey of fictional explorer Pym, who also appeared in Edgar Allen Poe’s The Narrative of …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: After Dark
Curl up with After Dark, the first collection of early detective fiction master Wilkie Collins’ short stories. Including a diverse array of mysteries, tales of murder, and family drama in wartime and …
Annie F. Johnston & Sheba Blake: Asa Holmes
A popular children’s author who created several juvenile fiction series at the turn of the twentieth century, Annie Fellows Johnston is best remembered for the Little Colonel books. The charming nove …
George Bernard Shaw & Sheba Blake: An Unsocial Socialist
An Unsocial Socialist begins in an unruly girl’s school, comically portraying their tricks and pranks. The narrative then moves to a seemingly ill-bred laborer, who is in fact a wealthy gentleman in …
Emma Goldman: Anarchism and Other Essays
Anarchism & Other Essays, published in 1911, is the work of feminist anarchist Emma Goldman. Anarchism is a political philosophy which believes that government, or a governing body is unnecessary. Go …
Joseph Conrad: An Outcast of the Islands
An Outcast of the Islands is Joseph Conrad’s second novel, first published in 1896 and inspired by Conrad’s time as mate of the steamer The Vigar. Fleeing from scandal in Singapore, the disreputable …
Louisa May Alcott: An Old-Fashioned Girl
First serialized in a magazine, this classic tale of a country-raised girl whose whole world is turned upside down when she is sent to live with her sophisticated, wealthy relatives is brimming with …
Stephen Leacock & Sheba Blake: Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich
Humorist Stephen Leacock was known for targeting the excesses of the aristocratic class in his lighthearted satire. This tendency is on full display in Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich, a serie …
Annie Besant & Sheba Blake: An Introduction to Yoga
Today, yoga is the province of trendy spas, suburban recreation centers, and personal trainers. However, in the early twentieth century, it was regarded as a serious spiritual practice reserved for t …
Ambrose Bierce: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge opens with the story’s hero, Peyton Farquhar, hanging bound from a bridge, awaiting hanging. Farquhar is a Confederate sympathizer in the American Civil War and has …
Charles King & Sheba Blake: An Apache Princess
U.S. soldier Charles King first saw the battlefield during the American Indian Wars and, by 1898, had worked his way up to the rank of Brigadier General. After retirement, the battle-scarred veteran …
Charles Brockden Brown & Sheba Blake: Arthur Mervyn
Settle in for a cozy night of reading with this gothic classic from Charles Brockden Brown. The tale follows protagonist Arthur Mervyn through a hellishly difficult period in his life, marred by illn …
Orison Swett Marden & Sheba Blake: Architects of Fate
Architects of Fate, or, Steps to Success and Power, by Orison Swett Marden, is a book of inspiration to character-building, self-culture, to a full and rich manhood and womanhood, by most invigoratin …
H. G. Wells & Sheba Blake: Anticipations
The author of dozens of science fiction and fantasy novels, including such well-known works as The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, and The Island of Doctor Moreau, H.G. Wells is now recognized p …
Orison Swett Marden & Sheba Blake: An Iron Will
Are you one of millions who has bemoaned your utter lack of willpower? Have you ever considered how much you could accomplish and change in your life with a stronger will on your side? Whether you wa …
Oscar Wilde & Sheba Blake: An Ideal Husband
Oscar Wilde’s play An Ideal Husband is a comedy about politics, blackmail and corruption. The action takes place over three days in London, and it questions ideas of public and private honor. It is a …
Eugene O’Neill & Sheba Blake: Anna Christie
Anna Christie is a play in four acts, which won O’Neill the 1922 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Anna makes contact with the father she has not seen since her infancy, and he takes her on board his coal ba …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: An Old Maid
Immerse yourself in the inner workings of a quaint French village in this charming novel from Honore de Balzac, an early master of literary realism. Brimming with finely observed details and Balzac’s …
George Bernard Shaw & Sheba Blake: Arms and the Man
Arms and the Man was George Bernard Shaw’s first commercially successful play. It is a comedy about idealized love versus true love. A young Serbian woman idealizes her war-hero fiance and thinks the …
Annie Payson Call & Sheba Blake: As a Matter of Course
Think of As a Matter of Course as a philosophical manifesto for women who embrace traditional roles and values in the family and in the wider world. In this collection, the popular nineteenth-century …
George Stuart Fullerton & Sheba Blake: An Introduction to Philosophy
George Stuart Fullerton was a significant figure in early twentieth-century philosophy. He also played a role in incorporating philosophical tenets into the then-nascent field of psychology and helpe …
John Galsworthy: Another Sheaf
Well-known as a playwright and novelist, John Galsworthy was also a passionate patriot and supporter of Britain during World War I. Although he himself was too old to engage in active combat, he volu …
Joseph Conrad: Amy Foster
In the nineteenth century, mass immigration changed the face of the world. Although we like to think of this cross-cultural pollination as being a positive trend in human history, the truth of the ma …
Maurice Baring & Sheba Blake: An Outline of Russian Literature
Russian authors such as Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky have long been recognized by critics and readers alike as some of the world’s most gifted literary artists. However, their complex prose and w …
Laurence Sterne: A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy
Sterne travelled through France and Italy three years prior to writing A Sentimental Journey, which he completed on his death bed. The protagonist is a thinly-disguised Sterne who recounts his — most …
Emerson Hough: 54-40 or Fight
For much of the nineteenth century, the boundaries of the United States were in flux. Frontier lawyer turned Western writer Emerson Hough takes on the topic of one such border controversy in the nove …
L. Frank Baum: Aunt Jane’s Nieces Abroad
The follow-up to the smash hit Aunt Jane’s Nieces, Aunt Jane’s Nieces Abroad is the second in the series of ten novels that Wizard of Oz creator L. Frank Baum penned for young adults at the dawn of t …
Charles Dickens & Sheba Blake: A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol is a novella by Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an old miser who is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley and the …
W. T. Stace & Sheba Blake: A Critical History of Greek Philosophy
Virtually every aspect of the modern Western worldview has its roots in the remarkably diverse body of philosophy that emerged from a small patch of land in the Mediterranean thousands of years ago. …
Kurt Vonnegut: 2br02b
Regarded by critics and fans alike as one of the most accomplished and witty social commentators of the twentieth century, all of Kurt Vonnegut’s unique strengths as a writer shine in the short ficti …
Edward Bellamy: At Pinney’s Ranch
From the first time that John Lansing and Mary Hollister laid eyes on one another, they shared a special connection that seemed to transcend space and time. After their marriage, Lansing suddenly fin …
Kate Chopin & Sheba Blake: At Fault
Groundbreaking author Kate Chopin was known for her innovative portraits of nineteenth-century heroines facing the challenges of life under strictly constrained gender roles. At Fault is a richly det …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces and Uncle John
In the sixth of the series of ten adventure stories that Wizard of Oz writer L. Frank Baum penned for young adults, wealthy magnate and world traveler Uncle John proposes that the family escape the w …
L. Frank Baum & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces
Inspired by Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, this book, which Wizard of Oz author L. Frank Baum wrote under the pen name Edith Van Dyne, is much in the same vein as Alcott’s cozy coming-of-age tale. …
James Lane Allen & Sheba Blake: A Cathedral Singer
This uplifting novel penned by prominent Kentucky novelist James Lane Allen reminds readers that the most beautiful things in art and in life are often found in the most unexpected places. Young Ashb …
Edith van Dyne & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces at Millville
After months of travels and adventures that were recounted in previous books in the Aunt Jane’s Nieces series, the girls settle down for what they think will be a restful summer in a quaint rural vil …
E. W. Hornung & Sheba Blake: At Large
During a formative period in his early adulthood, English-born author E. W. Hornung spent several years working as a tutor at a desolate outpost in the Australian wilderness. This experience proved t …
George MacDonald & Sheba Blake: A Book of Strife in the Form of the Diary of an Old Soul
Renowned Scottish fiction writer, poet, and minister George Mac Donald gained literary acclaim for his creative reinvention of age-old fairy tales. Among the many writers who cited Mac Donald as a ke …
Mrs. George Horne de Vaizey: A College Girl
Darsie’s humdrum life takes a left turn when an ailing elderly aunt invites her to move in. Along the way, Darsie becomes fast friends with an upper-crust family in town, leading to many madcap adven …
John T. McIntyre & Sheba Blake: Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent
Looking for classic detective fiction that harks back to the era of Sherlock Holmes? Try Ashton Kirk, Secret Agent, the second in a series by author John T. Mc Intyre. When a seemingly humdrum family …
Henrik Ibsen & Sheba Blake: An Enemy of the People
Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen wrote An Enemy of the People in 1882 as a response to the public outrage over his play Ghosts. Part comedy, part serious drama, the play looks at Dr. Thomas Stockman …
Alexandre Dumas & Sheba Blake: Ali Pacha
Can’t get enough true crime? Love to hate history’s miscreants? Dive into a juicy slice of early modern history with this gripping account of the life of Ali Pacha, a ‘remorseless tyrant’ who ruled o …
Murray Leinster & Sheba Blake: Attention Saint Patrick
In ‘Attention Saint Patrick, ‘ American science fiction writer Murray Leinster cleverly transposes aspects of Irish myth and legend into an intergalactic setting. The inhabitants of a planet known as …
John Milton & Sheba Blake: Areopagitica
Areopagitica is John Milton’s famous tract against censorship. Published in 1644, Areopagitica is named after a speech by Isocrates, a fifth century BC Athenian orator. The work is counted as one of …
Lucy Maud Montgomery & Sheba Blake: Anne’s House of Dreams
The fifth novel in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables series, Anne’s House of Dreams follows protagonist Anne Shirley during a challenging but rewarding period of transition in her life, as …
Honoré de Balzac: Another Study of Woman
‘Another Study of Woman’ is a narrative hovering between a short story and a novella in terms of length, extracted from Honore de Balzac’s multi-volume masterpiece The Human Comedy. At a private dinn …
Paramahansa Yogananda: Autobiography of a Yogi
The Autobiography of a Yogi details his search for a guru, during which he encountered many spiritual leaders and world-renowned scientists. When it was published in 1946 it was the first introductio …
George MacDonald: At the Back of the North Wind
At the Back of the North Wind is a children’s story about a good, sweet boy called Diamond who rides the North Wind as she travels her familiar routes. They do good and wreak havoc, though everything …
William Henry Hudson & Sheba Blake: A Crystal Age
A Crystal Age is one of the earliest science-fiction novels which deals with a utopia of the distant future. The first-person narrator, a traveler and naturalist, wakes to find himself buried in eart …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: Antonina
Master storyteller Wilkie Collins is known for his tightly plotted novels, which often have plots drawn from historical events. This engrossing romance, set against the backdrop of ancient Rome as it …
Arnold Bennett & Sheba Blake: Anna of the Five Towns
What would you do if your money-grubbing father decided to marry you off to someone you loathed, against your express wishes? That’s precisely the dilemma facing virtuous Anna Tellwright in Arnold Be …
Gertrude Atherton: A Daughter of the Vine
In this emotionally engaging and richly detailed multi-generational epic, author Gertrude Atherton uses her own family history as a lens through which to trace the evolution of the fictional Randolph …
Gene Stratton-Porter: At the Foot of the Rainbow
Beloved American author Gene Stratton-Porter was one of the first influential female figures to raise awareness about the importance of conservation. Like many of her novels, At the Foot of the Rainb …
Frances Hodgson Burnett & Sheba Blake: A Fair Barbarian
In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s A Fair Barbarian, cultures clash when an affluent American heiress makes a splash in a sleepy British village. Octavia Bassett, a spirited young woman who hails from the …
Edith van Dyne & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces Out West
Part of the ‘Aunt Jane’s Nieces’ series written by Wizard of Oz creator L. Frank Baum (who used the pen name ‘Edith Van Dyne’), this novel has the girls visiting California and getting a crash course …
Gertrude Atherton: Ancestors
Although author Gertrude Atherton was born and died in her beloved home state of California, she spent a significant amount of time touring and living in Europe. In Ancestors, she puts her experience …
E. V. Zenker & Sheba Blake: Anarchism
Today, anarchism is often dismissed as a poorly-thought-out excuse for mayhem used by miscreants bent on destruction. However, in truth, the concept of anarchism has been explored — and sometimes ch …
Lord Dunsany & Sheba Blake: A Dreamer’s Tales
Escapists of the world, rejoice! This collection of golden-age fantasy from renowned Irish author Lord Dunsany is just the ticket if you’re looking for a fictional portal to transport you out of the …
Andrew Carnegie: Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
The industrialist, businessman, and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie (1835 — 1919) established a gospel of wealth that can be neither ignored nor forgotten, and set a pace in distribution that succeedi …
Upton Sinclair & Sheba Blake: 100%
Prolific author and political activist Upton Sinclair throws the upheaval of the early twentieth century into sharp relief in 100%: The Story of a Patriot. In a matter of instants, a bomb blast trans …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Drama on the Seashore
This short section of Honore de Balzac’s vast story cycle The Human Comedy unfolds against the beautiful backdrop of the western coast of France. A couple on vacation have a chance encounter with a f …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
The novel A Distinguished Provincial at Paris is the second volume of Honore de Balzac’s Lost Illusions trilogy. In it, Balzac masterfully revisits one of his most commonly called-upon themes: the ha …
John Fox Jr. & Sheba Blake: A Cumberland Vendetta
John Fox won literary acclaim as one of the foremost chroniclers of life in the southeastern United States. ‘A Cumberland Vendetta’ traces the roots and tragic consequences of one of the feuds that r …
Francis Parkman & Sheba Blake: A Half Century of Conflict
Historian, critic, and horticulturist Francis Parkman was renowned for his analytical acuity and narrative skill. In A Half Century of Conflict: France and England in North America, Volume 1, Parkman …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Damsel in Distress
When you’re in the mood for classic British humor writing, nothing can compare to the master of literary laughter, P.G. Wodehouse. The novel A Damsel in Distress is an uproarious combination of roman …
Ambrose Bierce & Sheba Blake: A Cynic Looks at Life
Misanthropes, grumps, and the hopelessly jaded will relish every ruthlessly witty word of Ambrose Bierce’s essay collection A Cynic Looks at Life. Bierce unleashes his jaundiced eye and incisive insi …
Elizabeth Gaskell & Sheba Blake: A Dark Night’s Work
A writer of remarkably diverse talents, Elizabeth Gaskell produced fiction and non-fiction ranging from short stories that offered detailed cross-sections of Victorian life and society to a well-rega …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: A Group of Noble Dames
Whether you’re a long-time fan of Thomas Hardy’s works or a first-time reader who is curious about the author of such masterpieces as Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Far From the Madding Crowd, this co …
Maurice Leblanc & Sheba Blake: Arsène Lupin
Known as the French counterpart to Sherlock Holmes, Arsène Lupin is a dashing master criminal who has his own strong code of ethics when it comes to plying his trade. In this story, adapted from a Lu …
Sigmund Freud & Sheba Blake: A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Though it has now fallen out of favor among many practitioners and scholars, Freud’s concept of psychoanalysis — an approach that focuses primarily on adverse events in early childhood and irrationa …
Edith van Dyne & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces at Work
Written by Wizard of Oz creator L. Frank Baum under the pseudonym Edith Van Dyne, this volume of the Aunt Jane’s Nieces series finds the girls dipping their dainty toes into the turbulent waters of p …
Edith van Dyne & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces in Society
After Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women proved to be a publishing sensation, other book purveyors sought out titles with similar appeal. The Aunt Jane’s Nieces series was designed to hook young audien …
Edith van Dyne & Sheba Blake: Aunt Jane’s Nieces in the Red Cross
The ‘Aunt Jane’s Nieces’ series was a wildly popular juvenile fiction collection written by L. Frank Baum, the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, using the feminine pen name ‘Edith Van Dyne.’ This …
Charles King & Sheba Blake: A Daughter of the Sioux
After retiring from a distinguished military career, Brigadier General Charles King used his life experiences as inspiration for a series of acclaimed novels and screenplays. A Daughter of the Sioux …
H. B. Irving & Sheba Blake: A Book of Remarkable Criminals
Are you fascinated by the nefarious figures in history who have opted to walk a darker path in life? Armchair criminologists will take devilish delight in this gruesome collection of true-crime tales …
Arnold Bennett & Sheba Blake: A Great Man
British author Arnold Bennett was well acquainted with the ups and downs of literary acclaim. In the witty romp A Great Man, he brings his personal experiences to bear in telling the tale of Henry Kn …
George St. Stock & Sheba Blake: A Guide to Stoicism
One of the most influential schools of classical philosophy, stoicism emerged in the third century BCE and later grew in popularity through the work of proponents such as Seneca and Epictetus. This i …
Mark Twain & Sheba Blake: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
In Mark Twain’s 1889 novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, Hank Morgan awakes from a blow to the head only to find that he has been mysteriously transported back in time. It is early med …
Winston Churchill & Sheba Blake: A Far Country
Though American author Winston Churchill often focused on historical events as inspiration for his novels, his later work more often explored the way that events conspired to shape his characters’ op …
Leonard Merrick & Sheba Blake: A Chair on the Boulevard
Early in his literary career, English writer Leonard Merrick gained a reputation as a serious writer who tackled tough social issues with unflinching realism. But in his later period, Merrick’s style …
Gene Stratton-Porter & Sheba Blake: A Daughter of the Land
If you loved Gene Stratton-Porter’s A Girl of the Limberlost, be sure to add her later novel A Daughter of the Land to your reading list. The family that serves as the focus of the novel isn’t perfec …
Kirk Munroe & Sheba Blake: Forward, March
Kirk Munroe was a well-traveled writer and journalist who was born in Wisconsin, educated in Massachusetts, began his career in New York City, and finally settled in Florida. Once there, Munroe’s pro …
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson & Sheba Blake: A Happy Boy
An early recipient of the Nobel Prize in literature, Bjornstjerne Bjornson is considered one of the masters of Norwegian fiction. The short novel A Happy Boy recounts the life of Oyvind, a perpetuall …
Wilkie Collins & Charles Dickens: A House to Let
This collaborative short story brings together the creative talents of four of the Victorian era’s most popular fiction writers — Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Adelaide Ann …
Henry Charles Lea: A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages
This detailed analysis of one of the most brutal periods of religious persecution ever recorded is a must-read for history buffs of all stripes. Author Henry Charles Lea lends detail and dimension to …
Franz Kafka & Sheba Blake: A Hunger Artist
In the days when hunger could be cultivated and practiced as an art form, the individuals who practiced it were often put on show for all to see. One man who was so devout in his pursuit of hunger pu …
Henry Charles Lea & Sheba Blake: A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages
This detailed analysis of one of the most brutal periods of religious persecution ever recorded is a must-read for history buffs of all stripes. Author Henry Charles Lea lends detail and dimension to …
Daniel Defoe & Sheba Blake: A Journal of the Plague Year
In this era of pandemic fears, the gripping tale of the Great Plague that brought Europe to its knees in the mid-1600s is a surprisingly timely read. Defoe’s fictionalized account of life in plague-s …
John Kendrick Bangs & Sheba Blake: A Little Book of Christmas
Renowned journalist and essayist John Kendrick Bangs worked at the helm of many of the most important news magazines of his day — and all the while, he was submitting his own short humor pieces, poe …
John Kendrick Bangs & Sheba Blake: A House-Boat on the Styx
The souls of the dead must cross the Styx, to pass into a Hades-like afterworld. In the first of the twelve stories compiled in A House-Boat on the Styx, the man who ferries the souls across sees a h …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Man of Business
Though a relatively short story, ‘A Man of Business’ is an important component of Honore de Balzac’s vast story cycle The Human Comedy, involving many of the recurring characters from the series and …
Charlotte M. Brame & Sheba Blake: A Mad Love
Under a variety of pen names, author Charlotte M. Brame wrote hundreds of romance short stories and novels in the mid- to late-nineteenth century. ‘A Mad Love’ is a wonderful tale of against-all-odds …
James Lane Allen: A Kentucky Cardinal
Though the American South played an important role in contributing to the country’s culture, it wasn’t until the mid-nineteenth century that a distinctly Southern literary voice began to emerge. Kent …
Caroline French Benton & Sheba Blake: A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl
Do you have a burgeoning junior chef in your life? Are you trying to avoid the processed ingredients that a lot of modern cookbooks for kids emphasize? If so, this back-to-basics introduction to cook …
John Jacob Astor: A Journey in Other Worlds
Author John Jacob Astor met his end in the sinking of the Titanic. Though he was born into wealth, Astor achieved fame as a popular science fiction writer. In this, his best-known work, Astor spins a …
George Griffith & Sheba Blake: A Honeymoon in Space
Who says classic science fiction is all hard edges and taciturn heroes? George Griffith’s classic A Honeymoon in Space follows newlyweds Zaidie Rettick and Lord Redgrave on their post-nuptial journey …
Anthony Hope & Sheba Blake: A Man of Mark
If you are a fan of classic action-adventure stories who loved Anthony Hope’s The Prisoner of Zenda, A Man of Mark should be right up your alley. Set amidst a political uprising in the fictional coun …
Frances Hodgson Burnett: A Lady of Quality
In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s compelling historical novel A Lady of Quality, a girl named Clorinda is born and raised in a horrible environment. Motherless, resented, and brought up as a boy by her dr …
John Fox Jr.: A Knight of the Cumberland
Populated by a parade of fascinating characters, this slice-of-life story provides a glimpse into life in the Appalachian region in the early twentieth century. A prodigal son, the offspring of a leg …
Ellen Clacy & Sheba Blake: A Lady’s Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53
This fascinating travelogue details the visit of author Ellen Clacy to the massive gold mines that were erected in Australia in the nineteenth century. Twenty-year-old Clacy’s visit wasn’t a genteel …
Murray Leinster & Sheba Blake: A Matter of Importance
In a distant future, humans have overtaken much of the universe and have banished their enemies to the far corners of their territory. A planet long thought to be uninhabited is suspected of being a …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Man of Means
Most of us tend to think that money solves everything, but for Roland Bleke, the star of the short stories collected in A Man of Means, overnight success — and the windfall that accompanies it — br …
Elia Wilkinson Peattie & Sheba Blake: A Mountain Woman
Elia Wilkinson Peattie was a prolific fiction writer who detailed her experiences as a woman in the West in dozens of essays, short stories, and novels. In ‘A Mountain Woman, ‘ Peattie gives us the e …
Winston Churchill & Sheba Blake: A Modern Chronicle
Deviating from the long line of strong and stoic male protagonists who featured in his other novels, American author Winston Churchill turns his attention to the fairer sex in the charming novel A Mo …
Louisa May Alcott & Sheba Blake: A Modern Cinderella and Other Stories
In this charming collection of stories, the author of beloved novels such as Little Women re-imagines several classic fairy tales and fables, setting them among the austere beauty of the nineteenth-c …
Amanda Minnie Douglas & Sheba Blake: A Modern Cinderella
In this delightful reimagining of the age-old fairytale, lovely but desperately poor Marilla struggles with a massive workload in her job as a domestic servant. Will she ever escape her dire circumst …
Elbert Hubbard & Sheba Blake: A Message to Garcia
Originally intended as a kind of a parable for businessmen, the short story A Message to Garcia has achieved a level of cult popularity among some groups, including military service members. Concise …
John Fox Jr. & Sheba Blake: A Mountain Europa
Kentucky-born American author John Fox, Jr. can be described as the Jack London of the Bluegrass region. ‘A Mountain Europa’ is one of many pieces produced by Fox that celebrates the unique culture a …
Clifford Whittingham Beers & Sheba Blake: A Mind That Found Itself
When he was twenty-four years old, Clifford Whittingham Beers was interred in a mental asylum. He remained there for three years, battling his mental illness. In his autobiography, A Mind That Found …
Harry Collingwood & Sheba Blake: A Pirate of the Caribbees
Though it’s known today as a paradise for sun-worshipping tourists, the Caribbean’s past is much darker. Centuries ago, the region was overrun with rapacious and bloodthirsty seadogs. In Harry Collin …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Passion in the Desert
During Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt, one French soldier becomes separated from his regiment and finds himself wandering lost in the desert. Just when he has given up all hope, he makes an unlikely fr …
Stephen Marlowe & Sheba Blake: A Place in the Sun
One of the most unforgettable characters from the golden era of science fiction, Johnny Mayhem is a shapeshifter who can assume the guise of any person. In the pulse-pounding short story ‘A Place in …
Edward Peple & Sheba Blake: A Night Out
Cat lovers will delight in this charming tale from Edward Peple. A Night Out follows the travails of Omar Ben Sufi, a dignified and gentlemanly feline whose lot in life has been harsh, but who faces …
Henry Charles Lea: A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages
This detailed analysis of one of the most brutal periods of religious persecution ever recorded is a must-read for history buffs of all stripes. Author Henry Charles Lea lends detail and dimension to …
Thomas Hardy & Sheba Blake: A Pair of Blue Eyes
Dive into a classic work from the author responsible for beloved novels such as Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Far from the Madding Crowd. Combining elements of romance and psychological suspense, A P …
Edmund Donald Carr & Sheba Blake: A Night in the Snow
In 1856 the Reverend Edmund Donald Carr was overtaken by a blizzard on his way to an evening service. He battled the elements for 22 hours with nothing by his bible and his dead horse, whose body she …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Prince of Bohemia
This short vignette from Honore de Balzac, a key figure in French realism, is a story within a story. The narrator, Nathan, regales a pair of aristocratic ladies with stories about the Rusticoli fami …
George A. Birmingham & Sheba Blake: A Padre in France
With the memoir A Padre in France, Irish clergyman James Owen Hannay (who used the pseudonym ‘George A. Birmingham’) takes a break from the humorous political satires that were his typical stock in t …
Harold Bindloss & Sheba Blake: A Prairie Courtship
In the aftermath of her father’s death, the plucky Alison Leigh finds herself without any viable financial prospects. After considering her options, she decides to get a fresh start in Winnipeg, Cana …
Edouard Leroy & Sheba Blake: A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson
Henri-Louis Bergson was a French scholar and philosopher who would eventually come to be recognized as one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. This volume served as one of the …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Prefect’s Uncle
Long before British humor master P.G. Wodehouse created the popular novel series based on the much-beloved character Jeeves, he sent up his native country’s private school culture in A Prefect’s Uncl …
William James & Sheba Blake: A Pluralistic Universe
Craving an intellectually stimulating read? Dive into A Pluralistic Universe by William James, an influential thinker and psychologist who also happened to be the brother of acclaimed novelist Henry …
Mary Roberts Rinehart & Sheba Blake: A Poor Wise Man
Like the best of Mary Roberts Rinehart’s novels, A Poor Wise Man combines a number of literary elements — romance, intrigue, and mystery — which unfold against the backdrop of war and political unr …
G. A. Henty & Sheba Blake: A Search For A Secret
Action-adventure novelist G. A. Henty was renowned for his ability to craft explosive, unexpected plot twists, and the mystery at the center of A Search for a Secret is a prime example of the author’ …
Frank Barrett & Sheba Blake: A Set of Rogues
Swindlers, confidence men, hustlers, scam artists they’ve been around as long as human civilization has existed, and who could possibly be more adept at carrying off a scam than a troupe of actors? I …
Wilkie Collins & Sheba Blake: A Rogue’s Life
Charming and intelligent but somewhat lacking in the purpose and dedication departments, protagonist Frank Softly just can’t seem to find a profession that suits him, much to the chagrin of his famil …
A. E. W. Mason & Sheba Blake: A Romance of Wastdale
David Gordon and Kate Nugent, deeply in love, are headed for a lifetime of wedded bliss. But despite David’s unwavering love of Kate, her past isn’t as pristine as she has made it out to be. When she …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Second Home
In this novella from Honore de Balzac, an impoverished mother and daughter slave away as embroiderers but are barely able to evade starvation. Finally, what seems to be a blessing enters into their l …
William MacLeod Raine & Sheba Blake: A Texas Ranger
A study in contradictions, prolific writer of Western novels William Mac Leod Raine was born in England but relocated to a remote cattle ranch on the Texas border ten years later. Pairing his academi …
P. G. Wodehouse & Sheba Blake: A Wodehouse Miscellany
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, popularly known by his pen name, P.G. Wodehouse, is one of the most beloved writers of English prose. He is known for his uncanny ability to find and expose the hilari …
Ambrose Bierce & Sheba Blake: A Son of the Gods and A Horseman in the Sky
Today, Ambrose Bierce is best remembered for his blazingly satirical take on politics and society in general, which was probably best encapsulated in The Devil’s Dictionary. However, Bierce paid his …
Anna Katharine Green & Sheba Blake: A Strange Disappearance
In the mood for a masterfully plotted detective story from the golden era of the mystery genre? Try A Strange Disappearance by Anna Katharine Green, who is regarded as one of the most important early …
Jonathan Swift & Sheba Blake: A Tale of a Tub
Jump into Jonathan Swift’s take-no-prisoners parody of seventeenth-century Christianity. Equal parts uproarious humor and incisive satire, A Tale of a Tub dissects the foibles and shortcomings of thr …
Joseph Conrad & Sheba Blake: A Set of Six
Regarded by critics and fans alike as one of the masters of English fiction, Joseph Conrad is known for novels and works of fiction such as The Heart of Darkness, Victory, and Lord Jim. The collectio …
C. W. Leadbeater & Sheba Blake: A Textbook of Theosophy
Theosophy is an ecumenical faith tradition that regards all religions as striving toward the same shared purpose of engendering love, cooperation, unity, and fellow-feeling among all of the world’s c …
Andy Adams & Sheba Blake: A Texas Matchmaker
Immerse yourself in the world of the Wild West with this novel from renowned writer Andy Adams. A Texas Matchmaker offers a detailed look at what life was like on a cattle ranch more than a century a …
George Berkeley & Sheba Blake: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
Born and educated in Ireland, the eighteenth-century philosopher George Berkeley developed an influential school of thought that later came to be described as ‘subjective idealism.’ In A Treatise Con …
Honoré de Balzac & Sheba Blake: A Start in Life
The novel A Start in Life is part of the Scenes of Private Life section of Honore de Balzac’s masterpiece of nineteenth-century realism, The Human Comedy. In much of Balzac’s work, the aristocracy is …
E. W. Hornung & Sheba Blake: A Thief in the Night
First published in 1905, A Thief in the Night is the third collection of stories detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman thief A. J. Raffles in late Victorian England. In public a popular s …
Ann Radcliffe & Sheba Blake: A Sicilian Romance
A Sicilian Romance is an early novel by one of the masters of Gothic fiction, Ann Radcliffe. Two young women live in an isolated mansion near the Straits of Messina. Mysterious sights and sounds begi …
Bret Harte & Sheba Blake: A Waif of the Plains
If you can’t get enough of action-adventure stories of pioneer life in the American West, dive into this tale from Bret Harte, one of the most renowned documenters of the era. In A Waif of the Plains …
David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature
A Treatise of Human Nature, first published between 1739 and 1740, is a philosophical text by the Scottish philosopher David Hume. The work contains three books: ‘Of the Understanding’, ‘Of the Passi …
William Shakespeare & Sheba Blake: As You Like It
As You Like It is truly one of Shakespeare’s greatest romantic comedies. The heroine, Rosalind has grown up in the court of her usurping uncle Duke Frederick, her father, the rightful duke, having be …
William Dean Howells: A Traveler from Altruria
This novel from popular nineteenth-century American author William Dean Howells features a visitor from a mysterious distant island known as Altruria. The contrast between the utopian island communit …
Oscar Wilde: A Woman of No Importance
Though he is now best remembered for his fiction, famed wit and bon vivant Oscar Wilde also dabbled in drama over the course of his long and varied literary career. A Woman of No Importance is a dark …
James Russell Lowell & Sheba Blake: Abraham Lincoln
When Lincoln took office as President of the United States, the nation was fraught with problems, not the least of which was slavery and the danger of secession. This biography relates how Lincoln de …
M. R. James & Sheba Blake: A Thin Ghost and Others
Are you the type who loves nothing more than curling up with a book of ghost stories? If so, be sure to add A Thin Ghost and Others to your must-read list. A gem from the golden age of Gothic horror, …
Charlotte Mary Yonge & Sheba Blake: Abbeychurch
Written when the author was in her early twenties, and now regarded as Yonge’s first serious work of fiction, Abbeychurch grapples with both serious theological issues pertaining to the schism betwee …
Jules Verne & Sheba Blake: A Voyage in a Balloon
Pioneering science-fiction writer Jules Verne is the second most translated author of all time (after Agatha Christie.) This translation of his short story A Voyage in a Balloon first appeared in Sar …
Martin Luther & Sheba Blake: A Treatise on Good Works
Get to know the theologian and religious thinker whose radical reinvention of the Christian faith sparked the Protestant Reformation. In A Treatise on Good Works, Martin Luther expounds on his conten …
Archibald Marshall & Sheba Blake: Abington Abbey
British author Archibald Marshall became a writer later in life and rapidly gained acclaim in his own country and abroad. Regarded as a literary realist who worked in a vein similar to that mined by …
Herodotus & Sheba Blake: An Account of Egypt
Regarded by many as the first major historian, Herodotus was a Greek scholar and traveler who set down his impressions of foreign countries and his analysis of wars and other significant events in a …
Honoré de Balzac: A Woman at Thirty
Known for his keen observations and finely drawn characters, Honore de Balzac is regarded as one of the forerunners of the literary realism movement that swept Europe in the nineteenth century. A Wom …
Robert W. Chambers & Sheba Blake: A Young Man in a Hurry
Renowned author Robert W. Chambers dabbled in virtually every literary style under the sun, garnering acclaim from top writers and critics along the way. The story collection A Young Man in a Hurry b …
Sheba Blake: Easter Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute Easter Coloring Book for Boys and Girls! Help your little ones celebrate Easter with a coloring book that is perfect for little hands. Easy to color designs help to build fine-motor skills and h …
Sheba Blake: Easter Egg Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute Easter Egg Coloring Book for Boys and Girls! Help your little ones celebrate Easter with a coloring book that is perfect for little hands. Easy to color designs help to build fine-motor skills a …
Sheba Blake: Easter Bunny Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute Easter Bunny Coloring Book for Boys and Girls! Help your little ones celebrate Easter with a coloring book that is perfect for little hands. Easy to color designs help to build fine-motor skills …
Sheba Blake: Easter Alphabet Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
Cute Easter Bunny Coloring Book for Boys and Girls! Help your little ones celebrate Easter with a coloring book that is perfect for little hands. Easy to color designs help to build fine-motor skills …
Sheba Blake: The Nightingale Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Nightingale-themed designs make this varied book perfect …
Sheba Blake: Thumbelina Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — Thumbelina-themed designs make this varied book perfect for g …
Sheba Blake: The Ugly Duckling Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Ugly Duckling-themed designs make this varied book perfec …
Sheba Blake: The Emperor’s New Clothes Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Emperor’s New Clothes-themed designs make this varied boo …
Sheba Blake: Neverland Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — Neverland-themed designs make this varied book perfect for gi …
Sheba Blake: Jack and the Beanstalk Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — Jack and the Beanstalk-themed designs make this varied book p …
Sheba Blake: The Wizard of Oz Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — The Wizard of Oz-themed designs make this varied book perfect …
Sheba Blake: The Three Little Pigs Coloring Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
This coloring book is packed full of fun, calming, and satisfying coloring pages, suitable for kids ages 3 and up. Fun and entertaining — Three Little Pigs-themed designs make this varied book perfec …
Sheba Blake: Pre-K Sight Words Activity Book for Kids Ages 3+ (Printable Version)
A fun and engaging way to teach 40 top sight words to kids ages 3 to 4! Give kids the building blocks necessary for reading success with Pre-K Sight Words Activity Book. The activities inside m …
Aesop: Aesop’s Fables
Aesop’s Fables is a classic young adult novel by Aesop.Aesop was an Ancient Greek story-teller and slave, famed and cherished for his short fables that often involve personified animals. In the renow …
Sheba Blake: Sleep Solution
Here’s how you can get rid of insomnia once and for all! I’ll personally show you effective night routine habits and healthy lifestyle changes for better sleep quality.No matter if you’re a business …
Sheba Blake: Mastering Your Habits
A 52-week guide to building better habits in all aspects of your life! You’ll find out how the entire process of making better habits works!With everything going around you at work and home, it can b …
Sheba Blake: Revitalizing Your Heart
With your permission, I want to take you on a journey of reclaiming your health. You will not be disappointed. This go-to-guide will show you how to live a healthy lifestyle by eating wholesome foods …
Sheba Blake: Digital Paradox
As freeing and liberating as smartphones can be, they are also very confining and damaging.As spectacular as these technological achievements are, there are pitfalls associated with such amazing abil …
Sheba Blake: Unleash Your Potential
Do you want a startling statistic?According to a study, 92% of people who made a New Year’s Resolution did not complete their goals. It can sober you down when you realize most people don’t live out …
Sheba Blake: Unshakable Confidence
Believing you’ll never amount to anything is extremely negative. Yet, many people torture themselves with this kind of thought day in and day out. You probably hear your inner voice chirping away in …
Sheba Blake: Unlock Your Potential
Unlock Your Potential is about living your life to the fullest and becoming the best version of yourself.Are you stressed? Do you lack direction or purpose? Do you feel meek and timid? Do you lack ch …
Sheba Blake: Vegan Fitness Revolution
Find out how to kickstart your vegan fitness plan using effective strategies!My goal is to help you get and keep a healthy body so you can be proud of it… Once mocked as a cult-like fad trend, vega …
Sheba Blake: Affiliate Marketing Unveiled
I know you’re excited about affiliate marketing.You’ve probably heard all sorts of positive things about making money online by selling others products. Now is the time.You might want to SLOW DOWN… …
Sheba Blake: Ignite Your Ideas
With all the different startups in today’s world, some are doomed to fail. So, how can you make yours one of the ones that won’t fail?There is more than one right answer. Every startup can be done an …
Sheba Blake: Release Your Inner Drive
We all have dreams, dreams of a better life, dreams of personal freedom, dreams of long-lasting happiness, dreams of finally reaching our goals. But why do so few people succeed, and far too many liv …
Sheba Blake: Lights, Camera, Conversion
Video marketing is not new.Video has always been around. In fact, its marketing potential has always been apparent to online marketing professionals. But here’s the problem. Video marketers have to f …
Sheba Blake: Unyielding Resilience
In today’s world perseverance is not always a desirable skill. People are more interested in instant gratification than actually putting in the effort and work to get things done.This is because buil …
Sheba Blake: Opt-In Funnel Blueprint
If you want to make money online, the best way is to sell a product.And if you want to sell as many products as possible, you need a sales funnel.A sales funnel is a tried and tested method of captur …
Sheba Blake: Streamline and Scale
Are you tired of working IN your business instead of ON your business?Did you start your own business, so you could have more freedom, only to be shackled to your desk?Are you tired of working more h …
Sheba Blake: Living with Mindful Intention
Imagine getting up each morning.You feel good about yourself. Sure, you got a good night’s rest. But that’s only part of the battle.You’re less stressed. Because you practice mindfulness regularly. Y …
Thomas Hardy: Changed Man
A Changed Man and Other Tales is a collection of twelve tales written by Thomas Hardy. There are eleven short stories and a novella The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid. At the end of the book there …
Frances Hodgson Burnett: Little Princess
A Little Princess is a children’s novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett.Sara Crewe’s young but doting father sends her to a London boarding school when she is seven. On her eleventh birthday her life of l …
Mark Twain: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a classic adventure novel by Mark Twain.Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer’s best friend, escapes down the Mississippi on a raft with the runaway slave, Jim. One of the ic …
Lewis Carroll: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a classic fantasy novel by Lewis Carroll.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is the peculiar and imaginative tale of a girl who falls down a rabbit-hole into a bizarr …
L. Frank Baum: American Fairy Tales
American Fairy Tales is a classic fantasy novel by L. Frank Baum.The acclaimed author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and many other juvenile fantasy books, L. Frank Baum had a lifelong fascination wit …
Lucy Maud Montgomery: Anne of Avonlea
Anne of Avonlea is a classic young adult romance novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery.Anne of Avonlea continues the story of Anne Shirley (heroine of Anne of Green Gables). She is now the school teacher at …