They say the Bible is true, but does it ring true? Does it resonate?In this journey through the Gospel of Matthew, Matt Woodley considers the audacious idea of a God with us—confronting us in the midst of all we've invested ourselves in and dedicated ourselves to, and encouraging us with the promise that the God who made us has a better life in mind for us.The Resonate series recovers the ancient wisdom of Scripture for a complex world. The stories and insights of each book of the Bible are brought into conversation with contemporary voices of hope and lament—the cultural messages we interact with on a daily basis. The Scriptures become a meeting ground where God is confronted with the pressing concerns of our day, and we are confronted in turn with a fresh experience of God's truth.
Series Introduction
1. The Identity and Mission of Jesus (1:1—4:11)
The World’s Greatest Adventure Story Begins (1:1-17)
When Love Found a Form (1:18-25)
The Strangest Christmas Story (2:1-23)
The good news of Repentance (3:1-17)
Into the Soupy Fog (4:1-11)
2. The Public Ministry of Jesus (4:12—11:1)
Starting with the Big Story (4:12-25)
Upside Down, Upside Right (5:1-12)
The Glory of Salt (5:13-16)
When the Author of the Rule Book Shows Up (5:17-37)
You Must Display Mercy . . . or Else! (5:38-48)
Stealthy Spirituality (6:1-8, 16-18)
A Big Prayer for Little People (6:9-15)
Freedom from the Trap of Stuff (6:19-34; 7:7-12)
Dismantling the Spirit of Judgment (7:1-6)
Time for a Decision (7:13-29)
The Beauty of Being Present (8:1-17, 28-34)
Counting the Cost (8:18-27)
Extreme Desperation (9:1-34)
Unlikely Heroes (10:1-15)
Mean People (10:16-11:1)
3. The Varying Response to Jesus (11:2?16:12)
John the Baptist Meets the Prosperity Gospel (11:1-15; 13:53-58; 14:1-11)
Woe to Those on the Inside Track (11:20-30)
Fighting for Redemption (12:1-21)
The One Unforgivable Sin (12:22-52)
The Unlikely Journey of the Little Seed (13:1-20)
Would You Hurry Up and Do Something! (13:24-43, 47-50)
Joy Happens (13:44-46)
Beautiful Flops (14:22-33)
Missing the Point of It All (15:1-20)
Getting in the House (15:21-28)
Faith Is ‘Impossible’ (15:29—16:12)
4. The Growing Conflict with Jesus (16:13—25:46)
Spiritual but not Religious (16:13-28)
What a Wonderful World (17:1-23)
A Person’s a Person, No Matter How Small (17:24—18:20)
The Unnatural Act of Forgiveness (18:21-35)
Should We Call the Whole Thing Off? (19:1-15)
Everybody Needs an Intervention (19:16-31)
The Shock of Grace (20:1-16)
Jesus and the Culture of Celebrity (20:17-34)
Who Put You in Charge of Us? (21:1-27)
And Then What Happened? (21:28—22:14)
Jesus’ Quiet Superpower (22:15-46)
Christians Behaving Badly (23:1-39)
A Long, Painful, Messy Birth (24:1-35)
Planting Gardens in Junkyards (24:36—25:30)
Jesus’ Version of the Butterfly Effect (25:31-46)
5. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus (26:1—28:15)
Smashing Into Life and Love (26:1-35)
Shattering the Myth of Innocence (26:31—27:66—Part 1)
God with Us, Asking Our Questions (26:31—27:66—Part 2)
God for Us, Setting the Captives Free (26:31—27:66—Part 3)
One Little Word Changes the World (28:1-15)
Living Between the Bookends—God with Us (28:16-20)
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Leonard Sweet is the E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism at Drew University in Madison, NJ and a visiting distinguished professor at George Fox University in Portland, Oregon. Previously Sweet served as vice president of acadmic affairs and dean of the Theological School at Drew University. Sweet is the author of many books, including Soul Tsunami and Aqua Church