This Special Publication contains most of the contributions presented at the 1st International Workshop on Fan Deltas (1988) but also contains additional papers which make this particular volume a very well-rounded reference source for the advanced undergraduate/graduate student and the professional earth scientist concerned with sedimentology and petroleum geology. The papers describe the sedimentology and tectonic setting of this important depositional environment. Course-grained deltas, ranging from sand to gravelly, are fully covered and the main focus is on steep-face systems whose steep subaqueous slopes are dominated by high-energy processes. The volume includes case histories from around the world and throughout the book there is emphasis on the subaqueous realm of the delta face, its sedimentary processes and facies associations
General considerations.
Deltas – remarks on terminology and classification.
Depositional architecture and facies of river and fan deltas: a
Aspects of sediment movement on steep delta slopes.
The underwater development of Holocene fan deltas.
Fan-delta facies associations in late Neogene and Quaternary
basins of southeastern Spain.
Tectonic controls on course-grained delta depositional systems
in rift basins.
Pleistocene fan deltas in southeastern Iberian peninsula:
sedimentary controls and sea-level changes.
Modern alluvial deltas.
Morphology and sedimentology of an emergent fjord-head
Gilbert-type delta: Alta delta, Norway.
Morphology and sedimentary processes on the subaqueous Noeick
River delta, British Columbia, Canada.
Ancient alluvial deltas – effects of tectonics.
Fan-delta sequences in the Pleistocene and Holocene Burdur
Basin, Turkey: the role of basin-margin configuration in sediment
entrapment and differential facies development.
Stacked Gilbert-type deltas in the marine pull-apart basin of
Abaran, late Serravallian-early Tortonian, southeastern Spain.
Transverse and longitudinal Gilbert-type deltas, Tertiary
Coalmont Formation, North Park Basin, Colorado, USA.
The Miocene Chunbuk Formation, southeastern Korea: marine
Gilbert-type fan-delta system.
Sequence analysis of a marine Gilbert-type delta, La Miel,
Albian Lunada Formation of northern Spain.
Ancient alluvial deltas – effects of varying climate and
water level.
Climatically triggered Gilbert-type lacustrine fan deltas, the
Dead Sea area, Israel.
Pleistocene glacial fan deltas in southern Ontario, Canada.
Diurnally and seasonally controlled sedimentation on a
glaciolacustrine foreset slope: an example from the Pleistocene of
eastern Poland.
Wave-dominated Gilbert-type gravel deltas in the hinterland of
the Gulf of Taranto (Pleistocene, southern Italy).
Non-alluvial deltas.
Lava-fed Gilbert-type delta in the Polonez Cove Formation (Lower
Oligocene), King George Island, West Antarctica.
Про автора
Albina Colella is the editor of Coarse-Grained Deltas, published by Wiley.
David Prior is the editor of Coarse-Grained Deltas, published by Wiley.