General considerations.
Deltas – remarks on terminology and classification.
Depositional architecture and facies of river and fan deltas: a
General considerations.
Deltas – remarks on terminology and classification.
Depositional architecture and facies of river and fan deltas: a
Aspects of sediment movement on steep delta slopes.
The underwater development of Holocene fan deltas.
Fan-delta facies associations in late Neogene and Quaternary
basins of southeastern Spain.
Tectonic controls on course-grained delta depositional systems
in rift basins.
Pleistocene fan deltas in southeastern Iberian peninsula:
sedimentary controls and sea-level changes.
Modern alluvial deltas.
Morphology and sedimentology of an emergent fjord-head
Gilbert-type delta: Alta delta, Norway.
Morphology and sedimentary processes on the subaqueous Noeick
River delta, British Columbia, Canada.
Ancient alluvial deltas – effects of tectonics.
Fan-delta sequences in the Pleistocene and Holocene Burdur
Basin, Turkey: the role of basin-margin configuration in sediment
entrapment and differential facies development.
Stacked Gilbert-type deltas in the marine pull-apart basin of
Abaran, late Serravallian-early Tortonian, southeastern Spain.
Transverse and longitudinal Gilbert-type deltas, Tertiary
Coalmont Formation, North Park Basin, Colorado, USA.
The Miocene Chunbuk Formation, southeastern Korea: marine
Gilbert-type fan-delta system.
Sequence analysis of a marine Gilbert-type delta, La Miel,
Albian Lunada Formation of northern Spain.
Ancient alluvial deltas – effects of varying climate and
water level.
Climatically triggered Gilbert-type lacustrine fan deltas, the
Dead Sea area, Israel.
Pleistocene glacial fan deltas in southern Ontario, Canada.
Diurnally and seasonally controlled sedimentation on a
glaciolacustrine foreset slope: an example from the Pleistocene of
eastern Poland.
Wave-dominated Gilbert-type gravel deltas in the hinterland of
the Gulf of Taranto (Pleistocene, southern Italy).
Non-alluvial deltas.
Lava-fed Gilbert-type delta in the Polonez Cove Formation (Lower
Oligocene), King George Island, West Antarctica.