John Philip Jones belongs to an elite group of intellectual adventurers searching for true meaning in an increasingly complex communication industry. Anyone involved in understanding how brands are born and nurtured should follow his work with keen interest. —Andy Fenning, Executive Vice President, Director of Strategic Development, J. Walter Thompson, New York Advertising′s greatest single contribution to business is its ability to build brands, and this comprehensive volume covers all aspects of this critical marketing process. Edited by John Philip Jones, best-selling author of What′s in a Name? Advertising and the Concepts of Brands and When Ads Work: New Proof That Advertising Triggers Sales, this handbook offers an authoritative examination of successful brand-building techniques. An authoritative cast of chapter authors, representing a global mix of academic and professional backgrounds, that examine all aspects of brand management, brand equity, new and mature brands, and ‘brand magic.’ The brand concept is also extended in unexpected new areas such as political marketing, green marketing, and the arts. This handbook is part of a series edited by John Philip Jones that stands as a complete library of essential advertising theory and practice. Other volumes in this series include How Advertising Works: The Role of Research and The Advertising Business.
Introduction — John Philip Jones
Brands and Added Values — John Philip Jones
Brand Ideas and Their Importance — Harold F Clark Jr
`When Do You Tell the Agency What the Brand Means?′
Brands and Their Symbols — Judie Lannon
Gestalt — John Philip Jones
How Brands Are Influenced by Multiple Communications
Brands and Advertising — Roderick White
Brand Equity — Paul Feldwick
Do We Really Need It?
Putting a Price on Brand Equity — David Haigh
Parity — John Philip Jones
Consumer Perceptions That All Brands Are Alike
Brand Management — John Philip Jones
A Marketing Template for New Brands — John Philip Jones
The Initial Growth Cycle for a New Brand — John Philip Jones
New Brands — Jan S Slater
Success Rate and Criteria for Success
Exploring Brand Magic — Alexander L Biel
How Advertising Builds Brand Equity — Andy Farr
Life Cycle Theory — John Philip Jones
The Defensive Role of Advertising — Paul Feldwick
Are All Consumers Equal? Segmentation: The Statute of Limitations — Mark Stockdale
Relationship Marketing — John Dalla Costa
A Picture of a Brand — Carla V Lloyd
Campbell′s Soup
The Case for Collectible Brands — Jan S Slater
Political Advertising — Filip Palda and Kristian Palda
How It Works and Who Benefits
Cable Television Stations as Brands — Mary Baumgartner Jones
Green Brands and Green Marketing — Janet Di Lorenzo and Richard E Mathison
How Brands Should Be Presented to Elderly Consumers — Delight L Omohundro
Arts Organizations as Brands — Harold F Clark Jr (from a conversation with Charles Ziff)
The Role of Effective Direct Response Communications
Education for Advertising in American Universities — Bruce G Vanden Bergh
Education for the Creative Process — Constantin G Cotzias
Об авторе
John Philip Jones entered academe in 1981 after a 25-year career in advertising with J. Walter Thompson in Europe, is a tenured Professor in the Newhouse School at Syracuse University, and was Chairman of the Advertising Department for seven years. He has published ten books on advertising and numerous journal articles, and his work has been translated into German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Arabic. In 1991, John Philip Jones was named by the American Advertising Federation as the Distinguished Advertising Educator of the Year. In the same year he became a member of the Council of Judges of the Advertising Hall of Fame. In 1994, he was elected a member of the National Advertising Review Board. In 1996, he received a major award from Cowles Business Media and the American Association of Advertising Agencies for leadership in the media field. There were two prize winners, the other being NBC Sports. He received the Telmar Award in 1997, for extending the concept of Short-Term Advertising Strength (STAS) from television to print media. In 2001, he received the Syracuse University Chancellor’s Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement.