My name is Daniel Alvarez, and I want to share the story of how I lost 320 pounds. There are 180 million people in the United States who are overweight, and my aim is to help the maximum amount of people I can. I have a crazy little dream that in the next hundred years or so, the number of overweight people in this country will become just 30 million, or even less. Someday, someone will say, I read this book about this guy, two hundred years ago, who invented an amazing system that helped people to lose weight. I guarantee to whoever reads my book that its going to help a lot.
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My name is Daniel Alvarez, and I want to share the story of how I lost 320 pounds. There are 180 million people in the United States who are overweight, and my aim is help maximum amount of people I can. I have a crazy little dream that in the next hundred years or so, the number of overweight people in this country will become just 30 million, or even less. Someday, someone will say, “I read this book about this guy, two hundred years ago, who invented an amazing system that helped people to lose weight.” I guarantee to whoever reads my book that it’s going to help a lot.