MICHAEL D. PALMER is a professor of philosophy at Regent University. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, book chapters, and reviews, he has published four books, including a two-volume work The Holy Spirit and Social Justice, Interdisciplinary Global Perspectives (2019), coedited with Antipas Harris. Palmer has extensive experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in moral theory, social ethics, applied ethics, and philosophy of religion. He has also conducted professional workshops and seminars for educators on topics relating to religion and ethics.
STANLEY M. BURGESS is Professor Emeritus, Missouri State University. In addition to over 150 scholarly articles, he has published numerous books, including the International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (2002), the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity (2004), and Christian Peoples of the Spirit: a Documentary Collection (2011).
7 Ebooks by Stanley M. Burgess
Michael D. Palmer & Stanley M. Burgess: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice brings together a team of distinguished scholars to provide a comprehensive and comparative account of social justice in the major religio …
Michael D. Palmer & Stanley M. Burgess: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice brings together a team of distinguished scholars to provide a comprehensive and comparative account of social justice in the major religio …
Stanley M. Burgess & Paul W. Lewis: A Light to the Nations
The essays in this volume, which are written by friends, colleagues, and former students, are dedicated to Gary B. Mc Gee as a memorial to his life, work, and service. As a professor with a clear cal …
Stanley M. Burgess: Holy Spirit: Medieval Roman Catholic and Reformation Traditions
The Holy Spirit: Medieval Roman Catholic and Reformation Traditions (Sixth-Sixteenth Centuries) is the third in a series of three volumes devoted to the history of Christian pneumatology.In the first …
Stanley M. Burgess: Reaching Beyond
Throughout recorded history mankind has attempted to define perfection. This always has been a most perplexing task, almost as difficult as attaining perfection once the term has been defined. One of …
Stanley M. Burgess & Ruth Vassar Burgess: Two Millennia of Memorable Christian Women
For over 2, 000 years, Christian women have struggled with inequities between the genders. This certainly has been true in matters religious. Christian women have shown ethical, moral and spiritual s …
Ruth V Burgess & Stanley M Burgess: Untold Legacies: the Men Speak Out
This intriguing study introduces multi-generations of males as they were affected by travels and adventures. First the patriarchs set the framework for those who followed. Then insider tales illumina …