Essential reading to support principled assessment decisions in the classroom
Assessment has become an increasingly complex area for primary schools in recent years, with schools and academy trusts trying to create their own ways of assessing without levels. Trainee teachers find it hard to understand key principles in assessment when practice in each of their school experiences is so varied. This ′essentials′ text supports trainee and beginning teachers to understand the current context and consider essential principles for good practice in primary assessment.
The book:
– features explanations of key terminology
– includes practical examples from classrooms and schools
– supports teacher assessment literacy
– explores the assessment system as a whole
– covers formative and summative assessment, pupil progress, data and moderation.
Table of Content
1. Introduction
2. Key terms
3. Formative use of assessment by teachers
4. Formative use of assessment by pupils
5. Summative use of assessment
6. Pupil progress and progression
7. Using data to support school improvement
8. Moderation for professional learning
9. Conclusion
About the author
Sarah Earle leads the Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS) project at Bath Spa University. During her 13 years teaching in primary schools she was Assessment coordinator and Science Subject Leader. She has delivered a range of assessment and science CPD courses and has been a Senior Lecturer for Primary PGCE since 2012. She is also a Primary Science Quality Mark hubleader and Reviews Editor for the Association of Science Education’s Primary Science journal.