A useful toolkit in the implementation of the ISO’s new standard in Knowledge Management. The International Standards Organization (ISO) recently published it’s first standard on knowledge management. This book looks at global examples of best practice in KM, and discusses how the Standard is helping embed these principles into successful organizations.
Chapter 1: The evolution of the KM standard
Nick Milton, director and co-founder of Knoco Ltd
Chapter 2: Guiding principles of the standard
Karen Battersby, director of knowledge management, Freeths
Chapter 3: Context and culture
Liz Hobbs, project manager, Transport for London
Chapter 4: Knowledge development and the knowledge lifecycle
Libbie Evans, senior manager, knowledge management, and
Meghna Shah, change management and communications manager, TD Bank
Chapter 5: Knowledge management enablers
Peter Brown, head of performance knowledge, English Institute of Sport
Chapter 6: Knowledge management culture
Dominique Poole Avery, knowledge manager, Arup
Chapter 7: Leadership for KM
Karen Elson, major projects consultant and chartered engineer, Olympics Learning Legacy
Chapter 8: Planning and operating KM
Rupert Ashley Lescott, specialist in knowledge management, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)
Chapter 9: Performance and improvement
Darryl Wing, director of knowledge management, Fluor
Chapter 10: The future of KM
Patrick Di Domenico, chief knowledge officer, Ogletree, Deakins, and James Lee, co-founder and CEO, Legal Mation
Chapter 11: Will the standard do what it needs to do?
Dave Snowden, chief scientific officer, Cognitive Edge