Paul P. Maglio is a professor of technology management in the School of Engineering at the University of California, Merced. He holds an SB in computer science and engineering from MIT and a Ph D in cognitive science from UCSD. One of the founders of the field of service science, Dr. Maglio is currently Editor-in-Chief of INFORMS
Service Science, and was lead editor of the
Handbook of Service Science (Springer).
Cheryl Kieliszewski is a Research Staff Member at IBM Research — Almaden. She has extensive research and applied human factors engineering experience investigating human behavior and expectations, and the implication of these on technology and service design. Her research focuses on understanding the impact of team practices on technological and organizational design to inform the human-system relationship definition within service systems. Cheryl received her Ph.D. from Virginia Tech in Industrial and Systems Engineering for Human Factors. Her professional accomplishments include several issued patents, published papers, speaker, and serving as a co-editor of the inaugural «Handbook of Service Science».
Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open source Artificial Intelligence (AI) efforts. Previously at IBM, he led Global University Programs, co-founded Almaden Service Research, and was CTO Venture Capital Group. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex, an Exxon company, before receiving his Yale Ph D in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’ Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technology title for next generation learning platforms. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he won the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science.
Kelly Lyons is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Academic in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. Prior to joining the Faculty of Information, she was the Program Director of the IBM Toronto Lab Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS). Her current research interests include service science, knowledge mobilization, social media, and collaborative work. Currently, she is focusing on ways in which social media can support human‐to‐ human interactions in service systems and data‐driven knowledge mobilization. Kelly holds a cross‐ appointment with the University of Toronto’s Department of Computer Science and is an IBM Faculty Fellow.
Lia Patrício (B.S., M.B.A., and Ph D from University of Porto) is Associate Professor at the University of Porto, where she is the Director of the Master in Service Engineering and Management and lectures in the area of New Service Design and Development. Her research focuses on Service Design and Customer Experience, particularly the design of Technology Enabled Services, Value Networks and Service Ecosystems. She is currently the Principal Investigator of the Service Design for Innovation Marie Curie — Innovative Training Network. She is Global Faculty Member of the Center for Services Leadership, Arizona State University and Academic Scholar of the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures. Her research has been published in the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Design Studies, Journal of Business Research, among others.
Yuriko Sawatani is Professor of Management at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, and Director at Entrepreneurship Center. She received her Ph.D. at The University of Tokyo. After working at IBM Research, she received a professor position at Waseda University in 2013, and has the current position since April, 2018. She works in partnership with companies, transforming organizations to digital era. Current work includes MEXT Enhancing Development of Global Entrepreneur Program and its follow-on program. Her research investigates the design function of companies focusing on Service Design, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship.
7 Электронные книги James C. Spohrer
Paul P. Maglio & Cheryl A. Kieliszewski: Handbook of Service Science
As the service sector expands into the global economy, a new science of service is emerging, one that is dedicated to encouraging service innovation by applying scientific understanding, engineering …
Haluk Demirkan & James C. Spohrer: Service Systems Implementation
Service Systems Implementation provides the latest applications and practices aimed at improving the key performance indicators of service systems, especially those related to service quality, servic …
Haluk Demirkan & James C. Spohrer: The Science of Service Systems
The Science of Service Systems intends to stimulate discussion and understanding by presenting theory-based research with actionable results. Most of the articles focus on formalizing the theoretical …
Stephen K. Kwan & James C. Spohrer: Global Perspectives on Service Science: Japan
This contributed volume presents the experiences, challenges, trends, and advances in Service Science from Japan’s perspective. As the global economy becomes more connected and competitive, many econ …
Paul P. Maglio & Cheryl A. Kieliszewski: Handbook of Service Science, Volume II
The second volume of this successful handbook represents varied perspectives on the fast-expanding field of Service Science. The novel work collected in these chapters is drawn from both new re …
Louis E. Freund & James C. Spohrer: Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering
If there is any one element to the engineering of service systems that is unique, it is the extent to which the suitability of the system for human use, human service, and excellent human experience …
Louis E. Freund & James C. Spohrer: Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering
If there is any one element to the engineering of service systems that is unique, it is the extent to which the suitability of the system for human use, human service, and excellent human experience …