Throughout recorded history mankind has attempted to define perfection. This always has been a most perplexing task, almost as difficult as attaining perfection once the term has been defined. One of the most vexing problems facing the perfectionist has been how to elevate themselves above matter, especially the body, in order to emulate their god-model.
Reaching Beyond: Chapters in the History of Perfectionism highlights the concept of perfection in primitive man, in both Old and New Testaments, and in a variety of perfectionist individuals and movements throughout Christian history, including the Montanists, the Medieval Apocalyptist, Joachim of Fiore; the rationalist, Thomas Aquinas; a leading Eastern Orthodox mystic, St. Symeon the New Theologian; Calvin and his followers; early modern Puritans and later primitivists; and the Pentecostals, who strive for both purity and preparation.
In short, this book is a study of the human perfectionist impulse and its motivations. In certain cases, perfectionism is a reaction against limitation, inadequacy, incompleteness and evil-a rejection of comfortable, popular religion. In other instances, perfectionism is a more positive effort, a striving after holiness or knowledge, a preparation for the parousia or a quest for a return to primitive religious roots.
About the author
Stanley M. Burgess is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri. He is the coeditor of the New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (2002) and has authored Christian Peoples of the Spirit (2011) and numerous other works.