BOOKS BY LUKAS/S.K./JID THE KIDWell, Guys, we’ve reached the ‘Present.’ Do you think Richard and Ellie are HAPPY CAMPERS? We traveled through 7 generations and the last 146 years of America’s history. The Myers family, along with you, experienced all the ups and downs that are America. And the family grew and changed just like your family has changed and will change over time.The plan is to have Luke and Sarah continue the journey in their lifetime to bring ‘Trip #9’ to life! I hope you will all be here. I also hope your attitude about History has gotten more positive and exciting. At the end of each TRIP, I put in a ‘Final Quote.’ List all 8 and see if you now agree. Maybe you have a quote of your own–let me know on So I close with–ALOHA, ADIOS, AU REVOIR, CHEERIO, BON VOYAGE, SHALOM, ADIEU, TOODLES, GOOD-BYE, CIAO, PEACE OUT, ARRIVADERCI, HASTA LA VISTA/BABY, LIVE LONG AND PROSPER, AFTER WHILE CROCODILE, SEE YA LATER ALLIGATOR, SAYANORA, KEEP IT REAL, SO LONG, CATCH YA ON THE FLIP SIDE.AND FOR 2 SPECIAL LADIES, DONNA AND DOMINIQUE–‘PAALAM’ and ‘SALAMAT’! (Good-bye/Thank You w/hugs)
About the author
Lukas—Luke J. Moran: “And so we continue the series…”
S. K.—Sarah K. Moran: “Stay cool my friends!”
Jid the Kid—Ken Hanna: I’m still getting older, at least by the calendar—my mind is still saying, “NO!” The grandkids say, “He got swag!” (I hope that’s good.)