Lifestyle Management in Health and Social Care is a one-stop handbook for health and social care professionals that assists in the provision of a wide range of professional lifestyle advice, treatment or condition specific therapy.
It is both evidence-based and highly practical. Each chapter provides background information on a particular lifestyle factor including fatigue, stress, relationships and diet. In addition the book offers suggestions for further reading and step-by-step advice on how to explain and facilitate lifestyle skills with clients. At the end of each chapter and posted on the companion website are information sheets to hand out to clients to further support their understanding and their ability to apply effective strategies and skills for change.
* Companion website with downloadable PDF files of client handouts
* Evidence-based
* Multi-professional contributions
* Suggestions for further reading
* Includes motivational interviewing
Section A: Healthy lifestyles.
Chapter 1: Creating the opportunity for change.
Steve Paul and Bill Penson.
Chapter 2: Food and lifestyle: Healthy eating and weight
Dr Pinki Sahota.
Chapter 3: Getting the balance Right: Managing Work-Home
Professor Jim Mc Kenna and Miranda Thew.
Section B: Living with Lifestyle Problems.
Chapter 4: Impact of lifestyle on Back Pain.
Jamie Bell.
Chapter 5: Energy for Life.
Miranda Thew and Sue Pemberton.
Chapter 6: Good Sleep- The Life Enhancer.
Miranda Thew.
Chapter 7: ‘Portable’ Relaxation for Every Day
Miranda Thew.
Chapter 8: Lifestyle Factors In Managing Elevated Blood
Professor Jim Mc Kenna.
Section C: Healthy life and Healthy Relationships.
Chapter 9: Teenagers- Love and Boundaries!.
Gill Coverdale.
Chapter 10: Positive parenting and the Younger Child.
Fiona Wondergem and Dawn Taylor
Об авторе
Miranda Thew is Senior Lecturer within the Faculty of Health
at Leeds Metropolitan University. She has over 20 years clinical
experience predominantly within community mental health and most
recently in liaison psychiatry. Before joining Leeds Met she was
clinical team manager within a chronic fatigue syndrome service.
She has also had experience of establishing innovative occupational
therapy clinics in both primary and secondary care such as stress
management for people with IBS and in GP surgeries. Currently, she
is involved in facilitating lifestyle management sessions to staff
at Leeds Met.
Jim Mc Kenna is Professor of Physical Activity and Health
in the Carnegie Research Institute at Leeds Metropolitan
University. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers and book
chapters, was a scientific contributor to the Chief Medical
Officer’s Report (2004) and co-edited ‘Perspectives on
Health and Exercise’ in 2003. He is an active reviewer for
twelve peer-reviewed journals and five grant-awarding groups, and
has been a postgraduate external examiner for six UK and Irish