Once you learn the effective strategies in this book, you will be on your way to saving big time money in your daily life!
This book provides a comprehensive guide to living a frugal lifestyle. It covers a range of topics, including energy efficiency, smart shopping, investing for the future, frugal transportation, health and wellness, raising children frugally, building an emergency.
In this definitive guide you will learn tips and tricks that will benefit you on your path to frugal living, ultimately helping you gain the financial freedom you desire.
This Book Now and Learn the Following:
- 4 Busted myths about Frugality
- How to change your mentality from consumerism to frugality
- The benefits of frugality
- How to be frugal is all aspects of your life
This book is meant to serve as motivation by providing some background information of millionaires who came from seemingly nothing. In this book, you will learn the formula used by successful people that is never taught in schools, that you can apply to your life immediately.
Chapter 1: What Is Being Frugal?
Chapter 2: Being Frugal At Home
Chapter 3: Being Frugal With Transportation
Chapter 4: Travel
Chapter 5: Personal Welfare
Chapter 6: Frugality While Shopping
Chapter 7: Frugal Entertainment