The newest edition of the bestselling book on educational
This expanded and thoroughly updated edition of the popular
anthology contains the articles, book excerpts, and seminal reports
that define and drive the field of educational leadership today.
Filled with critical insights from bestselling authors, education
research, and expert practitioners, this comprehensive volume
features six primary areas of concern: The Principles of
Leadership; Moral and Trustworthy Leadership; Culture and Change;
Leadership for Learning; Diversity and Leadership; The Future of
* Offers a practical guide for timeless and current thinking on
educational leadership
* Includes works by Peter Senge and Tom Sergiovanni
* From Jossey-Bass publishers, a noted leader in the fields of
education and leadership
This important resource includes relevant and up-to-date
articles for leaders today on gender, diversity, global
perspectives, standards/testing, e-learning/technology, and
community organizing.
Sources ix
About the Editor xiii
About the Authors xv
Introduction xxiii
Acknowledgments xxv
PART ONE The Principles of Leadership
1. ‘Give Me a Lever Long Enough…and Single-Handed I Can Move the World’ 3
Peter M. Senge
2. The Nature of Leadership 17
John W. Gardner
3. The Unheroic Side of Leadership 28
Jerome T. Murphy
4. Becoming a Trustworthy Leader 40
Megan Tschannen-Moran
5. Presence 55
Robert J. Starratt
6. Educational Leadership Policy Standards: ISLLC 2008 77
PART TWO Leadership for Social Justice
7. Lessons Learned 93
Carmella S. Franco, Maria Gutierrez Ott, and Darline P. Robles
8. A New Way 111
Margaret Grogan and Charol Shakeshaft
9. Why G Quotient Leadership Works 131
Kirk Snyder
10. Engaging in Educational Leadership 148
Maenette Benham and Elizabeth T. Murakami
11. The Role of Special Education Training in the Development of Socially Just Leaders 166
Barbara L. Pazey and Heather A. Cole
PART THREE Culture and Change
12. Culture in Question 197
Roland S. Barth
13. Introduction 207
Michael Fullan
14. Conclusion 220
Tony Wagner and Robert Kegan
15. How to Reach High Performance 255
Kenneth Leithwood, Alma Harris, and Tiiu Strauss
16. Eight Roles of Symbolic Leaders 274
Terrence E. Deal and Kent D. Peterson
17. Risk 287
Roland S. Barth
PART FOUR Leadership for Learning
18. Three Capabilities for Student-Centered Leadership 297
Viviane Robinson
19. The Leader’s Role in Developing Teacher Expertise 317
Stephen Fink and Anneke Markholt
20. Managing School Leadership Teams 334
Paul Bambrick-Santoyo
21. How to Harness Family and Community Energy 348
Molly F. Gordon and Karen Seashore Louis
22. Leadership as Stewardship 372
Thomas J. Sergiovanni
PART FIVE The Future of Leadership
23. Portraits of Teacher Leaders in Practice 393
Ann Lieberman and Lynne Miller
24. Transcending Teaching’s Past 423
Barnett Berry
25. U-Turn to Prosperity 441
Yong Zhao
26. Getting Started 450
Mary-Dean Barringer, Craig Pohlman, and Michele Robinson
27. Integration 475
Tom Vander Ark
28. Resourcefulness 492
Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink
Об авторе
Jossey-Bass is a leading educational publisher. Their
books have been cited for excellence by the American Educational
Research Association, the National School Boards Association, and
the American Educational Studies Association. The Jossey-Bass
Reader series offers both the student and practitioner
collections of vital information on various topics in
Margaret Grogan is a professor of Educational Leadership
and Policy in the School of Educational Studies at Claremont
Graduate University, California.