Series Introduction
1. The Identity and Mission of Jesus (1:1–4:11)
The World’s Greatest Adventure Story Begins (1:1-17)
When Love Found a Form (1...
Series Introduction
1. The Identity and Mission of Jesus (1:1–4:11)
The World’s Greatest Adventure Story Begins (1:1-17)
When Love Found a Form (1:18-25)
The Strangest Christmas Story (2:1-23)
The good news of Repentance (3:1-17)
Into the Soupy Fog (4:1-11)
2. The Public Ministry of Jesus (4:12–11:1)
Starting with the Big Story (4:12-25)
Upside Down, Upside Right (5:1-12)
The Glory of Salt (5:13-16)
When the Author of the Rule Book Shows Up (5:17-37)
You Must Display Mercy . . . or Else! (5:38-48)
Stealthy Spirituality (6:1-8, 16-18)
A Big Prayer for Little People (6:9-15)
Freedom from the Trap of Stuff (6:19-34; 7:7-12)
Dismantling the Spirit of Judgment (7:1-6)
Time for a Decision (7:13-29)
The Beauty of Being Present (8:1-17, 28-34)
Counting the Cost (8:18-27)
Extreme Desperation (9:1-34)
Unlikely Heroes (10:1-15)
Mean People (10:16-11:1)
3. The Varying Response to Jesus (11:2?16:12)
John the Baptist Meets the Prosperity Gospel (11:1-15; 13:53-58; 14:1-11)
Woe to Those on the Inside Track (11:20-30)
Fighting for Redemption (12:1-21)
The One Unforgivable Sin (12:22-52)
The Unlikely Journey of the Little Seed (13:1-20)
Would You Hurry Up and Do Something! (13:24-43, 47-50)
Joy Happens (13:44-46)
Beautiful Flops (14:22-33)
Missing the Point of It All (15:1-20)
Getting in the House (15:21-28)
Faith Is ‘Impossible’ (15:29–16:12)
4. The Growing Conflict with Jesus (16:13–25:46)
Spiritual but not Religious (16:13-28)
What a Wonderful World (17:1-23)
A Person’s a Person, No Matter How Small (17:24–18:20)
The Unnatural Act of Forgiveness (18:21-35)
Should We Call the Whole Thing Off? (19:1-15)
Everybody Needs an Intervention (19:16-31)
The Shock of Grace (20:1-16)
Jesus and the Culture of Celebrity (20:17-34)
Who Put You in Charge of Us? (21:1-27)
And Then What Happened? (21:28–22:14)
Jesus’ Quiet Superpower (22:15-46)
Christians Behaving Badly (23:1-39)
A Long, Painful, Messy Birth (24:1-35)
Planting Gardens in Junkyards (24:36–25:30)
Jesus’ Version of the Butterfly Effect (25:31-46)
5. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus (26:1–28:15)
Smashing Into Life and Love (26:1-35)
Shattering the Myth of Innocence (26:31–27:66–Part 1)
God with Us, Asking Our Questions (26:31–27:66–Part 2)
God for Us, Setting the Captives Free (26:31–27:66–Part 3)
One Little Word Changes the World (28:1-15)
Living Between the Bookends–God with Us (28:16-20)