‘Brilliant devotional theology for the everyday Christian.’
Join Tom Wright on a transformative journey through the Gospels as he explores the life and impact of Jesus: the highs and lows of his earthly ministry, the power of his teaching and his victory over sin and death.
Offering seven weeks’ worth of daily readings and reflections,
Lent and Easter for Everyone enables you to relive Christ’s journey — from his temptations in the wilderness to the darkness of the cross and beyond into the glory of Easter.
Each reflection is drawn from a key passage in Wright’s immensely popular For Everyone series, and each one ends with practical suggestions for personal reflection or group discussion.
Whether used individually or in groups,
Lent and Easter for Everyone serves as a trusted companion, encouraging spiritual growth, deepening understanding, and fostering a renewed sense of hope and purpose as you continue your Christian journey.
Prologue: Jesus in the wilderness
Week 1 Jesus in prayer
Week 2 Jesus among the crowds
Week 3 Jesus among friends
Week 4 Jesus among enemies
Week 5 Jesus in the city
Week 6 Jesus on the cross
Week 7 Jesus in glory
Epilogue: Jesus in us
Questions for discussion and reflection
Introduction ix
Prologue: Jesus in the wilderness 1
Ash Wednesday Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1.9-13) 1
Thursday Temptation in the wilderness 1
(Matthew 4.1-11) 4
Friday Temptation in the wilderness 2
(Luke 4.1-13) 7
Saturday The snake and the love of God
(John 3.1-3, 14-21) 12
Week 1: Jesus among the crowds 16
Monday Jesus calls the disciples (Matthew 4.18-25) 16
Tuesday The healing of a paralysed man
(Mark 2.1-12) 19
Wednesday Jairus’s daughter and a woman with
chronic bleeding (Luke 8.40-56) 23
Thursday The feeding of the five thousand
(Matthew 14.10, 12-21) 26
Friday Bread from heaven (John 6.14-35) 30
Saturday Jesus heals a blind beggar (Mark 10.46-52) 35
Week 2: Jesus in prayer 39
Monday The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 5.1-2; 6.5-15) 39
Tuesday In the presence of God (Matthew 11.25-30) 43
Wednesday Glorify the son (John 17.1-8) 46
Thursday Jesus prays for his people (John 17.9-19) 50
Friday That they may be one (John 17.20-26) 54
Saturday Gethsemane (Matthew 26.36-46) 57
Week 3: Jesus among friends 62
Monday The death of Lazarus (John 11.1-16) 62
Tuesday The resurrection and the life (John 11.17-27) 66
Wednesday Jesus goes to the tomb (John 11.28-37) 70
Thursday The raising of Lazarus (John 11.38-46) 74
Friday Love one another (John 13.31-38) 78
Saturday Obeying and loving (John 15.9-17) 81
Week 4: Jesus among enemies 86
Monday Loving your enemies (Luke 6.27-36) 86
Tuesday Teachings on the sabbath (Mark 2.23-28) 89
Wednesday The healing of a man with a withered hand
(Mark 3.1-6) 92
Thursday Adultery and hypocrisy (John 8.1-11) 95
Friday On paying taxes to Caesar (Mark 12.13-17) 99
Saturday The parable of the tenants
(Matthew 21.33-46) 103
Week 5: Jesus in the city 108
Monday Jesus grieves over Jerusalem
(Luke 13.31-35) 108
Tuesday The triumphal entry (Luke 19.28-40) 111
Wednesday Jesus cleanses the Temple (Luke 19.41-48) 114
Thursday A question about Jesus’ authority
(Luke 20.1-8) 116
Friday Watching for the son of man
(Luke 21.34-38) 119
Saturday The Last Supper (Luke 22.1-23) 123
Holy Week: Jesus on the cross 128
Monday Jesus is arrested (Luke 22.39-53) 128
Tuesday Peter denies Jesus (Luke 22.54-71) 131
Wednesday Jesus before Pilate and Herod (Luke 23.1-12) 135
Thursday Pilate is pressured by the crowds
(Luke 23.13-26) 138
Good Friday The crucifixion (Luke 23.27-49) 143
Holy Saturday The burial of Jesus (Matthew 27.57-66) 147
Easter Week: Jesus in glory 151
Easter Day The resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 28.1-10) 151
Monday The Great Commission (Matthew 28.16-20) 155
Tuesday Light out of darkness
(2 Corinthians 3.18; 4.1-6) 159
Wednesday God’s one and only son (Hebrews 1.1-5) 163
Thursday Jesus as the truly human being
(Hebrews 2.5-9) 167
Friday Jesus revealed (Revelation 1.9-20) 171
Saturday The Word made flesh (John 1.1-18) 174
Об авторе
Tom Wright is Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews and Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He is the author of more than 80 influential books, including The New Testament for Everyone, Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope, The Day the Revolution Began, Paul: A biography, The New Testament in its World and On Earth as in Heaven (all published by SPCK).