Introduction ix
Prologue: Jesus in the wilderness 1
Ash Wednesday Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1.9-13) 1
Thursday Temptation in the wilderness 1
(Matthew 4.1-11) 4
Friday ...
Introduction ix
Prologue: Jesus in the wilderness 1
Ash Wednesday Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1.9-13) 1
Thursday Temptation in the wilderness 1
(Matthew 4.1-11) 4
Friday Temptation in the wilderness 2
(Luke 4.1-13) 7
Saturday The snake and the love of God
(John 3.1-3, 14-21) 12
Week 1: Jesus among the crowds 16
Monday Jesus calls the disciples (Matthew 4.18-25) 16
Tuesday The healing of a paralysed man
(Mark 2.1-12) 19
Wednesday Jairus’s daughter and a woman with
chronic bleeding (Luke 8.40-56) 23
Thursday The feeding of the five thousand
(Matthew 14.10, 12-21) 26
Friday Bread from heaven (John 6.14-35) 30
Saturday Jesus heals a blind beggar (Mark 10.46-52) 35
Week 2: Jesus in prayer 39
Monday The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 5.1-2; 6.5-15) 39
Tuesday In the presence of God (Matthew 11.25-30) 43
Wednesday Glorify the son (John 17.1-8) 46
Thursday Jesus prays for his people (John 17.9-19) 50
Friday That they may be one (John 17.20-26) 54
Saturday Gethsemane (Matthew 26.36-46) 57
Week 3: Jesus among friends 62
Monday The death of Lazarus (John 11.1-16) 62
Tuesday The resurrection and the life (John 11.17-27) 66
Wednesday Jesus goes to the tomb (John 11.28-37) 70
Thursday The raising of Lazarus (John 11.38-46) 74
Friday Love one another (John 13.31-38) 78
Saturday Obeying and loving (John 15.9-17) 81
Week 4: Jesus among enemies 86
Monday Loving your enemies (Luke 6.27-36) 86
Tuesday Teachings on the sabbath (Mark 2.23-28) 89
Wednesday The healing of a man with a withered hand
(Mark 3.1-6) 92
Thursday Adultery and hypocrisy (John 8.1-11) 95
Friday On paying taxes to Caesar (Mark 12.13-17) 99
Saturday The parable of the tenants
(Matthew 21.33-46) 103
Week 5: Jesus in the city 108
Monday Jesus grieves over Jerusalem
(Luke 13.31-35) 108
Tuesday The triumphal entry (Luke 19.28-40) 111
Wednesday Jesus cleanses the Temple (Luke 19.41-48) 114
Thursday A question about Jesus’ authority
(Luke 20.1-8) 116
Friday Watching for the son of man
(Luke 21.34-38) 119
Saturday The Last Supper (Luke 22.1-23) 123
Holy Week: Jesus on the cross 128
Monday Jesus is arrested (Luke 22.39-53) 128
Tuesday Peter denies Jesus (Luke 22.54-71) 131
Wednesday Jesus before Pilate and Herod (Luke 23.1-12) 135
Thursday Pilate is pressured by the crowds
(Luke 23.13-26) 138
Good Friday The crucifixion (Luke 23.27-49) 143
Holy Saturday The burial of Jesus (Matthew 27.57-66) 147
Easter Week: Jesus in glory 151
Easter Day The resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 28.1-10) 151
Monday The Great Commission (Matthew 28.16-20) 155
Tuesday Light out of darkness
(2 Corinthians 3.18; 4.1-6) 159
Wednesday God’s one and only son (Hebrews 1.1-5) 163
Thursday Jesus as the truly human being
(Hebrews 2.5-9) 167
Friday Jesus revealed (Revelation 1.9-20) 171
Saturday The Word made flesh (John 1.1-18) 174